My doppelganger drama

Chapter 393 The so-called “computing power”

Although after the refugee incident happened in this city, none of the high-level officials could escape after the liquidation, but it is really a bit too much to send people away so simply... Laphne was much frightened by what she said today. A lot.

You still need to be cautious when cooperating with Baicang. Merck commented.

Wan Yi, the culprit, looked away with his dull eyes in the crow mask and said nothing.

There is nothing to say. Anyway, the fault lies with Baicang. Baicang’s aircraft and Baicang’s execution are all responsible for this matter.

Put Bai Cang aside in advance. As far as cooperation matters are concerned, they have done a really good job. The city's blocking force will basically be useless in the future. The coffee machine started to talk about business.

Well, yes, they are probably completely exhausted now. Merck responded.

The next focus is on my compatriots. The coffee machine looked deep into the city.

Are all the compatriots except you choosing to side with the sweeping robot? Why can't you see even a moderate faction? Wan Yi asked.

I kept them out of the way, the coffee machine said.

Huh? Everyone looked puzzled.

For compatriots who have nothing to do with this matter, I found them during this period and asked them to leave. This is a confrontation between two people who went astray and has nothing to do with them. I have no position to let them stand on my side. Coffee. Machine said.

Wan Yiyi slapped his head: You are really honest, but you don't use the power you can use.

Principles are necessary. I have already broken them once for Shen. That was a principle for people. Now I have to stick to my principles for my compatriots. The coffee machine said.

'Principles' are not a valuable thing in any world. Wan Yi said lightly.

Please don't add negative chips to me as a human being. You are also a human being, right, Mr. Troupe Leader?

I don't care. It's fun to mix black, white, white and gray together. Just because I look like a human doesn't mean that I stand there. After all, it's not a human being who brings disaster to others. As he said this, Wan Yi tilted his head back and looked at the person next to him. Merck.

What a disaster... The coffee machine was silent.

The beginning of omnic was also a disaster, and its current comeback is also related to the disaster of its predecessor.

The body is dead, but his influence is profound enough.

Suddenly, the coffee machine man's eyes flashed with golden light, and he looked in a certain direction.

Merck seemed to feel something, and followed the coffee machine man's gaze.

What's wrong? Ravni asked.

A chaotic computing power is expanding. Merck answered first, but he frowned, as if he saw something puzzling.

Chaotic computing power is discarding the results, causing the computing power operation process to continue in an infinite loop and expand. The special dual voices of the coffee machine man also reflected a serious tone.

Let me ask in advance, the 'computing power' you are talking about should not be the same thing as the computing power that everyone normally understands. It seems to be more similar to a kind of energy. Wan Yi interjected at this time and asked.

After Merck nodded, he said: The computing power we talk about is a blunting of rigor. This is actually a chaotic law of this world, just like some physical rules have been blurred or even obscured. Just treat it like a simple toy.

In a broken world, narrow computing power generates substantial energy in computing activities, and is promoted along with computing activities. Calculators can use computing power to fiddle with variables to accelerate the realization of some incredible phenomena.

Huh, this is not smart at all, but it breaks the world. Wan Yi commented.

Computing power cannot be generated out of thin air. There is no seed of power. It must be mastered spontaneously by those who are good at it after 'comprehension'. Although the intensity may not be comparable, it can be understood as the field of calculation.

As he said that, Merck looked at the coffee machine next to him: From the time I first saw the 'omnic', I have been amazed all the time, because you have this kind of 'computing power' in your basic components. I was first The old man was forced to stay in the archives for three months before he felt it!

The coffee machine just shook his head: It's just thanks to your innate advantages. But as a human being, your computing power reserve is close to my storage mode, which is already amazing.

There has also been mutual business chatter.

When Wan Yi heard this, he directly picked up Gui Yiyi's information terminal and started checking information.

After reading a few pieces of information according to Merck's description, the eyes under the crow mask suddenly narrowed.

Good guy. Merck put it lightly. Among those who are proficient in this field, computing power perception usually requires years of special training and influence before they can master it naturally by just trying their luck.

Humans have this talent, but it's really not comparable to omnics.

But he just searched some information about Merck.

This guy talks about mastering it after three months of retreat, provided that he becomes a monk halfway. The qualitative change from mastering the direction of calculation to being noticed by the veteran cadre who returned to the First Army and then being forced to go into seclusion only lasted two years.

This boring tech geek is actually a super genius!

Damn it, because Wan Yi searched for Merck's background, he felt like he was being Versailles.

He put away the terminal without leaving a trace, raised his head calmly, and pretended that nothing happened.

To put it bluntly, computing power can be regarded as part of the combat power consideration for people like you, right?

Not just part of it, sometimes even all of it. Merck waved his finger.

Then what you just meant is that a big boss is being generated in the city in the distance?

That's understandable. Merck nodded.

Tsk... Wan Yi clicked his tongue.

Here comes something to increase the workload.

Although I don't know what happened over there, are we just watching stupidly like this? Laphne was a little confused from halfway, but in the end she asked a more critical question.

It's hard to tell whether the other party is deliberately bluffing to attract us. Merck looked solemn.

Then let Baicang pass. Wan Yi said directly.

Huh? It seems that a boss is spawning and you want us to explore the path? Lucas complained directly after receiving the contact.

Lucas was actually not that reluctant to hang up the communication. After all, it was a very reasonable reconnaissance commission.

It was just the main body's clear and concise tone of recommendation that really left him and Brother Duomu speechless.

Then let's go. Bishop Jumping Spider was also listening. Seeing Lucas's face, he scratched his calf with one of his front feet and said.

Lucas felt the itchy touch on his calf, and bent down to touch it.

Then he was dodged by the Jumping Spider Bishop.

Once you're used to it, it's normal that you can't touch it every day. Lucas put away his hand and stood up and said, You're so open-minded. Scouts are often synonymous with cannon fodder.

Hmph, it's just a manifestation of lack of confidence in one's own strength. Bishop Jumping Spider said disdainfully.

Yes, yes, Lucas responded.

One person and one spider rushed towards the direction of Merck and the others.

On the other side, Brother Duomu hung up the communication and said, It's enough for me to go alone.

Are you looking down on me? I'm your boss. Meta defended himself.

You're not good at reconnaissance, so I just went over to take a look. There are many Spider Gods, and they are mainly responsible. I will go and collect information. You continue to stare at that stupid Sheriff. Brother Dom said clearly and clearly.

Meta could only nod when he heard this. Although the situation in the city was almost exploding now, the police chief was still the last gathering point of official power and could not be ignored at will.

Be careful and don't let me turn into a polished commander. Meta said.

Don't worry, I won't die. Brother Duomu responded casually and walked away.

Meta was left there, shrugging helplessly and sighing.

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