My doppelganger drama

Chapter 365 The movements of the spiders

Silver-Gold United No. 006 Bronze-level air island.

The Hundred Eyes Church located behind the mansion has now turned into a hell on earth.

Bodies were scattered on the lawn outside, and many of the flowers bearing eyeball-shaped fruits had been eradicated. Any remaining eyeballs would be attacked by the large spiders around them if they squirmed a little.

On the surrounding roofs, all the one-eyed reconnaissance birds controlled by the Hundred Eyes Sect were killed. Their bodies fell on the roof, and blood flowed down, causing blood to rain from the surrounding eaves.

The door of the church was violently kicked open, and it was full of torn marks by the claws and claws of some kind of beast. The eyeballs on the door were all poked out, and blood and unknown liquid exploded.

The interior of the church is like a B-movie scene.

No, even B-level movies don’t have such crazy arrangements.

Blood flowed from the middle aisle, forming a red carpet of lost lives together with the corpses.

All the decorations related to the Eye of All Things were brutally destroyed, and the remains of objects were scattered on the ground, mixed with the blood that had not yet solidified.

A figure leaned casually on the back of a bench, looking at the announcement table at the front. Another figure had his chest penetrated and then nailed there, becoming the focus of this cruel scene.

He was an elderly man, but half of his face was covered with tiny eyeballs, enough to frighten people with cryptophobia.

But I am very happy that he is dead, and all his eyes are wide open, and he will not rest in peace.

Lucas originally wanted to help Duomu brother close his eyes for the sake of being his guide, but after looking at it and realizing that the amount of work was not small, he decided not to do it.

This person is currently one of the few Baimu Sect cadres on this empty island. As a priest who preaches here all year round, he has a spiritual symbolic status here and is quite prestigious.

How did the Church of the Spider God become like this? On Lucas's shoulder, Bishop Jumping Spider rubbed his front limbs, Originally our style was not so bloody and flamboyant.

This plan and Lucas had been preparing for a long time, and after it was launched, it was carried out vigorously and resolutely, without giving the already empty Hundred Eyes Sect a chance to react, and directly killed all the large and small Hundred Eyes Sect strongholds on this empty island. clean.

Although the Spider God Sect was unable to launch an attack as early as possible due to the problem of the expansion of the boundary zone, they also got more opportunities to develop.

Originally, Bishop Jumping Spider was a little uneasy about the delay in action.

But after Atea learned about this, he went directly to attend the worshiping Cang Sect conference on the far-off Earth United Dieyunkong Island.

Originally, no one cared whether the Spider God Sect would go or not, and Baicang didn't send them an invitation. Of course, if she had to go, no one would stop her.

Even though she knew that she could not gain any practical benefits for the sect at the conference, she could only watch the Hundred Eyes Sect run rampant.

But the main purpose of her trip was to help Bishop Jumping Spider and Lucas confirm how long the main force of the Hundred Eyes Sect would be delayed by the conference!

A major leader personally lowered himself to gather information for them.

Originally, Bishop Jumping Spider was unwilling, but the little leader had made up his mind.

As a result, they also grasped the trends of the Hundred Eyes Sect over there through the little leader.

Although Lucas had first-hand information, he didn't have to testify about this kind of thing, so he still had to rely on the contribution of the little leader.

Then, everything in front of them was the result of their long-term plan.

Everything that the Hundred Eyes Sect had in this empty island city was almost wiped out by them.

The various strongholds were no match for the team led by Lucas. Even though the Spider God Sect lacked high-level combat capabilities, it still did not expend much effort.

The combination of Lucas, who grows at an exaggerated speed, and the cute-looking jumping spider bishop is enough.

Just as Bishop Jumping Spider said, Lucas and the team he pulled together were too flamboyant, and the visual impact of this scene was not very acceptable even to some cultists with lighter tastes.

Ah? Isn't it? After hearing Bishop Jumping Spider's words, Lucas casually reached out and touched the bishop's butt and responded.

The Jumping Spider Bishop trembled all over, jumped off Lucas's shoulder, and landed on the bench next to him. His eight eyes looked at this hateful spider man with disgust and disdain, and at the same time he shook his abdomen. .

Anyway, he had touched it, and Lucas felt secretly happy, recalling the furry feel, and then waved his hand and said: Since I joined, you haven't given me any clues about your style? I'm not the one responsible for directing operations on weekdays. ?

This is irrefutable.

Bishop Jumping Spider sighed.

The Spider God Church is really short of people. But now an action-oriented talent suddenly arrived. Originally, he wanted to squeeze this bad boy who coveted his body every day.

Then it knows it's wrong.

This is not just a man of action, this is a beast.

While taking care of the daily work of attracting people to preach, he also took the newcomers to find troubles with the Hundred Eyes Sect, some local underworlds and even the government, helping the Spider God Sect to quickly accumulate funds and expand its influence.

During that time, Bishop Jumping Spider's intelligence network could hardly keep up with Lucas' development speed.

This thing was definitely a good player in a certain type of war criminals game before traveling through time.

The reason why this attack on the Hundred Eyes Sect was possible was because the foundation of the Spider God Sect was basically built by Lucas.

Originally, Bishop Jumping Spider was worried that such rapid development might have an unstable foundation, but the facts told it that it was overthinking.

In addition to being very arrogant in style, every one of these people knows the Spider God Cult's doctrine and program by heart, and they can recite it word for word even in a random check.

And so far it doesn't see any bad signs.

I have to say, Lucas is really strong.

In addition to coveting my own body every day and wanting to touch my belly and head, I even want to touch my own mouthparts!

This kind of disrespectful behavior is absolutely unacceptable!

Master Bishop, Master Atea seems to have said that I will be promoted after this time. At this time, Lucas's voice brought Bishop Jumping Spider out of his complicated thoughts.

The thin, sickly looking boy in front of him smiled shyly.

Well, yes, your contribution to our teaching during this period has been seen by us, and your promotion is deserved. Bishop Jumping Spider replied more seriously.

In fact, Lucas has been promoted several times.

He is still a monastic priest of the Spider God Religion, and this position can no longer conceal his extensive contributions to the Spider God Religion.

There's no way around it. For Wan Yi, who has turned on the human power, some things are just so convenient.

After this operation is over, Atea promised to personally promote him to the title of Eight-Eyed Bishop.

This position is already second only to the high priest, the leader.

The Jumping Spider Bishop is in this position.

Well, although taking Jumping Spider Bishop as an example, it doesn't seem to be convincing at all to prove how powerful this position is.

That being said, Bishop Jumping Spider seemed to be very powerful before he completely turned into this jumping spider. Of course, it cannot be said that he is not powerful now.

At least when facing the old guy from the Hundred Eyes Sect in front of him, Lucas was basically paddling and responsible for the final touch-up. It was Bishop Jumping Spider himself who made the old guy explode with gold coins in a few or two strokes.

So as long as you know that the position of this Eight-Eyed Bishop in the Spider God Sect is already below the level of one person and above ten thousand people, its weight is not small.

Normally there is no reason to be promoted so quickly.

But again, the current Spider God Sect is really short of people.

After being promoted to this position, it seems that he can receive more blessings from the Spider God, which can be regarded as adding strength to the sect.

In fact, this is also related to the current situation.

With the boundary zone expanded, and their move equivalent to a major provocation to the Hundred Eyes Sect, it is not impossible for the Hundred Eyes Sect to become angry and start an all-out war again.

The Spider God Sect needs to deal with the counterattack of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

If they can withstand this counterattack, then it can truly be said to be their victory.

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