My doppelganger drama

Chapter 357 The end of the Chaos Islands

Then it's almost time. If you don't contact people outside, it will be difficult to explain. I'll see you next time, Mr. Wan Yi. Spectrum smiled and waved his hand, and his body shape changed. His original bright style suddenly calmed down, and the black curls Long hair falls down and yellow spectrum appears.

Huang Pu didn't say anything, just nodded slightly towards Wan Yi.

There seemed to be nothing worth exploring here, so Wan Yi summoned the toilet plug number and prepared to go out.

But before they could leave, a crack suddenly appeared out of thin air near the two.

The space shattered like glass, and Yang Chongguang and Merck jumped out.

Huang Pu! Yang Chongguang shouted.

Huang Pu and Wan Yi looked over.

Yang Chongguang and Merck put on alert postures, froze for a moment, looked around, and finally focused on the Book of Disaster in Wan Yi's hand.

Is it... over? Yang Chongguang was a little surprised.

Merck stepped forward directly and said: Mr. Theater Director! What you gave us is too unstable! I have never heard of life-saving props that can be triggered by the aftermath of the shock!

Wan Yi reached out and flicked the brim of his hat: I prepared this for my people in advance. From the beginning, I never expected that I would encounter an extreme small-scale confrontation at close range.

What about mine? I was just attacked by a shadow of disaster, and it shattered after a few close combats!

Isn't that your own problem? The dull eyes on the crow's mask gave Merck a look of disdain.


Yang Chongguang stretched out his hand to stop Merck: Well, I was already on the verge of reaching my limit at that time. Even if the bead doesn't break, I will crush it sooner or later.

Merck also wanted to say that he felt unwilling.

Even if he is just a support player here, it is too frustrating to be sent off the field for no reason!

Yang Chongguang glanced at him, making Merck calm down and stop talking. Then he looked at Wan Yi and Huang Pu again: I didn't expect you two to succeed. How did you do it?

His narrow eyes narrowed slightly, giving people a more sharp look.

Huang Pu said directly: The troupe leader only needs a chance to touch the Book of Disaster and not be blown away by other attacks, and I helped him create a moment of opportunity. I will report the specific situation in detail in the report later.

Yang Chongguang nodded, accepting Huang Pu's statement.

Wan Yi, the old god, was always there beside him, gently tapping his other hand with the Book of Disaster.

This time, everyone’s eyes are focused on the Book of Disaster.

Mr. Theater Director...

Yes, yes, I know you need this book, but it's a pity that you didn't seem to be able to get it properly at that time with your own strength, and it was me who got it in the end... Wan Yi shook his head. said.

Hearing this, Yang Chongguang reached out and gently touched his temples: We understand, can you please wait for a while? We need to ask our superiors for instructions, and by the way, we also need to settle the account for the help you have given us during this trip.

It seemed that Gui Yiyi did not intend to use his power to overwhelm others, so Wan Yi shrugged and said, I'll only wait for one day. No, given how busy you are lately, just give it three days. Come find me on the toilet stopper when you get the results.

So that aircraft is really called the 'Toilet Plug'? Merck said abruptly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him at the same time.

He spread his hands: What? Isn't this a very important part? I've been wanting to ask for a long time.

The three of them looked away and ignored this bastard.

The reason why Yang Chongguang and Merck were able to fight back so easily was naturally because the Book of Disaster had been destroyed and they had given up on their ideal. The influence of space-time turbulence on the realm outside the Chaos Islands is eliminated.

The shadows of disaster suddenly returned to their normal state and would no longer riot just because they were near the book.

Wan Yi returned to the toilet stopper and waited for Gui Yiyi's reply.

However, he didn't let a few returnees board the aircraft anymore. He only let them board before because they were homeless, but now that the restrictions have been lifted, there is no reason to lend them his own area.

Wan Yi doesn't like to stay with multiple people all the time, unless they are all himself.

Putting aside Wan Yi's personal psychological factors, the most important thing is that there are other people who are not in a position to say casual remarks.

Because the clones were always complaining before, which was really annoying.

Of the three who returned to one, Merck would still complain a few words in a low voice, while the other two naturally didn't say anything.

Wan Yi always felt that Merck seemed to be very interested in this toilet plug.

There are always some weird people in this world who can catch brain waves at strange angles, so Wan Yi is not surprised.

After waiting for a few days, Wan Yi waited for Yang Chongguang's contact.

Gui Yiyi does not need the Book of Disaster, but they at least need to check and record the status of the pages, and hope that Wan Yi can keep in touch with Gui Yi Yi. If anything happens to the book, at least Wan Yi can notify Gui Yi Yi.

There is no big problem with these conditions, and even considerable concessions have been made after careful consideration.

Such an important thing was allowed to fall into the hands of outsiders. I never expected this wave of operations.

Originally, he thought that Gui Yi would spend a lot of money to buy the Book of Disaster from him.

But they didn't plan to buy it, and the price would have dropped a bit if Wan Yi went back to pick it up, so they accepted this condition.

What followed was a somewhat torturous time.

The Book of Disaster was temporarily given to them to view and record the various states of the Book of Disaster. There were many pages in the Book of Disaster, and the recording took three days.

Wan Yi's main body waited for the clones to be changed. Three days later, when he saw them put away their equipment and said to him with a smile, It's over, thank you for your cooperation, Wan Yi already began to regret why he didn't sell the book to them directly.

Wan Yi's patience is really not that good.

As for Wan Yi and Gui's contact mission, they gave Wan Yi multiple contact information.

There are four copies in total, three of which belong to the same person, and there is another one, I heard that it belongs to a person named Sul.

This Gui Yiren has an important position among all Gui Yi people. He is the only person who can directly contact the Taoist Master when he is away. On weekdays, he is almost the leader of the Gui Yi people.

When Wan Yi knew this, he began to wonder how much the phone could be sold for.

But then I thought about it, even if he told people, This is a phone number that belongs to the leader, V will be yours at fifty, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

In short, after the things were put away, the outcome of the Book of Disaster incident came to an end for the time being.

What follows is Guiyi's reward for Wan Yi's assistance in their work.

However, their reward was not to the troupe, because when they went back to investigate, they found that the troupe was actually a very dangerous thing, with records of haunting the 014 Sky Island and the Sinking Sky Island Group.

However, the current scale of the troupe is not that big, and it is even a bit insignificant compared to the archenemy, Baicang, and the current chaotic situation of the entire world, so I still put it aside for the time being.

This reward is given to the individual troupe director who provided help.

Wan Yi can use his identity as the troupe leader to directly ask Guiyi to provide quantitative concept fragments, and there are no direct restrictions on level and category.

Such a broad condition really shocked Wan Yi.

But then I thought about the importance of the Book of Disasters and the weight of helping three people return to one person, and this reward seemed to be worthy.

Wan Yi can think about it carefully before the lion opens his mouth, and maybe he can use this condition in a more critical place.

Then there is the additional compensation for Wan Yi being put in danger due to Yang Chongguang's negligence.

Wan Yi got a special terminal, which was an internal terminal of Guiyi Road and contained an account.

This account can be used to search Guiyiyi's database within the Suguang United network domain. The basic permissions are the same as Guiyiyi, but some confidential content will be restricted.

It can also be called a great gift, and it is estimated that part of it covers the reward for the Book of Disaster.

In short, Wan Yi is quite satisfied with these two conditions.

After everyone handed over to each other, they said goodbye and left.

By the way, Wan Yi reminded them to quickly go to the Sinking Sky Island to pick up Aikalia who was eating and drinking there.

Gui Yiyi is really caring. After Ikaria was fine, he contacted Gui Yiyi. After confirming that Ikaria was not in danger, Gui Yiyi directly asked Wanyi over there to take care of her temporarily. If Aika recovers quickly, Gui Yiyi will Leah went back by herself, or if she was too late, she would wait until Guiyi had freed up people to respond.

It's hard to imagine how busy Zang Guiyi is with the big job of worshiping Cangjiao.

Anyway, with that said, this brief journey to the Troubled Islands has come to an end.

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