My doppelganger drama

Chapter 358 Hidden dangers in the world and the beginning of disaster

While Wan Yi was officially on the line with Gui Yi in the Disaster Islands, Domu Ge also came to the United Earth early.

The impression given by the style of this joint is that it doesn’t look like a joint.

There is a very straightforward martial culture here, adhering to the habit of having a big fist as the last word, and promoting this concept to everyone who comes here.

To describe it in Brother Duomu's words, it feels like a high-end version of the Sinking Sky Island Group with a little basic order.

Because of this, the main order here is very similar to what Wan Yi remembers as the structure called underworld cultivating immortality in some past novels.

Under a large alliance, various gangs, sects, secret organizations, schools, religions, etc., are dancing wildly.

Obviously, this soil is very suitable for the development of the Cang Worship Sect.

Although it is said that Baicang first started in the Silver and Gold United, the place where it flourished was undoubtedly the Earth United.

Many branch sects within Baicang also gathered under this environment.

Even when Baicang's aircraft flew over an area at low altitude, he could see some people who looked like ordinary residents cheering and greeting him.

I really can’t even think about it.

Although Brother Duomu arrived very early, Mr. Leader seemed to be very busy.

Ever since the worship leader, that is, the man in colorful clothes with extremely poor clothes, came to the stage, he was like a famous star, with a full schedule and guest appearances in various places in the United Earth.

The most familiar impression of him in the entire broken world comes from that widely circulated video.

In Dadi United, there are many similar promotional videos.

There’s even a radio broadcast!

I heard from Ricardo that the man in colorful clothes even went to other unions to work.

Meta muttered International star, which won Brother Dom's approval.

Originally, many things did not require the presence of the leader. After all, the leader's presence in the Baicang Sect had never been high before, but now he suddenly became so popular that some people in the sect were confused.

The other party also said that the matter of sinking the sky island group was extremely important. If it was solved so smoothly, he must come to see everyone in person.

As a result, everyone is stuck here because the man in colorful clothes has not come.

In the end, it became Domego and others traveling together on the earth.

The place where they are now is the Sky Island Group above the Clouds united by the earth, Dieyun City on the Dieyun Sky Island.

This is also the base camp of Bai Cang.

But walking on the street, you can’t tell that there are so many cults here.

Although there are quite a few cases where a disagreement occurs and a fight breaks out directly.

Brother Duomu had nothing to do during this period. He just went to the main body to help him in the name of going to the toilet. After returning, he continued shopping in the city with Meta.

The recent Dieyun City is also quite lively.

Several boundary zones near Dieyun City collapsed, and the fragments they landed on Dieyun Kong Island caused wonderful changes in some no-man's land.

There are even phenomena of human buildings rising from the ground.

And those architectural styles are also weird, including Chinese and Western ancient buildings, modern high-rise buildings, and even some ruins.

These places become resting places for some from the suturing presence within the boundaries.

These existences are like wild bosses that appear out of thin air, not far from existing human settlements, causing panic in the city.

And, a very common but very realistic problem has become the most serious problem facing the entire broken world at the moment.


With the collapse of ordinary boundary zones one by one, the number of so-called crossing refugees surged in a short period of time, which was far from being comparable to the original regular quota.

The population capacity of an empty island city, or even an empty island, is limited, not to mention that the guidance that should have been provided after the refugees enter the broken world society cannot be managed at all.

Whether it is for the Earth Alliance, the Dawn Alliance, or the Silver-Gold Alliance, this will be an extremely difficult problem.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that conflicts are accumulating, and one day they will completely explode. By then, there is no telling how the world will deteriorate.

That man in colorful clothes is really more serious than any other disaster when it comes to causing trouble.

Tsk, tsk, Dieyun City will explode if this goes on. I heard that the higher-ups are communicating with the characters in the buildings that suddenly appeared outside the city. I hope they can take some of them in.

On the road, Mehta couldn't help but clicked his tongue when he saw temporary shelters built with crude iron sheets and cardboard on the side of the road.

It seems that this is the only way, but standing on the Sky Island Group itself does not seem to be a good countermeasure. Those characters who come out of the boundary zone will be troublesome. Dome commented lightly.

Our hometown is also suffering a lot, but I heard that the Silver and Gold Alliance seems to have some not-so-good plans that have been put on the round table. Meta looked at Duomu with caution.

Say. Duomu said directly, without even looking at him. He didn't want to take this trick.

You're so boring. Meta shrugged, turned his gaze back to the roadside, and said concisely: Cleaning.

Knew it.

Brother Duomu was not surprised.

Wanyi also had some discussions on temporary countermeasures in this regard.

The most direct and simple one is cleaning.

If the population is large and there is no room to accommodate it, then we can reduce it manually.

This is actually the conclusion that a group of Wan Yi came to after discussing and almost fighting.

It felt like the judge just handed down the all death penalty sentence in order to get off work on time, and everyone was singing and laughing with joy.

If it doesn't work, it is estimated that no alliance will be able to overcome this hurdle in the end. After all, even the boundaries that could have helped alleviate the pressure in this area are gradually disappearing. Mehta said with some emotion.

Hearing this, Brother Duomu thought for a moment and said casually: Then throw away the abyss boundary zone?

Meta paused slightly as he walked and looked at Brother Dome.

Brother Duomu looked at a child about the same age as Xu Shen who was crowded into a cardboard box hut with several other people.

You're a little too extreme.

Isn't this better than cleaning?

Isn't this the same as manually throwing people into a battle royale? We cannot guarantee the safety within the abyss boundary zone, Meta said.

It's just chronic death and a glimmer of simple and lively life. Brother Duomu said nonchalantly, The broken world is what it is, a deformed world, but now the process has been accelerated.

What you said is very sensible. Yes, you are already very aware of our Cang worshipers. Meta applauded him twice as a joke.

It's just that I don't know how long the abyss boundary zone can last.

As he spoke, he looked at the cloudless sky today with some emotion.

At this moment, a hazy roar exploded, coming from a distant place, which seemed to be outside the city.

Wan Yi and Meta looked around and found that there were many people rushing towards the outside of the city.

It looks like something interesting happened. What should I say? Do you want to continue treating me to Dieyun City's specialty wine, or go and watch the excitement? Meta asked with a smile.

Brother Duomu glanced at him and said, Go and have a look.

Meta smiled and nodded.

Just ask for a drink next time, you can't escape. Brother Dome added coldly.

Yes, yes. Meta's movements froze, and he was sweating.

The two of them hurried over, flying quickly under the surprised and envious eyes of the traveling refugees around them, climbing over eaves and walls between buildings, and hurried out of the city.

The city wall here is old, and although there are people stationed there, there is no access control. They climbed the city wall unimpeded and looked into the distance.

There was a group of buildings there. The dust was flying and one of the ground sank into a large pit.

There is an expanded area formed after the boundary collapsed, but it seems to have been attacked by something? Meta said while looking at it.

Mehta's eyes were aggressive but far less penetrating.

Domage's pupils moved as if a high-precision camera was focusing repeatedly.

Although Domoku's eyes are not focused on insight, his observation ability is not bad and his eyesight is quite good.

He saw a few scattered figures lying on the ground, and in the middle of the big pit was a bright red shadow.

The opponent's skin was mottled, blood was flowing on his body, and he was covered in ragged cloth.

Suddenly, as if feeling the sight, the figure suddenly raised his head and briefly looked at Brother Duomu.

An ear-to-ear smile came into view, but his empty eyes were filled with hatred.

Brother Dome looked away.

That familiar smile...

Blood stained?

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