My doppelganger drama

Chapter 392 “Underworld Scene”

Is this what you look like? You're so handsome! Shen Yuezhi looked at the coffee machine man and was a little excited.

There is no such thing as 'original'. Our batch of omnics all have two modes: a concealed mode and a liberated mode. The concealed mode can reduce energy consumption and facilitate concealment, while the liberated mode can open up computing power and adapt to combat. The coffee machine man is honest. explained.

I see. Shen Yuezhi thought he understood.

After all, it’s the car form and robot form of Transformers, right?

Why didn't you just call for help from others when the incident happened? You put yourself in danger. Don't you know how important you are? the coffee machine said.

It is precisely because they know that I am important, so if I am captured, I will be able to attract some of their attention.

We are fully prepared and we don't need you to worry about it, Wan Yi said.

Well, thank you for your help, Mr. Troupe Leader. Shen Yuezhi thanked him.

What about the evacuation of the others?

Merck, Laphne and Baicang are assisting. The progress is encouraging. Most of the refugees in the management office have been evacuated. We are rushing over there. Wan Yi took a look at the situation at Brother Duomu and Lucas. said.

That's good, that's good. Shen Yuezhi's heart relaxed a little.

After talking about Shen Yuezhi, Wan Yi looked at the coffee machine and said, Did you get rid of that sweeping robot?

No, its computing power is expanding abnormally. Under normal circumstances, I could indeed scrap it directly, but just now, my results were changed by it. The coffee machine replied.

It seems that it's far from time to breathe a sigh of relief. Wan Yi said.

What happened to Shen Yuezhi and the refugee movement will affect the future of the broken world.

The omnic issue is the current crisis that needs to be faced.

The Book of Disaster in my arms is now a little quieter.

But this is not a good sign.

Wan Yi is now next to the coffee machine. Logically speaking, the coffee machine is also a member of the omnics. The vision of the Book of Disaster that first made Wan Yi notice the existence of omnics was also triggered by the coffee machine.

But now that he was staying next to the coffee machine, the Book of Disaster became unresponsive.

So before, the people who caused the Book of Disaster's reaction could only be the sweeping robot gang.


This kind of thing is quite complicated for disasters. If he thought correctly, things about the omnics were slipping in a bad direction.

While thinking, Wan Yi and the coffee machine man were both very fast. If not for Shen Yuezhi, they would have been even faster.

They saw the noisy crowd from a distance, gradually moving towards the transport aircraft next to the boundary project bridge.

Although this side was originally very spacious, the ruins and debris on the other side of the boundary project greatly affected traffic, and coupled with the huge flow of people, it was still not that easy.

It can be seen that people sent by Guiyi are maintaining order while trying to clear wider passages to facilitate the movement of refugees.

They passed directly over the crowd and came to the side of the crowd.

Merck was watching the situation. After seeing Wan Yi and the coffee machine coming over, he first sighed in surprise at the appearance of the coffee machine, and then picked up Shen Yuezhi.

Mr. Merck!

Well, it's okay. Let's get on the ship. Merck pointed to the aircraft behind him.

Shen Yuezhi shook his head and said: Let me help with the evacuation. With my authority, it should be more efficient.

Of course you can if you are willing. Merck smiled, and then asked people to take Shen Yuezhi over to start work.

Before Shen Yuezhi left, she cheered on the coffee machine.

The coffee machine bent over and waved his hand gently, watching Shen Yuezhi walk away.

Laphne also came over at this time and said: Your transport aircraft has enough capacity. The aircraft we originally prepared will be used to pick up the urban residents who have been persuaded by us to join the refugee movement.

Thank you for your work, Merck said.

Laphne was equally surprised as she looked at the transformed coffee machine and said, Wow, so cool.

Thank you. The coffee machine thanked him again.

Where are those Bai Cang ones? Laphne nodded and looked around and asked.

They are not suitable for evacuation work, so they go do things that are more suitable for them and eliminate the obstruction of the city. Merck shrugged.

I haven't seen them around here.

They said the opportunity was rare, so they planned to go a little overboard, Wan Yi said.

Ah? What are they going to do? Laphne asked in confusion.

It's probably almost there, we'll see it soon.


Suddenly a shadow crossed the horizon.

Everyone looked up together and found that it was a somewhat old aircraft. The pattern on it seemed to be from the Spider God Cult.

Aircraft? We don't need it anymore? Laphne was puzzled.

We really don't need it anymore, so this is for the other side. Wan Yi said lightly.

Merck realized something and frowned slightly.

Ravni was still a little confused.

What country was Miss Laphne from before she traveled through time?


Then you should know about 911.

Laphne suddenly understood: Madman! I helped to untie the city's air defense circle to let Guiyi's aircraft in, not for this!

There is no way, after all, they are a cult. Wan Yi shrugged, The delivery location is the city municipal building.

The old aircraft began to dive without any intention of slowing down.

Who flew the aircraft? You are really not afraid of death! Laphne asked.

He seems to be a fanatical believer. Wan Yi's eyes were wandering under the crow mask, but fortunately no one saw it.

At this time, that seat was flying.

Wan Yi took off the painted leather mask on his face, grabbed a bottle of white wine and poured it into his mouth.

Tons tons tons~.

Ha! It feels great. Flying an aircraft into a building is an experience that is rare. Isn't this more domineering than a simple suicide bomb? It's also memorable!

This old aircraft of the Spider God Sect is quite big. Although it is very old, the engine can still run! Give it to me!

With Yan Yi, who Wan Yi couldn't bear to look at, he pushed the joystick vigorously and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Wan Yi would not be timid at all when it came to dying.

Some people in the city seemed to have noticed the swooping aircraft midway, but the hasty interception halfway could not prevent the aircraft from falling and impacting.

Finally, it plunged into a very conspicuous building in the city.

Wan Yi in the aircraft felt the impact and at the same time, he activated his metamorphosis. A safety bolt appeared on the side of his neck, and he pulled it lightly.


The destructive energy intensified, and more light and heat spurted out from his body!

boom! Boom!

Continuous explosions sounded in the distance and could be heard throughout the city and even other neighboring cities.

Who the hell is the impending disaster? Merck couldn't help but say.

The omnics hadn't had time to do anything big yet, and Baicang's move suddenly aroused everyone's crazy impression of this cult.

This is Baicang... Laphne looked serious.

Well, this is an evil cult! Wan Yi also nodded seriously.

Coffee machine:……

In the distance, Bishop Jumping Spider looked at this scene and said: This is so exciting. This is how we used the useless aircraft before.

As it said, it looked at Lucas next to it: It seems you borrowed it?

Don't talk nonsense, it was done privately by a subordinate. Lucas immediately threw the blame.

The Jumping Spider Bishop squinted at him and rubbed his front feet.

On the other side, Meta looked at the black smoke billowing municipal building with his hands like a lookout: This reminds me of a familiar disaster in my previous life. Is this the purpose of borrowing an aircraft from the Spider God Cult?

Don't talk nonsense, it's what the people in the troupe think. Brother Duomu also used a similar tone to throw away the pot.

Meta narrowed her eyes at him.

Recall that the theater troupe is an organization that gathers suicide bombers. For them, this kind of attack is probably just a trivial matter.

The boomerang returned to Wan Yi's body.

He swore that he just said, How about restoring the next scene? when Wan Yi was discussing how to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big deal.

Just put forward a small idea.

It was the other clones who cheered loudly and clamored for the execution.

It has nothing to do with the body.

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