My doppelganger drama

Chapter 367 Frankly speaking

Chapter 367 Frankly speaking...


Meta sat up from his sleep, looked around in panic, and then saw Dome who seemed to be planning to call him.

Are you having a nightmare? Brother Duomu asked calmly.

Meta broke into cold sweat and nodded quickly: I was abducted by the troupe!

Oh. Brother Duomu stood up from his seat and said, We are here, let's get off the boat.

You're too calm...Huh? Are we here? Meta then realized that the aircraft seemed to have stopped.

As he climbed up from his seat, he said to Brother Duomu: I'm not kidding.

I'm not kidding, it looks like you're having a lot of fun. Brother Dome replied.

Did you really drag me into this?

Meta was not very surprised, but still had some inexplicable emotions.

After drinking, he used the excuse of being drunk to say some honest words to Brother Duomu. Unexpectedly, Duomu just did what he said, and his movements were really neat.

After Meta fell asleep, he entered the familiar carnival directly.

To be honest, he was really scared when he first saw that place. He was very worried that some bombers would suddenly run out from some corner and punish him.

But fortunately, the man wearing a white mask and a black cloak, who claimed to be the director of the garden, and a little girl who was obviously very good-looking and possessed of magical qualities but claimed to be male appeared.

They asked Mehta a few questions and then let him join.

So casual!

He was confused the whole time and didn't realize what was going on. In the end, he joined in in a daze. When he came to his senses, he slowly realized:

I was abducted by the theater troupe that I met once in the Sinking Sky Island Group!

Didn't you cover yourself up like crazy to hint at me? Brother Duomu no longer needed to pretend.

After wandering around with Meta for so long, a normal-thinking person would have done all the speculation.

Domu Ge acts very openly and does not know how to restrain himself, especially when he is sinking to the sky island group.

He knew why he joined Baicang. For Wan Yi, the so-called cost of infiltration did not exist. As long as he is willing to paint the skin, he doesn't even need to infiltrate at all, he can just replace him.

Even if Brother Duomu sends it away, there will still be thousands of Brother Duomu sneaking in.

Therefore, many of Dome's actions did not consider the ending issue too much.

It's almost impossible that Boss Ricardo didn't notice it. The Boss, who is known for his insight, must have discovered it a long time ago, but the Boss is an old friend of the Demon Lord in his youth, and is about half one of his own.

Apart from Ricardo, the person most likely to notice some of Domage's little moves is Meta, who often forms a partner to act together.

However, as a second- and fifth-year-old boy, it is naturally impossible for him to really find an opportunity to expose himself, and everyone would be happy if they tacitly agreed.

But now that Mehta has talked about the matter in the name of drinking, there is no reason to drag it out.

Ah, I was just hinting. I was wondering if you need to think about it, evaluate it, and then ask the superiors for instructions...

There is no 'superior', just like you said, you can do whatever you want. Brother Duomu replied casually.

Without a 'top'? Does this organization really have a future? Mehta asked worriedly.

If we think there is a future, then there is a future.

Meta couldn't help but remain silent.

The two walked in silence for a while.

Brother Duomu didn't look sideways, giving Meta enough time to adjust.

Hey, Duomu.


Is there a guide to clearing the script in the interpretation hall?


Well, Wan Yi underestimated other people's ability to accept it. This guy started trying to make connections as soon as he got here.

It will take some time for the manpower of the Hundred Eyes Sect to gather together. Lucas and Bishop Jumping Spider also waited for the return of Little Bishop Atea earlier.

You guys, well done. After Atea came back and listened to Bishop Jumping Spider's report, his eyes were shining, and Lucas felt that he must be very happy.

Nowadays, the stronghold of the Spider God Sect is of course no longer the pitiful little dilapidated house it once was.

Lucas and the others have taken over a major underworld in the city and successfully colluded with some official forces. Now the conditions have been greatly improved.

There is a separate mansion as the main base.

Although Bishop Jumping Spider despises Lucas who covets its body, he still gives Lucas credit when compiling the report and even supports him.

Lucas stood beside him calmly, but did not jump out of place at the right time.

There are not many requirements for his character acting, but for the time being, he still imitates Lucas's original character. He is ruthless and doesn't talk much. He is usually shy. Although he is not a social phobia, he is still at the level of a gloomy otaku.

Not all Wan Yi has the conditions for Duomu Ge's cold-blooded acting style, let alone being able to perform it so happily.

Also, Wan Yi looks at what others are doing, and the little leader Atea is different from Ricardo.

Ricardo is tolerant of Dom's various aberrations and has the attitude of an elder. He can understand even if some of his jokes can't keep up with Meta and Dom's rhythm.

But Atya was obviously not very good at making jokes because of his poor early education in the Spider God Cult. He was most likely not a person who liked playful smiles.

To sum up, Lucas will try to be as serious as possible in front of Atea.

At least the little leader was very generous and never hesitated to praise and reward Lucas for his contribution.

Also a good boss.

It would be nice to have Bishop Jumping Spider as his torture slave on weekdays. Lucas's life is still very nourishing.

Then, as I promised before leaving. Atya finally mentioned the topic that Lucas was most looking forward to, and he walked out to Atya on his own initiative.

Although your strength is still lacking, you already have the qualifications to make such a contribution when our teaching is in crisis.

This time, a mysterious and strange purple pattern opened directly under Lucas's feet.

The mark of the Spider God is also the symbol of the Spider God Cult. Lucas is wrapped in a twisted spider web.

No need to go to the altar specifically this time?

Wan also noticed this.

When he was baptized before, he still needed an altar and a formation that had been arranged in advance, but now the formation was unfolded casually, and the altar was no longer needed.

Is it because of the expansion of the boundary zone?

Although the abyss boundary zone has not yet arrived, the external influence is getting greater and greater, and Atea, the Spider God, has also benefited. Thinking about it this way, the various branch sects under Baicang are probably in a more or less similar situation.

I feel distressed about Gui Yi’s future workload every day.

Just when Wan Yi was thinking this, Lucas' attention suddenly turned to Atya.

In his field of vision at this time, the shadow behind Atya suddenly expanded into a large spider.

The shadow of the spider swelled and finally shaped into a human figure.

Lucas looked up as the shadows shifted.

Scarlet eyes opened in the shadows, and sharp vision followed.

The black gradually faded, and Lucas saw the tall black figure in full view.

It was a tall, plump woman with a purple gauze skirt hanging down into the shadows beneath her. The purple veil on her head made her face look dreamlike.

The long purple-black hair was like a waterfall, and the ends spread out like spider webs, covering the entire room.

Huge pressure enveloped Lucas, and he almost forgot to breathe. He only came to his senses after being shouted out by other brothers in the group.

That is……!


The grown-up and mature Atea!

In his mind, Wan Yi, as an audience member, noticed details that Lucas' fuzzy thoughts at this time failed to notice.

Although the tall figure in front of me is very oppressive, upon closer inspection, all the features match Atya's appearance.

Isn’t this just a super enlarged version of adult Atea! ?

The next moment, purple hair swept over, and spider thread wrapped around Lucas, causing his consciousness to begin to sink.

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