My doppelganger drama

Chapter 371 Chaotic Current Situation

Lucas comes out of the police station.

He accepted the task for the time being. In fact, the Spider God Cult had no choice for the time being. To the city officials, the Spider God Cult was still just a dog that was difficult to train.

If they don't accept it this time, even if they can't free up manpower to deal with the Spider God Cult, they can casually cut off several current connections and resource lines of the Spider God Cult.

What's more, this cooperation is indeed mutually beneficial, and the Spider God Sect has no reason to refuse.

Mr. Sheriff is so cold, he didn't even invite you a cup of coffee. Lucas was still muttering as he walked on the road.

He came to the city boundary transfer port and came to explore the way first.

Originally, a special boundary project was built here, which was a bridge that allowed people to connect to the distant boundary zone. However, after experiencing the storm of the boundary zone disintegrating, this boundary project has become dilapidated.

A section of the bridge near the boundary zone broke, and many supports were overwhelmed. It can be said to be in danger.

There is very little left of the boundary strip, and the city has yet to come to any conclusion regarding the reconstruction of the bridge project along this boundary line.

At the starting point of the boundary engineering bridge on Sky Island No. 6, you can see tents and many temporary buildings.

This is the centralized management office for these large influxes of refugees.

The infrastructure is quite complete, but it is full of people, and it is as crowded as a well-known tourist attraction during the holidays.

There was a lot of people around and hustle and bustle everywhere.

Lucas saw chaos upon arrival.

A group of people gathered and held up signs in the crowd, calling for fair treatment, refusing to be prevaricated, and longing for freedom.

Their voice was very loud and attracted many people to join.

This is a parade.

Some armed officers from the management office stood at the front of the parade, but they looked at each other.

Finally, one of them shouted calm down and stepped forward to negotiate with the marchers, but he was beaten with sticks before he could say a few words.

Obviously this expedient attitude was not acceptable to the marchers.

These armed personnel are all qualitatively transformed, and with the equipment on their bodies, it is impossible for this stick attack to really hurt them.

But it does look very embarrassing.

In a real fight, these armed men were probably strong enough to plow through the parade, but the result was that they could only hold their heads and squat in defense, allowing others to vent their anger.

In fact, even if they want to take action, there may not be a way.

Lucas quickly scanned the surroundings with his eight eyes and confirmed that many people were secretly observing the parade.

These people are not official at first glance, they are probably just some powerful residents in this city. Most of the residents are refugees, and there are many kind-hearted people among them who hope to help these compatriots who have been treated unfairly.

If a conflict breaks out, the city is currently short of manpower and cannot afford the cost of civil unrest.

Human beings are so complicated when they gather together.

Wan Yi gathered together and it was very neat and tidy.

Lucas gave himself a small pat on the back.

However, fortunately, these marching refugees have no fighting power at all. Now there is no one to guide them to make a qualitative change and cannot gain more power. Therefore, this kind of protest can only stay at the level of marching.

However, there is still a very serious hidden element.


There are troublemakers among the crowd, and under the current situation, it is impossible to identify troublemakers and catch them out.

It has been some time since the boundary zone collapsed, and some of the harmful ether energy should have been accumulated to a certain extent.

The peculiarity is about to be revealed, and by then this refugee chaos will reach a new peak.

Suddenly, the roar of engines was heard in the distance, and several aircraft marked with bronze crosses were flying back from the other end of the boundary project.

They flew over the crowd at low altitude, and many people below threw various objects at the aircraft. Unfortunately, even at low altitude, these projectiles could not reach them.

That sign must be the city's rescue team. Lucas thought for a moment and remembered what those aircraft were.

Since the collapsed boundary zone did not border the sky island, a lot of debris did not actually float to the sky island.

Some of the fragments disappeared directly outside the sky island, and many of them landed in nooks and crannies, making people trapped.

There are still many people waiting for rescue on the broken boundary engineering bridge alone. After these people, there are also some people who are forced to stay on the debris of the empty island and the desolate lower-level empty islands.

The city rescue team has been very busy recently, but it is also unpleasant both internally and externally.

Rescuing people is a necessary responsibility of the rescue team, but I am afraid not many people in this city hope that they will bring more people back.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a cannonball shot up and collided with one of the aircraft.


The rescue aircraft did not have much combat equipment, but this shot was very powerful. The hit aircraft lost its balance, rolled over and dived towards the crowd below.

The crowd made an uproar and fled in all directions. The parade team also dispersed immediately, and a large-scale stampede occurred.

Several armed men were overwhelmed by the crowd and could only watch helplessly as an aircraft fell towards this side.

At this critical moment, the surrounding city residents who were secretly observing finally took action.

Several of them stepped forward to intercept the craft, while others went to rescue those who were being trampled.

In the crowd, a man wearing thick-rimmed glasses was knocked to the ground. Fortunately, he struggled to crawl out of the crowd. Although he was kicked a few times, his life was not in danger.

The small board he had written on on it was missing. When he looked back, he found that it had been trampled by the crowd.

Looking at the sky, the aircraft has been intercepted by several people and has not landed to cause further casualties.

Looking enviously at these people who had mastered superhuman strength, he casually walked into a tent and panted slightly.

Taking off his cracked glasses, the young man sat down dejectedly.

It's over... He muttered, looking at the dark roof of the tent.


The lights in the tent were suddenly lit, and the man immediately looked around nervously.

This shell was fired at the right time. The rescue team was originally the most hard-working and uncomplaining people in the officialdom, and the aircraft was also carrying a group of refugees. A voice said slowly.

The man held his head and said, We definitely didn't fight that. We can only make our voices heard through demonstrations. Where did this kind of armed force come from?

It makes sense, but the shells were fired from your refugee group. You can't prove that you don't have the power. Some refugees will question the refugee collective itself, and the city may have to ensure that On the basis of your lives, we will use a little violence to deal with your possible threats.

Hearing this, the man was silent for a moment, his smart eyes dimmed a little, and asked: Who are you?

Lucas steps out of the shadows.

Hello, we are a cult that everyone loves. We focus on loving and protecting spiders. Here you can even choose whether to continue to be a human or a spider.

The man looked at Lucas and subconsciously moved back a little distance.

It's a normal reaction to see people wearing fancy clothes and not wanting to get involved.

Hello, Shen Yuezhi, as the initiator of the parade that brings everyone together, we are somewhat interested in you. Lucas said to himself.

Shen Yuezhi raised his glasses and looked solemnly at the mysterious man in front of him.

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