My doppelganger drama

Chapter 370 Go to Article 1

Lucas became the eight-eyed bishop, and his work was actually not much different from before.

He is essentially an executor, and his main task is to lead people around and kill them.

At the same time, as an exchange ambassador, I have to argue with all the forces that have established cooperative relations with the Spider God Sect these days. If I can't do it, then go to the first point.

Then there is internal personnel management, promoting outstanding believers, and providing dual guidance to newcomers in terms of strength and thinking. This part was originally the responsibility of Bishop Jumping Spider, but it secretly gave this task to Lucas before. .

And now it's up to Lucas to say the truth.

If you encounter troublemakers or traitors who have sneaked in along the way, torture and kill them to find out where they came from, and then go to the first line.

Then, regarding the expansion of the sect's territory, the establishment of new strongholds and floors, etc. are naturally within his scope. Depending on the situation, this section will be transferred to the second article.

In short, Bishop Jumping Spider has been able to throw a lot of things to Lucas without any concealment.

Then I went back and slowly worked on my own information.

There is reason to say that, after all, the movement of the Hundred Eyes Sect is unknown now. Now that the Spider God is in this city, the most important thing to pay attention to is the Hundred Eyes Sect, which is still unknown.

Although it was confirmed that two people from the Hundred Eyes Sect had returned a few days ago, it was a bit strange that they had not yet received a reaction from the other party for a while.

Therefore, Bishop Jumping Spider paid close attention to the opponent and handed over a lot of responsibilities to Lucas that he might have originally had.

But for Lucas, it's still the same sentence, and the feeling is almost the same as before.

And without Bishop Jumping Spider watching, some of his actions became even more wanton.

Although the Spider God Cult is not big, Lucas is the first clone to become a high-level cadre in another organization.

The title of Brother is no longer important. He needs to have his own personality just like Wuyiwang and Little Princess.

He is Lucas!

Mr. Bishop Lucas, here is a letter from the city police.

This kind of fun day passed for a while, and on this day, Lucas got an interesting letter from his subordinates.

He took the letter in his hand and scanned it quickly before throwing it on the table.

Sure enough, this time has almost arrived. He said with emotion.

The content of this letter is that the official hopes that the Spider God Cult can send out manpower to help deal with the chaos in the city caused by the recent expansion of the boundary zone.

There's the traveler thing, and there's also the troublesome stuff that comes out of the boundary zone.

The letter stated that because of the increasing pressure of these matters, there have been obvious manpower vacancies in the city police force and even the special operations force.

And requests for reinforcements from the upper air islands can only receive waiting replies time and time again.

They were at the end of their rope and were forced to ask Bai Cang for help.

This is actually the result of Lucas' deliberate guidance. Some of the hobbies in the Spider God's teachings are actually not very anti-human. As long as the scale is controlled to a certain extent, it is not difficult to be accepted by ordinary people.

Anyway, it is definitely better than Hundred Eyes.

Lucas also used this to persuade the forces here to remain silent about Spider God's attack on Baimu.

Otherwise, they can also ask for help from Bai Mu.

Now Baimu is basically gone, and the Spider God's power has expanded and they owe favors, so they will naturally want the help of the Spider God Sect.

Very good. Respond immediately to Mr. Sheriff. No, forget it. I'll just go there in person to show our sincerity. Lucas initially ordered his subordinates, but then changed his mind and stood up directly. Put on the uniform of the eight-eyed bishop.

Lucas strutted through the aisles inside the police station.

Don’t get me wrong, he is not so arrogant as to walk through the front door. The Silver and Gold Alliance openly refuses to worship the Cang. If he is too arrogant, then there is nothing wrong with him, but he may bring trouble to the police officers and the police chief of this city. Something bad is coming.

In the end, it indirectly affected the Spider God's further roots in the city.

So he went through the back door.

After walking for a while recognizing the house number, he knocked on the door of the Sheriff's Office.

Please come in. An older voice came from inside.

Lucas politely pushed the door in, and then closed the door smoothly. He subconsciously wanted to lock it, but realized that he was not here to do dirty things, so he let it go.

To be honest, Bishop Lucas, although I am very happy that you took the face of our police station into account and went through the back door, but I have told you before that if you want to come, I can send someone directly to pick you up.

Sitting behind the table was an old police sergeant who was somewhat middle-aged and fat but whose abilities should not be underestimated. His originally sloppy posture immediately sat up straight after seeing Lucas. He put one hand on the table and the other hand dropped naturally. Keep Lucas out of sight.

Lucas was noncommittal, just smiled and said: That's too slow. After receiving your letter, I wanted to see you so much, Sheriff Hardman, so I couldn't hold back my excitement and came to see you directly.

This cult bishop is still so sarcastic.

Hardman, who was not dealing with Lucas for the first time, resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

You look a lot stronger. Of course I don't mean that you were thin before. I just want to say that you look more powerful and look like a man.

I've been successful in my recent training. Thanks to the Sheriff for the compliment.

Yes, um... Sheriff Hardman was silent for a moment, but still felt that it was inappropriate to chat with this cultist. He took out a document from under the table with his other hand and pushed it gently.

The file slid across the table, and Lucas caught it and picked it up, flipping through it deftly.

As you know, more and more refugees have poured into the city after the recent collapse of our boundary zone. Although we share this response responsibility with Sky Island No. 7 and Sky Island No. 8, there are simply too many people.

If it looks good to me, at least we haven't seen many problems in that area over there.

The area where your sect is located is far away from the urban area where the original boundary zone is located. Relying on centralized management, we have not allowed those refugees to escape for the time being. Of course, we probably won't be able to hold on for much longer.

The capacity of our city does not seem to have reached the upper limit. There are other cities on this sky island, as well as the cities on Sky Island No. 7 and No. 8. It should be easy for several cities on three sky islands to solve the collapse problem of a section of the boundary zone. Right. Lucas shrugged and said while looking at the document.

He is indeed qualified to say this.

Because on the Dawn Alliance 014 Free Sky Island, there is only one city on that poor sky island that can deal with so many problems.

But among the Wanyis, no, with the help and coordination of the Rainbow Society, the order of the city has been guaranteed to a great extent.

Although the city's capacity is obviously insufficient, the Rainbow Society sent a team to clean up the stitch monsters in some of the wastelands outside and opened up a temporary settlement, thus temporarily solving the problem of insufficient city capacity.

014 The small city of Kongdao has done it, there is no reason why it can’t be done here.

Although the bureaucrats here are far less organized than the 014 Sky Island under Wan Yi's control, they definitely have ways to deal with it appropriately.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Lucas turned to a wonderful page in the document: Wow.

Yes, there are many outstanding talents among the refugees, but unfortunately it is difficult for us to absorb talents in the current environment, and these talents are becoming a threat to us. Sheriff Hardman said slowly.

Lucas ignored his bullshit and looked at this part in detail.

Apart from descriptions that contain positions and prejudices, here’s a simple translation: Some of the refugees spontaneously organized a team of refugees who had been treated unfairly, and systematically began to disobey the city’s discipline, and even took actions that threatened the city. Their The call has even been echoed by some city residents.

This is not easy to deal with. Lucas said.

If it were easy to handle, I wouldn't call you. The police chief responded helplessly.

The city can't really take action against these refugees. They are still arguing about the clean-up policy. They must stabilize this wave of pressure before there is really any result.

In this world, there are definitely many more “refugees” than “aboriginals”.

This bowl of water is difficult to hold.

Well, what do you want us to do? Lucas asked with a smile, stroking the document paper with his hand.

If you can eat it, you should pack it up and eat it quickly. If you can't eat it, eat it in another way. Is that okay?

Hardman leaned back on his armchair that looked quite well made and said in a relaxed tone.

...a very tempting proposal.

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