My doppelganger drama

Chapter 389 Stay awake

When Shen Yuezhi woke up, he immediately looked around.

Ignoring the meaningless furnishings for the moment, what caught his attention was the silver-gold United logo and the unified police badge on the wall next to it.

Here is where the answer seems to have emerged.

Mr. Shen, I have admired you for a long time. I have always wanted to see you, but you are very busy and there is never a chance. A nasally voice came in front of me.

Only then did Shen Yuezhi focus on the figure in front of him.

The other party's appearance was not unfamiliar to Shen Yuezhi. After all, he was also a public figure, the city's police chief, Hardman.

Shen Yuezhi found that he was not subject to any restrictions.

Yes, he is just an ordinary person, and the police chief in front of him must be the kind of extraordinary person who has absorbed a lot of fragments. Under his nose, Shen Yuezhi can't do anything small.

Mr. Sheriff, are all joint interrogations of silver and gold prisoners conducted in private offices? Shen Yuezhi said directly without giving the other party much good looks.

Hardman shook his head with a smile and tapped his fingers on the table: No need, Mr. Shen. You won't like the interrogation room. I am not strict in discipline. Sometimes torture and confessions will be forced into the interrogation room, which is not good for you. friendly.

I don't think I deserve your special face-to-face interrogation. Maybe the interrogation room is more suitable for me. Shen Yuezhi said unappreciatively.

He's a tough guy. Hardman nodded.

Shen Yuezhi said, and his body relaxed slightly.

In his field of vision, there was no one else in this room, only him and Sheriff Hardman in front of him.

Sheriff Hardman casually arranged the documents on the table, and the room fell into a brief silence, with only the slight sound of paper scraping.

Then, Hardman finally said: I don't understand, Mr. Shen, what do you want?

Shen Yuezhi answered without hesitation: I want the treatment I deserve, freedom, power and a future.

It's a very reasonable request. As long as you wait patiently, Silver and Gold United will give it to you.

It's not just me, it's us.

...Um, yes, you guys.

But as far as I can see, you don't seem to have that intention at all. You are just trying to prevaricate us and want us to die in silence.

Hardman shook his head: How could it be? The silver-gold alliance is a very fair alliance, but because of various troubles, we also need a certain amount of time to adjust.

Then during your adjustment time, who should be responsible for our life and death? I have seen many refugees who starved to death in the management office, and watched your people carry away one corpse after another indifferently.

As Shen Yuezhi spoke, he suddenly said: Do you know about the concentration camp? Mr. Sheriff.

Sheriff Hardman was slightly stunned and said: I understand what you want to say, but Mr. Shen, I hope you will be careful with your words. You are facing the police chief of this city now. Don't say anything detrimental to yourself.

It's precisely because I know your identity and the weight of your position that I have to say this to you. Shen Yuezhi took a deep breath, In my opinion, your management office has been in line with what I just mentioned. Things are very similar. The only difference is that you haven't broken your skin yet, and you still put on a hypocritical face to make us think that we have arrived where we should be...


Hardman suddenly slapped his hand on the table.

The new desk that had just been replaced suddenly cracked and documents and papers flew around. Shen Yuezhi was startled and fell into silence.

Hardman's face was gloomy for a moment, and then he put on a smile and said: Look, Mr. Shen, you are not as brave as you think, you are just an ordinary person. What you have done has given us a little help. Troublesome, but still not a big deal.”

He paused and continued: We can forgive you, as long as you can stop everything at the moment, tell your companions about our friendship, and put down your childish rebellious heart. If possible, the Silver and Gold Alliance can give you more than you can The benefits of imagination make you a transcendent person above all others and be respected by all.”

No need to talk. Shen Yuezhi was even willing to let Hardman finish his words before refusing.

This made Hardman's face, which felt a little dry after speaking, even more difficult to maintain.

I said it. A cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Shen Yuezhi was able to remain calm when facing Hardman, but after hearing this voice, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

This voice... is that sweeping robot!

The sweeping robot appeared quietly from behind Shen Yuezhi, and Shen Yuezhi was startled again.

But the sweeping robot ignored his meaning for the time being: You humans' weakness has been perfectly experienced in you, Hardman, and now you are still thinking about compromising with him.

Hardman couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed the cup at hand and threw it at the sweeping robot, but it broke inexplicably halfway.

Stop talking nonsense! I just stand in my position and hope to act conservatively! What's wrong with this!

Would you like to describe this stupid behavior as conservative, then that's up to you. But unfortunately, I don't have time to play games with you. The premise has been established, and then I will demonstrate my results.

The sweeping robot suddenly turned around and turned its red indicator light towards Shen Yuezhi.

Shen Yuezhi felt uneasy and took a few steps back.

Human, this has nothing to do with you, but you are too involved. The leader is by your side, right? the sweeping robot asked.


You are not good at lying. Your body reaction tells me that you know me. Yes, I should have thought that as the center of this farce, the leader will naturally find you. I have been looking for you for a long time, but you are right in front of me. Sweeping the floor The robot said to himself.

Shen Yuezhi looked at the other party nervously.

If you are the factor that caused the leader to deviate, then I have reason to remove you and let the leader's judgment return to the right track.

The red indicator light of the sweeping robot flashes intensively.

The ether beam condensed and fired without hesitation.


Shen Yuezhi watched as his chest was painlessly pierced, and his consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

This is...death...


Shen Yuezhi's body fell down and made no sound.

There was silence in the room for a long time.

Is this the end? Hardman asked tentatively.

The sweeping robot made no sound.

What's going on? He's dead, and the refugee group here has lost its backbone. We can... Hardman continued to speak nervously after seeing this.

Hardman, how long has it been since you received contact from your subordinates outside? There should be a mess outside now. The sweeping robot interrupted Hardman's words and asked.

Hearing this, Hardman wanted to answer smoothly, but was stunned.

He suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie, but there was silence on the other side. He called several times but got no response.

What's going on?! He turned to look out the window, and there was a fog there!

The cup you just threw away was thrown away two days ago, and the fragments should be lying in the garbage dump somewhere.

My attack should directly disintegrate the target. It shouldn't have a piercing effect. This human body is very ordinary... The sweeping robot seemed to be briefly confused.

After the indicator light flashed rapidly, the sweeping robot suddenly reacted: False! We are in a dream!

What?! Hardman was still confused.


A creepy bubbling sound suddenly came from the intercom, and Hardman felt itchy on his face.

I turned around when I heard the sound...

What he is holding is no longer a walkie-talkie, but a disheveled human head...

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