My doppelganger drama

Chapter 366 Let’s talk about the past over wine

After a while, a group of people came out from the church and the nearby mansion, carrying many large and small bags with many things.

It's not like a cult firefight, but more like a pure gangster robbery.

Priest! Bishop! We have finished searching! A believer gestured to the things he was carrying and said cheerfully.

Put that way, it's more like it.

Well done, then it's time for us to withdraw. Lucas smiled and waved in response.

Bishop Jumping Spider looked speechless and couldn't help but repeat: How did the Spider God Religion become like this?

The fanatics of the Spider God Cult left chatting and laughing.

The body of the old priest of the Hundred Eyes Sect was left behind, as well as the broken communicator that fell under the bulletin board, making a slight noise.

Atea, give me an explanation.

On Dieyunkong Island, where the earth is united, after learning that a parish was completely wiped out, the people of the Hundred Eyes Sect immediately found Atea.

Atea held a large purple cat spider in her arms, its scarlet eyes flashing with a terrifying light.

Looking at this posture, it seems that he is waiting for them.

Explain, what explanation can I give? There are not as many people in a branch diocese as there were people who died in our Spider God Sect. In Wan Yi's impression, Atya said so many words directly for the first time, and his tone was very serious. .

Emotions are rising.

Brother Duomu was judging from the sidelines.

I, I said, after I take over, the hatred between each other will be wiped out. Ricardo's expression remained unchanged and his tone was calm, but the emphasis was obviously increased.

Brother Duomu guessed that the boss didn't really care about this matter, but he might be dissatisfied with Atya's messiness.

Write it off? Why did you, an outsider, join this damn sect and get involved in this matter in the first place?! It has nothing to do with you in the first place! Do you think this kind of thing can be written off? The headdress on Atya's head that looks like spider eyes is exuding light. Bloodthirsty light.

After hearing this, Ricardo was silent for a moment and then said: I said write it off, essentially because I don't want to argue with the people who are already hanging on to their last breath. Don't think that I really gave you face.

Brother Duomu feels something is wrong.

Come and give it a try if you have the guts? A trace of sarcasm appeared on Atya's unchanged face.

Dream weaving, right? It seems that you are losing your mind because of your emotions, but if you let it explode so easily, it is impossible for your teaching to launch this counterattack.

Ricardo directly revealed the truth about the other party.

The expression on Atya's face, which had not been much, completely returned to its usual calmness after these words.

From this point of view, you will be an excellent leader and a mature leader in the future. Ricardo followed up his previous words and commented.

Next time we see you, I will poke all your disgusting eyes out. Atya's figure began to become illusory, and when the words completely fell, his scarlet gaze swept across everyone present.

Everyone present in the Hundred Eyes Sect felt the illusion that a huge spider shadow was hanging over their heads.

A pair of fangs hung in the sky, as if they were about to fall down at any moment.

This feeling was fleeting, and the Atea in front of him turned into pieces of silk made of thin spider silk, gently floating away.

Seeing this, Meta frowned: Lord Ricardo...

I will mobilize several nearby branch parishes to provide you with manpower. You and Duomu are now the last two people in that parish. However, under the current situation, the sect cannot provide comprehensive support. You need to make preparations in all aspects. Ricciardo was the first to respond to Meta.

Meta hesitated for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

Some other people around him were gloating about his misfortune, but naturally they didn't show it on the surface.

A branch parish was completely wiped out. Even if it was due to the transfer of manpower, it was impossible to say that there was no defense at all. As a result, just when Meta answered the phone, all the people in charge there were killed.

The other party's death process was heard by others present.

This is already a complete provocation to the cult, and the Hundred Eyes Sect will definitely retaliate.

It's a pity that on what should have been a day where everyone was happy, in the end some people couldn't laugh all the time.

Under such circumstances, members of the Hundred Eyes Sect boarded several different aircrafts and returned to their respective branch districts.

Everyone else relaxed and went back to life. Only Meta and Domu were ready to go back to fight.

Mehta sat in the aircraft without saying a word.

Brother Duomu handed him the drink: Here, I asked someone to bring it to you. This should be your favorite bar in Dieyun City.

Meta took it unexpectedly: Why are you still...?

A surprise for you.

Because he knew that Lucas was going to take action, Brother Dome wiped his own butt and prepared something in advance to make Meta happy.

He doesn't care what the specific effect will be, anyway, his response is in place.

Wan Yi is such a hypocritical person.

Hehe, if you don't try this, it will be a loss. Hey, you are considerate, and my love for you is not in vain. Meta suddenly smiled and found two cheap disposable plastic cups from the aircraft.

The wine was poured, and Meta drank it in one gulp, then immediately poured another glass.

He didn't say much, just drank.

Brother Duomu also kept silent and drank little by little.

It just feels like that.

Normally he would just say it directly, but now he would take care of others' mood a little bit.

Dome, do you think I don't look like a cultist? Meta said in a dull voice after drinking a lot of wine.

Neither do I.

Shit! You look so much like me.

Ah this...

I'm actually very heartless. Let me tell you, I actually still have a lot of memories from my past life. I was not very young at the time. I graduated from high school and didn't want to continue studying in college. I started working in music with others, so my family was in trouble. After reading it, I wanted to be free and felt that no one understood me.

Hearing this, Brother Duomu relaxed and listened quietly.

In the past, we were controlled so harshly that young people often saw what they didn't have and didn't realize what they already had. I was such a fool. I was kidnapped as soon as my head got hot. In the end, my time and energy were wasted. I didn’t make a name for myself, I had a falling out with my bad friends, I couldn’t bring myself to go home, and in the end I was nothing.”

Meta raised her head and exhaled.

I was working on my own, and I thought about numbing myself in the middle. I took that kind of drug. I felt good at first, but then I felt empty again. I still didn't feel good, and it took me a while to quit, and then I finally found a way to make a living. For myself, when I look back, I realize that I am no longer young. It has been almost ten years since I left home.

Brother Dom looked at Meta, his face filled with a touch of silence.

Although I know I have no face to see my parents, I still bought a plane ticket. I have an inexplicable feeling that makes me want to go back and see them. Maybe they can let me fulfill my filial piety? Meta showed a self-deprecating smile.

Then I fell asleep on the plane, woke up and came here.

With such a sudden and short sentence, Meta brought his past story to an end.

Stopped abruptly.

Do you still want to see them? Brother Duomu asked.

I think so, Meta said, but I can't remember their appearance at all.

His voice was trembling.

I don't remember either. Brother Duomu thought for a moment and said, My mother is a bad woman who abandoned me and my schizophrenic father. I always hated her and didn't believe in the so-called 'mother'. Something. But after I almost beat someone to death who I disliked in high school and was taken to the hospital, I probably understood her.

Are you mentally ill?

It was there before, but it should be better now, at least according to the hospital diagnosis. I have a stable college career and even dated a girlfriend. Brother Duomu said proudly.

Meta looked at Brother Duomu for a while and then said: It seems to be true. Although you have been lying a lot, Duomu, it is rare for me to see you seem to be really telling the truth.

Yeah. Brother Duomu responded vaguely.

There was another silence between the two.

The wine is almost gone.

After pouring out the last drop, Meta looked at a shallow glass of wine and continued: I don't care about this cult, but at least, the old priest who looks like a monster gave me the indulgence and some Caring reminds me of them.”

I don't care about the Eye of All Things or God at all. I also know that the old guy was only so kind to me because he found that I seemed to have a good compatibility with the Eye of All Things...

Mehta drank the last bit of wine.

Ha, I always thought that I had seen everything clearly, and I had obviously killed many people in a numb manner, but when I heard that someone with whom I was close to had died like this, it was such a subtle feeling.

Do you want revenge? Brother Duomu also brought the last bit of wine to his mouth.

No. Meta's answer was unexpected.

If it can be done easily, I am willing to do it, but if it becomes troublesome, I don't really want to do it now. Although I seem to be the envoy of our sect now? But in the end, what is the Hundred Eyes Sect and the I’m also confused about the grievances between the Spider God Sect!”

Meta raised his voice in annoyance.

I just solved a troublesome job. Can you please stop letting troublesome people find me all the time?

Brother Duomu was slightly ashamed.

Sorry to keep you in trouble.

That's what I said. You can listen to whatever you want. Anyway, I still have to do what I have to do in the future. Lord Ricardo is also very kind to me. Anyway, I'd better try my best to live up to him.

Yeah. Brother Duomu nodded.

There are so many eyes.


If you find any good place to relax, recommend it to me. At least it shouldn't be an organization with a lot of mess. It's best if everyone can relax and let me play some music occasionally.


Sorry, I drank too much. There shouldn't be such beautiful things in this world that's even more fucked up than my previous life.


Stop comforting me. Hey, I want to take a nap. Call me when you get somewhere.

Hmm... Brother Dome watched as Meta flattened the back of the chair to make a bed and lay down.

It's impossible for them to be really drunk with this amount of wine, after all, as Mehta himself said.

For people who have some kind of relationship, or even people who have a good relationship, it is still difficult to completely ignore the inner fluctuations caused by sudden death.

Brother Duomu spoke slowly, his voice was as soft as singing a lullaby:

have a good dream.

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