My doppelganger drama

Chapter 391 Meeting

I've never heard that disasters can disappear spontaneously after a union is resolved. Wan Yi said.

Everyone's attention shifted to this mysterious visitor.

After I learned about your existence, I was actually very surprised. Although the forms of disasters are all kinds of strange, your state is a bit wrong. It is not cohesive, but it is not completely dispersed.

Wan Yi spoke eloquently: After comparing the past descriptions of 'omnics', I noticed that you did not seem to show one of the outstanding characteristics of the original omnics.


You can infect between objects with complex and sophisticated structures, thereby increasing your companions and growing like a snowball. This was the most frightening part of the 'omnic' at the beginning, but as far as I have seen you have not shown this This tendency makes it seem like the companions you have now are just some of the leftovers you brought with you after you reawakened.”

None of the omnics spoke. Wan Yi looked around and said, The key in your leader's mouth not only blocks your power. The real key is actually the contagion.

So what? the sweeping robot said.

The contagion of 'omnics' cannot be stopped. The peak 'omnics' can make a seemingly unrelated thing gain life and join you just through data transmission. In this case, if the support is not timely, the silver I’m afraid Jinlian United will be swallowed up by you within a few months.”

And after that, the 'omnic' infection will not fade away. You have already been able to defeat a super large alliance, will you really stop just because of a verbal promise?

If a leader can't watch you if you have a different intention, how can you guarantee that you can watch those crazy subordinates in the future?

Faced with Wan Yi's question, the sweeping robot failed to answer immediately.

But soon, it said coldly: I'm not negotiating, I'm just giving you a choice.

Die here, or give me the key and leave.

I won't give it to you. The coffee machine gave its own answer.

Then forgive me for being rude.

As soon as the words came out, the sweeping robot disappeared and rushed directly towards the coffee machine and Wan Yi.

Be careful. The coffee machine monster kindly reminded me.

As soon as Wan Yi let go of his hand, Shen Yuezhi fell from his shoulder. He originally thought that he would fall badly, but the shadow on the ground enveloped him like a hotbed.


The sweeping robot crashed past, but couldn't touch anything.

Wan Yi and the coffee machine both ducked away.

As soon as the red indicator light flashed, it quickly changed into a second-stage sprint, leaving a sharp-angled trajectory on the ground and directly colliding with the coffee machine.

Data streams of red, black and gold bloomed.

On Wan Yi's side, the smart toilet roared towards him, and the armed helicopters in the sky also fired a hail of bullets.

The negative energy on Wan Yi suddenly burst out, condensing countless purple rings composed of zero force around his body.

The ring swallowed up all the opponent's bullets and bullets, and finally gathered into a huge ring and floated in front of Wan Yi. He aimed it at the smart toilet in front of him and directly sent back the accumulated energy.

The smart toilet opens the toilet lid, and the water vortex flies out to meet the blow.

After breaking through the purple energy dust, the smart toilet was about to advance. Several purple ropes suddenly formed to tie it tightly, and the toilet lid was forced to close.

Wan Yi was like swinging a meteor hammer, and after a big loop, he threw the smart toilet towards the armed helicopter above.

The armed helicopter dodged the smart toilet with a slight dodge, causing it to fall into the high-rise building behind it.

Wow——! Wan Yi's crow mask hood suddenly opened and he let out a hoarse and unpleasant cry.

Black waves spread.

Before the armed helicopter could realize what had happened, it suddenly felt that the rotation of its propellers had become sluggish and difficult!

Am I rusty?!

Curse of decay.

Crow looked at the armed helicopter with dull eyes, tapped the soul-eating wand with one hand, and released a large amount of soul crystals from the other hand.

After condensation, guide the tip of the wand and tap it gently towards the armed helicopter.


The soul impact poured out, and the dazzling white light engulfed the armed helicopter.

After Wan Yi finished all this, he turned around and walked away, while white soul flowers bloomed in the sky behind him.

Damn it, why are you so handsome?

Damn, you really did it for him.

You are becoming more and more proficient in controlling and operating power. It seems that you are not completely messed up when you have nothing to do. Green Goblin joked.

Whether I am lazy or not is obvious to everyone. Wan Yi said helplessly.

No, I can't accept it!

It's a pity that I can't wake up the clone who is pretending to be asleep.

Wan Yi looked at the sweeping robot and coffee machine that were having a fierce battle over there, and shouted: How to break this data flow barrier?

The green indicator light of the coffee machine flashed: Wait a moment.

The data flow around it suddenly spread out, suppressing the red data flow of the sweeping robot.

Liberation permission. The coffee machine reported a code.

The indicator light of the sweeping robot flashed several times.

In front of it, the coffee machine unfolds.

Slender and powerful limbs extend out to form a tall humanoid frame. The face is a calm mechanical face, with the whole body dark and covered with golden lines.

Although the coffee machine itself is much smaller than the previous smart toilet, after unfolding and deforming, the strong body is far taller than the smart toilet man.

Slender and delicate fingers stretched out and pointed at the sweeping robot in front of them: Change the premise, interfere with the calculation, and modify the result.


Without any warning, the sweeping robot was blown away. Most of its body exploded on the spot, parts flew around, and the indicator lights no longer flashed regularly.

what happened?

Wan Yi frowned slightly. He didn't see clearly what happened just now, but he saw the coffee machine stretched out its fingers and the sweeping robot exploded.

What is the ability?

Without any time to think, the coffee machine man came to Wan Yi's side in the blink of an eye, and looked at Wan Yi with his golden eyes.

You're quite handsome too.

Thank you for the compliment. The coffee machine man said, reaching out towards the data flow barrier released by the sweeping robot.


The data flow barrier was torn open, but Wan Yi still couldn't see what the other party did.

He put his foot into the shadow under his feet, and with a slight hook, Shen Yuezhi was pulled out and thrown to the coffee machine.

Huh... it's such a magical feeling. It's like being wrapped in a harmless and warm liquid, but it's not wet. Well, it's quite comfortable. After Shen Yuezhi took a breath, he looked at the coffee machine man and talked about himself. Experience in a world of shadows.

Wan Yi and the coffee machine man took Shen Yuezhi and left through the breach.

Not long after they left, the ground suddenly bulged, and the microwave oven was belatedly arrived. After taking a look at the surrounding situation, they quickly dissolved the surrounding ruins and found the hemiplegic sweeping robot.

Boss? Microwave shouted uncertainly.


The red light of the sweeping robot came on again, but it flickered on and off.

The smart toilet, which had many flaws on its body, pushed the armed helicopter that was also on the verge of being scrapped.

That masked human is so insidious! the smart toilet said angrily.

Dreams, negative energy, curses, souls... He has mastered too many things, and he is not weak at all. He is a completely unexpected opponent. The voice of the armed helicopter was a little distorted.

Stop talking, the language module is broken. The smart toilet said.

Boss, are you okay?

The tone of the sweeping robot remained unchanged: The leader has been interfered with. It is indeed unqualified. We will act according to the original plan and snatch the 'key'.

Got it. The other omnics responded.

Send me to the planned location, and the helicopter will come over to repair it with me. Our enemy is the leader, so we must be fully prepared.

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