My doppelganger drama

Chapter 364: Bai Cang is really evil

The question and answer session had no choice but to end early because Brother Duomu was so disruptive.

The leader sighed and said, Then let me tell you about my future arrangements.

Now that we have officially set foot on the road, everyone must have realized from my actions that countless 'travelers' have appeared in this world at once, and characters from various boundary zones have arrived in confusion. This is how we promote our long-cherished wish Best time with goal.

Winning more like-minded compatriots as quickly as possible is our top priority.

During my operation during this period, many alliances have agreed to the proposal to cooperate with us, Baicang. At last, we have allowed Baicang's forces to preach in their sphere of influence. At the same time, there are also some alliances that have not yet been decided but have already done so. intention.

As these words came out, the small and medium-sized sects were very surprised.

Anyone who is shrewd enough can realize that the changes in the world promoted by Bai Cang will inevitably lead to a wave of expansion of Bai Cang's power, otherwise the leader would not be running around to advertise on his own.

During this period, the leader said he was going to have a meeting but was never seen. Some people who didn't understand him were inevitably dissatisfied.

But now all of a sudden, all the unhappiness has disappeared.

The only large-scale Sky Island Group that originally allowed Bai Cang to move freely was the Earth United, and this was something they worked hard to adapt to the atmosphere of the Earth United.

The cooperation between the Silver and Gold Alliance is carried out secretly, but those people always like to dress themselves up as pure and pure, and they also resist Baicang openly.

Not to mention other fragmentary small alliances.

There is no doubt that this advancement is a good thing for the entire Baicang sect.

Even the top sects cannot really confront those powerful sky island groups. They are hindered at every step in their actions. In the end, most of them can only move to the earth to unite in despair, leaving only some manpower to stick to the abyss boundary belt that they believe in.

Many people can no longer stand this kind of day.

Some words of thanks were spoken, and the fake leader accepted them one by one.

Then he continued: Then the more important thing is about the next stage of world unity.

Everyone who had just been excited suddenly became quiet again.

We have just embarked on the first stage of the journey, but we should be prepared for the next stage. In the previous question, we mentioned that the current environment is not suitable for the coming of the gods, and when the gods come At present, the current development of the world will encounter catastrophic problems due to population problems, and we must find ways to solve this problem.

This passage is somewhat unexpected.

Everyone is waiting for his follow-up.

After the man in colorful clothes was silent, he slowly said: The fragments of the earth.

The earth is an extremely important place for human beings and even countless lives. It is the cradle of the diverse development of life and the source of wisdom. But it is obvious that there is no such place in today's broken world.

Isn't it an empty island? someone asked doubtfully.

The empty island is just the remnants of the broken earth. The man in colorful clothes said with a smile, The next thing we have to do is to find the 'supreme fragment' of the earth. A fragment symbolizes the original condensation of the concept. . If we can find it and obtain it, we can take the lead in recreating part of the world's original appearance.

The man in colorful clothes stretched out his hand and slowly grasped it: At least, this world can be made into a container that can carry a large number of people, and it can also give the gods the conditions to truly come.

The meeting is over. The amount of information in this meeting is quite large for everyone.

Some people who are less receptive are still a little dizzy.

After the meeting, several sects with good relations stayed to exchange a few words with each other.

There is also a scene of good relations between the cults, which is quite surprising to Domu Ge.

Ricardo took them without leaving but to find the man in colorful clothes to discuss some details. This was considered as directly entering the circle of the top sect.

Most of the Hundred Eyes cultists were a little frightened when they saw this.

After all, in real comparison, except for Ricardo, the entire delegation was completely incomparable to the delegations of these top sects.

All of them are big guys who would bow their heads when they see them in the past.

But now I have entered this circle easily.

Only Domego and Meta seemed unaffected.

Brother Duomu is not afraid of death, and Meta also realized from Ricardo's performance all the way down that Ricardo was ready to take this opportunity to build the sect into a high-level sect or even a higher level.

Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the stress resistance and various experiences of this group of backbones.

So he tried to perform well.

Of course, forget about Duomu's level of performance, he is really not afraid of death at all.

Regarding the joining of the Hundred Eyes Sect, the people of these top high-level sects focused more on Ricardo, the alien, and some of their attention was on Brother Duomu.

Others were completely ignored.

This is how it should be.

If possible, don't let go of that part of Dome's sight.

But Brother Dome didn't care at all, he even went to strike up a conversation.

He had wanted to do this for a long time, but he had to hold a meeting before and it was difficult to approach him casually. Now that the meeting is over, it is the time for communication.

The first is the Demon-Eating Church. Brother Duomu is quite friendly towards them, although they all look cold and not in a good mental state.

In the end, I dealt with Brother Duomu without giving too much face.

After he finished getting close to others, he turned around and went to the Extreme Sect.

The people of the Extreme Sect were confused.

None of them participated in the operation to sink the Sky Island Group, and they did not have a deep relationship with the Hundred Eyes Sect. Brother Duomu's enthusiastic attitude was quite confusing.

But Duomu Ge's character is unpredictable, and all kinds of etiquette and honorifics are not left behind. Some people in the Extreme Sect have a surprisingly good attitude towards him.

The Extreme Cult is indeed not difficult to get along with.

According to their belief, all living beings are equal, and everyone will die in the end, so there is no need to argue so much.

In a sense, it is very Buddhist.

After passing by the Extreme Sect, others originally thought that Brother Duomu would stop, but in the end he found the Emerald Sect.

This group of serious people looks very serious.

Hello, I have a great time cooperating with the Sinking Sky Island Group. I still remember the way you blew yourself up and dedicated yourself to the great goal. This was the first sentence Duomu brother said when he came up.

You're welcome. This was the response from the Emerald Sect members.

Too friendly, are you really not righteous people who have gone to the wrong place?

Brother Duomu was thinking, when suddenly a hand gently touched his face.

Feeling the cool touch, Duomu's first thought was, has someone finally been able to resist him?

But soon, the touch on his face felt wrong again.

Not a harsh slap, but a gentle touch.

He looked slightly sideways and saw a woman wearing white clothes and a white skirt, with pure white hair, and emerald-colored jewelry hanging from head to toe.

A pair of green eyes looked at Brother Doumu curiously.

This... is the chief priest of the Emerald Sect and one of the highest representatives.

Although her appearance is stunning, her presence is not high. She didn't speak during the entire meeting, almost making people ignore her. The few times Domu noticed her, she seemed to be in a daze.

But at this moment, looking into her eyes, Wan Yi suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

This look...

Are you...? Brother Duomu couldn't help but ask.

Is there something wrong with my people? Cuiyang? Ricardo's voice came.

The woman in front of him shook his head slightly, let go of his hand, and then nodded slightly to Brother Duomu.

Dome, come back.

After hearing Ricardo's words, Brother Duomu obediently shrank back behind Ricardo.

At the same time, I cursed in my heart.

Baicang is indeed an evil place. If you just wander around, you can meet a fake leader, and if you talk to someone casually, you can talk to a mysterious being who seems to have the will of the Boundary Band.

During this period of time, he has really obtained a lot of information for the main body by committing suicide.

He had to find a way to get some benefits from the main body.

Ah? This was Wan Yi's reaction after hearing Brother Duomu's plan.

... Forget it, this kind of body is hopeless.

After Ricardo and the fake leader discussed some follow-up details, the Hundred Eyes Sect was ready to leave.

They have stayed here too long and it is time for them to return to their respective parishes as soon as possible.

Walking in the corridor inside the Baicang Church, Meta had been complaining about Domu Ge's arrogance since he left the conference hall, and he hadn't heard it since he was freed from the repressive environment.

You are really outrageous. If it weren't for Mr. Ricardo, do you know how many times you have died... Meta was talking when suddenly the communication terminal at hand rang.

Duomu looked at him expressionlessly as he answered the call.

Hello? Father, what's going on? What!? The Spider God Cult attacked our church stronghold on a large scale?! Meta's expression changed.

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