My doppelganger drama

Chapter 372 Want a cup of coffee?

Cult? Why is the cult looking for me? Shen Yuezhi asked.

Cults also need to recruit people. Although these Sky Island Groups have no shortage of people for the time being, small sects like ours still need to be widely spread. You are a smart man, do you want to join us? The treatment will be favorable. Luka Si walked forward, squatted down in front of Shen Yuezhi, and looked at him with a smile.

No normal person would consider a cult as their first choice.

What? Brother, do you have any other choice? Lucas said with a smile.

Shen Yuezhi was silent.

Lucas stood up and walked around the tent.

This seems to be a warehouse, with several tables and chairs next to it. There are cigarette butts between the tables and chairs. It seems that many people like to fish here.

Wow, high-end coffee machine, do people here enjoy it so much? Lucas accidentally discovered a black and gold coffee machine on a table that looked a bit high-end.

If it is pieced together from fragments, then the craftsmanship of Wanbi's people is absolutely top-notch. If it is built with raw materials, it is even better.

Lucas rummaged around: There is a coffee machine but no coffee beans? Are they used up?

Shen Yuezhi looked at Lucas's actions and felt a little ashamed.

Is this really a cultist?

You seem to have quickly realized what kind of power you refugees have, and you quickly gathered a group of people to make them willing to follow you. It's quite impressive. I was a complete fool when I first traveled through time. . Lucas said while looking for coffee beans.

I think it's just something that is easy to think about. As for joining your sect, I hope you can give me some time. Shen Yuezhi did not agree, and it was impossible for him to agree so quickly.

Lucas turned his back to Shen Yuezhi and scratched his head: I'm lucky to be able to find you alone in this situation, so I want to resolve this matter as soon as possible if possible.

What do you mean sir?

Although I'm a little embarrassed to say this myself, unfortunately, what I want to tell you is that the essence of my invitation is to save you. Lucas lowered his voice slightly.

Shen Yuezhi frowned at first, and then his eyes widened: How is that possible? Doesn't this world have any respect for human life?

Apparently, he thought of something through Lucas' words.

In the previous world, life was something that you respected when you wanted to respect it, and said something else when you didn't want to respect it. Lucas said calmly.

Shen Yuezhi was speechless for a moment and just shook his head.

Suddenly, a figure jumped in from the entrance of the tent and kicked Lucas with a flying kick.

Lucas looked sideways at the other person without moving his body.


This kick hit Lucas on the shoulder, and the wind and waves spread around, causing chaos in the tent.

However, except for the slight movement of Lucas's robe, his body remained motionless.

He didn't even look at the attacker, the spider eyes at his temples had already seen him clearly.

A woman has multiple traces of magic wrapped around her legs. It seems to be a qualitative change on the magic side, and she is taking the path of magic blessing her body.


I'm not good at studying.

There are also magic elements in Brother Supervisor's mysterious techniques. Even though the world in District Thirteen is not too deep, it does not hinder Brother Supervisor's personal further study.

From the supervisor's point of view, this aspect of the other party is indeed not enough.

Lucas grabbed the woman's leg and violently grabbed the woman off. It seemed casual but with the help of the illusory exoskeleton, the strength was amazing.


The woman smashed a hole in the spare building materials stored in the warehouse, and Lucas patted the dust on his shoulder.

Shen Yuezhi was stunned the whole time, not even realizing what was happening.

But it wasn’t over yet. The woman had just been thrown out, and then a man and a woman appeared. The new woman called out a name. It should be the one who was thrown out by Lucas just now. Lucas didn’t care very much, so he didn’t Listen carefully.

Anyway, these two men also attacked Lucas.

The total amount of qualitative changes in fragments is estimated to be quite high, probably around four or five times.

After being reminded by Wanyi in his mind, Lucas also realized that these people should be kind-hearted people among the city residents. They had just been hiding in the dark to observe and try to rescue the aircraft after the accident.

Lucas held one hand aside and parried a few times symbolically. In fact, the hardness of his illusory exoskeleton was completely enough to block all the opponent's attacks.

He just felt that he had the feeling of being a boss to one person, and he could show off in front of Shen Yuezhi, a cute newcomer.

The woman who just came in here seemed to be good at attacking with an ancient-looking but surprisingly powerful mysterious musket, which reminded Lucas of Luo Xi.

The man didn't seem to have any special abilities, but everything from the windbreaker to the jacket to the belt around his waist to his pants and shoes seemed to be complete props and fully armed.

Under the fierce attack of the two, Lucas' hand hidden in the wide sleeves finally stretched out. The long and sharp scarlet nails on his fingers were like sharp claws, directly suppressing the two.

Can't you talk to me if you have something to say? Lucas looked at the two of them and said lightly.

The cultist who worships Cang! The man gritted his teeth and said, with hatred and fear in his eyes. He confirmed that he was a man with a story.

The woman didn't say anything, she just looked for the angle to shoot next.

At this moment, in the pile of building materials behind Lucas, the magical lady who had been thrown in before finally came to her senses.

Shen Yuezhi, run! the other party shouted immediately after waking up.

After just a moment of confrontation, they realized that they were invincible, so they let the key people run away first.

Shen Yuezhi finally came to his senses, hesitated for a moment, took another look at Lucas and ran away.

Lucas glanced at Shen Yuezhi's back and said nothing.

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly became depressing to the extreme.

Then the three of them launched an all-out attack on Lucas at the same time.

Lucas, on the other hand, seemed to be in a daze all of a sudden, not knowing what to think about. He looked absent-minded even when he was one against three.

Something was wrong. During the parade, the aircraft was bombarded and the scene was chaotic. Shen Yuezhi escaped alone. We took advantage of the opportunity and these people came in without saying a few words... Chief of Staff Green Devil said.

The damn Sheriff wants to trick us?

It's possible, but if you really want to say it, it's not necessary. Even if he wants to cause trouble for us, he can't open fire on his own rescue team and waste manpower and equipment.

It's hard to say. Stupid people can always do things that are refreshing to us.

It doesn't matter anymore. Our actions are directly exposed in front of these people, and Baicang will be regarded as an admission in their eyes.

There must be something behind that shot, Lucas, find them.

Then go to number one.

After hearing their talk, Lucas, who was in a daze during the battle, suddenly withdrew his attention: Don't order me.

The three people in front of me:?

The next moment, ten fingers of spider silk radiated covering the entire tent.

The three of them suddenly felt something was wrong and wanted to evacuate, but suddenly they felt their bodies stiffen and were frozen in place, unable to move.

An illusion comes to their mind.

They were prey trapped in a spider web, and the owner of that spider web, the spider, was moving towards them, baring its teeth and claws...

A touch of suffocation enveloped their hearts, whether it was magic or other powers, they were weakened at this moment, as if even the survival instinct of the prey was obscured by these spider silks.


Lucas was about to finish off the three of them.


The whole tent exploded.

A small mushroom cloud rose, and the crowd outside who had recovered a little from the chaos saw another shell coming from an unknown source contacting the tent, and they were suddenly enveloped in fear again.

In the smoke-filled wreckage, the three people fell to the ground dying. Whether they could survive or not depended on the follow-up first aid.

The dense spider silk lost its support and fell softly to the ground. It rarely broke, but the newly mastered field could not be used in this situation.

Lucas was unscathed and his eight eyes were in full operation. He quickly scanned the crowd but still couldn't find the source of the shell.

Modern Brother should like this taste. Taking in the smoke, Lucas said with a shy smile and took a step forward.

He stepped on the back of the magic lady who kicked him first, stepped over them, and left slowly as if they didn't exist.


Halfway through, he glanced at the wreckage at the tent.

“Where’s that coffee machine?”

Shen Yuezhi ran quickly and passed through the crowd. His embarrassed appearance made the acquaintances around him not recognize him for a while.

Finally, he temporarily returned to his own residence, a collective living tent.

There are two rows of double bunk beds here, and the environment is a bit dirty. This is the result of Shen Yuezhi's frequent cleaning, but it will inevitably become like this when there are more people.

There seemed to be no one else here because of the chaos outside.

Lucas' words stuck in his mind and he needed some silence.

Go back to your bed and sit down.

Suddenly, he raised his head suddenly and looked at the table in the corner of the room.

There is a coffee machine there, with black and gold colors. It looks very high-end and may be able to brew good coffee.

This coffee machine is...

Would you like a cup of coffee? Suddenly, a strange electronic sound came from the corner. There were two voices that overlapped and reverberated, one was the voice of an innocent child, and the other was the voice of an adult man who had experienced vicissitudes of life and decadence.

Who are you?! Shen Yuezhi was frightened.

No matter how many fantasy works you have read before traveling, when all kinds of extraordinary things appear one after another in front of you, the human brain cannot quickly accept everything that subverts the world view.

Calm down, human. Saying this may make you feel a little arrogant. But in fact, I am re-determining. Using this new body, new eyes and form, to determine...

Confirm whether it is still necessary to maintain this world in its current state.

The two electronic sounds were mixed together, sounding emotional, but making Shen Yuezhi feel the coldness of machinery.

In 014 Kongdao’s home, Wan Yi’s body was pulled over by ghostly noises from his clones.

Fuck! The book is moving!

What did you do?

It's just a stickman battle drawn in a book.

Xiao Hong and Xiao Kong haven't finished fighting yet?

No, the main series has been finished a long time ago. Now it's volcano vs. mice.

Naming is really getting more and more naked.

With the noise in his mind, Wan Yi watched as the Book of Disaster began to flip through the pages quickly, and the last dim name was dug out, and it gradually began to emit a faint red light.

That name is... Omnic.

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