My doppelganger drama

Chapter 368 The Eight-Eyed Bishop

Is consciousness separated from the body? Youwanyi asked.

I don't feel like it. This is Lucas himself.

Although he had completely lost control of his body, he could still feel something crawling on his soul. This feeling was very uncomfortable, much like some kind of insect.

In this situation, even if you think about it with your butt, you will know it is a spider.

That is to say, staying awake is a side benefit for Wan Yi. Under normal circumstances, the conscious soul will also be transformed!

Welfare? You call this welfare? It feels so disgusting to have a bunch of bugs crawling on my body, and I still can't sever ties with you guys! Lucas immediately cursed.

Uh huh huh, if this can sever ties with us, then you will definitely be dead. No brother can allow a sweetheart Wan Yi to appear. The little princess made an evil voice.

Feeling disgusted that something is crawling? Wait a moment. King Wuyi suddenly appeared.

Then Wan Yi suddenly felt that there were more things crawling on him!


There were countless gasps in the group chat. Fortunately, there is probably no atmosphere or global warming in this world.

There was a feeling of a lot of crawling bugs coming from Wuyiwang. Here, I could tell with my toes that it was those large black oval-shaped things!

Spiders and black oval creatures, there is always something for you!

Wu Yi, you must be sick!

I just want to make my body feel better.

Well done to you, Wuyi!

This change in public opinion is too naked, said Wan Yi, who was tossing and turning in his home on Kongdao 014.

Lucas' promotion transformation lasted a day.

About the next day, his consciousness suddenly felt as if his body could move again, and he quickly regained control.

It's not smooth at all. It felt more like the controller was disconnected while playing a game.

The purple spider silk cocoons on his body faded away, and Lucas discovered that these cocoons carried an old aura. They seemed more like a layer of skin than cocoons.

Atea and Bishop Jumping Spider are no longer here, and it is impossible to stay and wait for him.

Um? He seems to have forgotten something?

Lucas suddenly reached up and touched his face and some body parts.

It doesn't matter if he undergoes body modification, but he is wearing Lucas' skin!

What will happen if you encounter the spider god's transformation in the state of painting?

Because cheating has become instinctive, Wan Yijian has long been accustomed to this kind of thing, which led to Lucas' previous negligence.

And now, he has paid his price.

The state of the physical body is as if it has been refreshed, but the refreshed template is not entirely Wan Yi's, but also the Lucas leather sheath on the outside!

The spider shed his skin and grew, and his body was reborn, but his appearance already had the characteristics of Lucas.

Lucas found the mirror in the corner of the room and looked at it.

In fact, there is no essential change in the body, it is simply modified and enhanced by some kind of powerful force, but the appearance has undergone many fine-tuning, as if Wanyi's inner and outer Lucas skins are mixed.

However, these changes are actually minor. The most significant new feature is the four black pearl-like spider eyes that opened on his forehead.

There is also one on each side of the temples.

It looked like extra decorations, but when Lucas tried to use these things, the perspective suddenly changed.

More clear, precise and comprehensive!

These eyes are real!

Bishop Eight Eyes really gave you six more eyes. No wonder you are being targeted by Hundred Eyes... Lucas said in his heart.

The eyes were only the most significant change. In fact, Lucas felt an increase in all his strength.

Feeling it carefully again, his entire body structure has undergone tremendous changes.

Suddenly he didn't even recognize his own body!

It seems that my colleague who just woke up is still a little uncomfortable with his body... Well, have you become more handsome? Bishop Jumping Spider said and came over, but he was stunned when he saw Lucas's face. Click.

Yeah, I've become more handsome. Lucas said seriously.

If this face made more handsome by Lucas and Wan Yi, it would be obvious who should take the credit!

Same as me before. Bishop Jumping Spider said with emotion.

You have become cuter.

I told you that I was a human, not a jumping spider! The Jumping Spider Bishop raised his forelimbs high and emphasized the words not a jumping spider.

After saying that, it calmed down the burst of anger very skillfully, rubbed its forelimbs and said: Let me familiarize you with it. You, a kid who has not completed three qualitative changes, suddenly feel the feeling of this high-level qualitative transformation. You want to It should take quite a while to master it.”

High-level metamorphosis? Lucas asked at the same time as he pulled out the slender spider silk from under his extremely sharp nails.

Yes, the minimum is to start with five qualitative changes. It should not be difficult to reach the level of six or seven after being fully familiar with it. Bishop Jumping Spider finally felt proud of his own sect.

Lucas tried his best and failed to break the spider thread, but he broke it with a hook of his nails. Then he turned to look at the Jumping Spider Bishop in surprise: What did you say?

Hmph, what I mean is that you are already at the level of five qualitative transformations! Bishop Jumping Spider snorted and laughed.

Don't you need to adapt to qualitative changes? I haven't adapted to three qualitative changes, and suddenly jumped to the level of five? Am I already crazy but I didn't realize it?

Lucas said, pulling down the corners of his mouth to make sure there were no spider-like fangs or mouthparts in his mouth.

Otherwise, why do you think the Spider God wants to transform you personally? Just sigh at your luck. Now that the Spider God's power has greatly increased, his transformation of you is also more complete. The spirit and body are both gifted at the same time, plus the long-term Adjustment will help you directly grasp this power that is so powerful that you can’t even imagine it!”

Bishop Jumping Spider said as Lucas stood on his hands on the ground.

Eight black spider legs with red patterns suddenly spread out from behind.

I'll go! Eight Spiders...

Stop it, it's just the same product. If there is any similarity, please don't substitute it!


The words of other clones flashed through my mind.

Lucas felt these new organs, and then immediately... rubbed them.

Come on, spiders rubbing their feet are really cute!

It's a pity that it's not the furry style. Lucas returned to his straight position and said with a little regret.

Are you listening to me? Bishop Jumping Spider crawled over and bit his leg hard.

As a result, he didn't bite into it, so he retracted his mouthpart and rubbed it in embarrassment.

Listen, but I kind of want something furry like yours. My style isn't a jumping spider, it's a wolf spider.

At this time, you are still thinking about your B jumping spider! Your style is so handsome! It's what I wanted at the beginning! Don't take advantage of me and still behave! Bishop Jumping Spider couldn't hold back. , he cursed directly, then hugged Lucas's leg and gnawed fiercely.

Of course, I still can't get into it.

It turns out that you actually care about it, don't you? Lucas smiled shyly, but his squinting eyes made his shy smile funny.

The Jumping Spider Bishop soon got tired of gnawing.

Tsk, why is the skin so hard just after metamorphosis... You won't be fully defensive, right? Bishop Jumping Spider said helplessly.

Different spiders have different emphasis on metamorphosis, and it should be even more so after becoming the Eight-Eyed Bishop. Hearing this, Lucas finally followed the Jumping Spider Bishop's words and said this.

Yes, the initial qualitative change of the gift is basically the same for everyone. With daily use and adaptation, the changes will gradually vary from person to person. After becoming the Eight-Eye Bishop, under normal circumstances, the previous few times of gift The accumulation will be sublimated... You have skipped a level, so the change is particularly large, which is equivalent to turning you into the spider that best suits your inner self in the most direct way.

Am I a little black spider? Lucas touched the feet on his back.

It shows that you are dark and bloodthirsty in your heart! Bishop Jumping Spider said threateningly.

Lucas smiled and rubbed the furry head of the jumping spider bishop who was pretending to be scary with his limbs, and then he slapped him away dissatisfiedly.

Do you still remember the main characteristics of our Spider God's metamorphosis?

Carapace, sharpness, perception, agility, spider silk, venom. Lucas reported one by one.

That's right, you were so well-adapted at first that I didn't see what you were good at, but now you should have seen some outstanding changes. Hmm, I guess your carapace definitely has some extra points. As he said that, he jumped Spider Bishop sharpened his mouthparts.

Anyway, it's important to understand which aspects your changes focus on. I'll practice with you. Come over here.

Well, trouble. Lucas's voice came from above Bishop Jumping Spider, who was already lying on the ceiling.

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