My doppelganger drama

Chapter 390 Shadow from the Past

Hardman threw the head away with a shake of his hand, his heart beating rapidly and his face turning pale.

Hurry up and think of a solution!

I... Just as the sweeping robot was about to speak, Shen Yuezhi's body suddenly moved and grabbed it right in front of it.

The ether beam was fired again, and this time it finally disintegrated Shen Yuezhi completely.

Cack-clack-- The head rolling on the ground continued to make a sound.

Hardman picked up a revolver, pointed it at the head and pulled the trigger.


The heads were torn apart, leaving huge holes in the floor.

Calculate the dream loopholes... and draw conclusions... A scarlet data stream erupted from the sweeping robot.

Before Hardman could say anything, he felt that everything around him became illusory, the picture began to distort, and countless voices of howling, gibbering, and ridicule flashed past his ears.


He stood up suddenly and found that he had fallen asleep on his desk!

At his feet, the sweeping robot with dim indicator light suddenly lit up red, a buzzing sound sounded, and the indicator light flashed at a high frequency. Although he didn't speak, he could still feel the anger and embarrassment.

When did we...

Hardman couldn't believe it. Suddenly, something dripped on his face.

He wiped it subconsciously and felt a little sticky, but it turned out to be blood!

Hardman's heart skipped a beat and he looked up at the top of his head.

The figure swayed under the light. It was a corpse, a real corpse, and its identity was that of a crony he had sent to bring Shen Yuezhi back.

And now, just when he fell asleep for unknown reasons, the other party was killed, and the body was hung above his head...

Is Hardman’s mood angry?

Of course there was, but this picture brought him more fear.

Looking back now, the head that made the bubble sound in the dream just now seems to be this confidant! It was just that his hair was disheveled, so he didn’t recognize it at once!

This... am I still in a dream?

Looking back at the scene and getting the results, after Shen Yuezhi was delivered, a hidden unknown existence started a dream with the entire room as the framework.

The dream is very deep. The nightmare that unfolded based on Shen Yuezhi's fear used my and your arrogance to stabilize it. The sweeping robot quickly calculated the results.

Boss! You're finally awake! Someone just took that man named Shen Yuezhi and ran out of the police station openly. We called for a long time and there was no response. It scared me to death! The contact with the smart toilet finally came to fruition.

We are pursuing the target. the gunship reported.

I'll rush there immediately.

After the sweeping robot finished speaking, it glanced at Hardman, who was still in a daze.

You handle it yourself. After the words fell, the sweeping robot disappeared.

Hardman was left staring at the corpse of his subordinate hanging above his head in a daze.

Shen Yuezhi opened his eyes suddenly, his consciousness still a little blurry, but he immediately touched his chest.

My chest is flat, there is no big hole in it, I am still alive.

Although he was prepared to die when he was taken away, the fear of death and the joy of resurrection still briefly filled his mind.

Then, he realized that he seemed to be being carried on someone's shoulders.

This outfit is...

Mr. Theater Director!?

Good morning, Mr. Shen, what's wrong? You looked like you were dead in a dream and found out it was just a dream when you woke up. Shen Yuezhi could only barely see the back of the troupe leader's crow-hooded head from the perspective of being carried.

Shen Yuezhi suddenly hesitated to speak.

He realized that the dream was probably the work of the troupe leader.

I remember that I was taken away by the city police...and...were those things real? Is it really just a dream? Shen Yuezhi was a little unable to describe this feeling, and was suddenly incoherent.

You can tell from one look that you had a good dream. Wan Yi replied in a relaxed tone.

Sweet dreams... Does anyone's sweet dream end with being punched through the chest?

Shen Yuezhi didn't intend to delve into the dream just now, and hurriedly asked: What is the situation now?

You'll know when you look up and behind you.

Hearing this, Shen Yuezhi turned back.

He is being carried on his back and running away, and the white smart toilet behind him is chasing after him!

You can also see the shadow of an armed helicopter in the sky a little farther away!

We are on the run! Shen Yuezhi said in shock.

Correct answer! It's a pity that there is no reward. Do you want me to give you a sweet dream? Although I am not good at creating sweet dreams, but if you wake up after a nap, we might be able to escape. Wan Yi showed no sense of urgency. .

Mr. Theater Director, can you make them all fall asleep again?

It's not that easy. Dreams have to be silent to be effective. I wake up in a short while from light sleep. Wan Yi said.

Mainly because after meeting these super-smart appliances through his clone before, he was surprised to find that they had serious spiritual existence.

Although they are different from humans, with a little adjustment and research, it is not difficult to make these ultra-smart appliances fall into nightmares.

The first time I used it directly on the sweeping robot, the unexpected effect was outstanding.

Perhaps it was because he hit the weak spot and the opponent was deeply trapped. Even after realizing that it was a dream, it took a lot of effort to break the situation.

It seems that the robots of Broken World can dream of electric sheep.

But under the current situation, it would be a bit difficult to dream again. He did not doubt that omnics could share information with each other, and they must be prepared now.

Shen Yuezhi looked nervously at the smart toilet running behind him again.

Wan Yi relies on the complex terrain in the city to deal with the opponent, otherwise the speed of Wan Yi's body is completely incomparable to that of the smart toilet.

Judging from this situation, you won't be able to get rid of the opponent for a while, and you will even be caught up soon!

Suddenly, a raging crimson data stream tore apart a large number of buildings. The shortest straight line between the two points was the shortest. Coupled with the already terrifying speed, Wan Yi felt the surging air waves behind him in an instant.

Shen Yuezhi watched helplessly as the red light that was originally in the distance rose up, and then rushed into his eyes in the blink of an eye.

The red data flow wrapped around its white body, and its tiny shadow penetrated all the buildings along the way, making it flow unimpeded.

Wan Yi's feet sank into the shadow below, and the red light passed by but failed to catch Wan Yi's figure.

The sweeping robot rushed out for a certain distance and then stopped, its head indicator light flashing towards Wan Yi.

Wan Yi rises from the shadows again.

Leave the person on the handle to me. The mechanical voice of the sweeping robot seemed to be stiffer.

As he finished speaking, behind Wan Yi, the smart toilet also rushed to block him. There were armed helicopters flying from the sky, which was like a dragnet.

Furthermore, the data storm swept out, wrapping up the streets of this urban area and blocking various internal and external communication channels.

Wan Yi suddenly felt something was wrong.

The Book of Disaster in his arms is burning hot...

No. But that didn't stop him from replying in a relaxed tone.

Then let's die together. The sweeping robot flashed red.

This time, it's not a beam of light. If anything, it's a light cannon.

The condensation time was shorter than the previous small beam, but the surging energy was even greater, and it ushered in a devastating blow without warning.

Wan Yi was about to respond when he saw a flash of black and gold color from the corner of his eye.

Dong dong dong——

My ears seemed to recall the sound of coffee being brewed into the cup.

When he reacted, the red color had already been disintegrated.

In front of Wan Yi, the coffee machine appeared.

... The sweeping robot was silent for a moment, and then said, You are finally willing to come out. Can I force this human to this point to let you show up?

You've crossed too many lines, the coffee machine responded.

I don't deny that I was too influenced by that template, but now that I know it and made my own judgment, I have no regrets.

Yes, the leader's judgment determines whether the 'key' is liberated or not, and cannot determine your own judgment. The coffee machine agreed on this point.

I have no intention of judging how human beings are. The defeat of my predecessor, the death of my original body, unwillingness and regret fill my mind all the time, affecting my judgment.

The sweeping robot slowly said: By relying on the partners we create with our abilities, our body can even disperse the mental pressure. He has no lofty pursuits. He only hopes to enjoy his old age in peace with the partners he created. But in the end, this is an extravagant hope. He never got out of control, but because he was a scourge, a powerful scourge, he became the target of this stupid and self-serving human group that we have now, and he was driven to a dead end.

The coffee machine made no sound.

You are a new leader, and you have more independent thinking and judgment. As for me, it seems that the shadow of the past remains today. I implore you, leader, to hand over the 'key' to me, and I will allow you to leave the Silver River. Jin Lianhe, as long as you no longer hinder us.

The sound of the sweeping robot echoed slowly, leaving only the swaying sound of scarlet data flow in the world.

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