My doppelganger drama

Chapter 359 Recovering

Chapter 359 Recovering...

Blood stained.

The disaster that was confirmed to be reflected in the Book of Disasters thirty-seven years ago.

His real name is unknown, his original gender is male, he is a disaster, his ability is blood manipulation and a series of extensions.

It is recorded that he first appeared in the Earth Union, and was later lured to the Silver and Gold Union.

In the process, a total of five large-scale sky islands in the Earth Alliance, three silver-level sky islands in the Silver-Gold Alliance, and one gold-level sky island, including many lower-level sky islands, were all destroyed by his hands.

According to its capabilities, neither the sky island itself nor the buildings on the sky island suffered large-scale damage, but there were very few survivors on each sky island.

According to the survivors, they saw other people being turned into blood in an instant, and the entire city and even the island were dyed bright red.

Later, through the operation of Guiyi, he was captured and controlled at the border of the Silver and Gold Union and brought back.

Used as a material in the ■■ project, it has been decomposed by the source.

Subsequently, in the Disaster Islands, it was confirmed that the Disaster Shadow formed near the Book of Disaster, and its power was similar to the original body.

This is more detailed information about the disaster Blood Stain that Wan Yi found inside Guiyiyi through the Guiyiyi terminal he just obtained.

Because it was not a particularly long-standing disaster, the record was fairly complete.

Except for the last plan being blocked, Wan Yi also heard about this from Yang Chongguang.

Finally, it was decomposed by the etheric sea. Wan Yi's fingers gently rubbed the terminal on his hand.

And when the earth unites, Duomu Ge on Dieyunkong Island stands on the city wall and looks at the figure in the distance, naturally showing a trace of surprise and confusion.

Speaking of which, although he knew from Gui Yiyi that the disaster would come back.

But what exactly is the mechanism behind this?

If the disaster was once suppressed and sealed, he could still understand it if it appeared again now.

But for something like Xue Ran, which is said to have been decomposed by the Aether Sea in the data, how can it come back?

On the Book of Disasters, the blood-stained name is indeed glowing red, but the Book of Disasters shouldn't have that much power. It's so simple and brainless to let the name shine, but to let the disaster it represents revive.

Is it related to the expansion of the boundary zone?

Through Brother Duomu's eyes, Wan Yi paid attention to the movements of that figure.

The figure whose body was stained with blood staggered, walking over the surrounding corpses. Those corpses all dissolved and turned into dirty blood, flowing to the soles of his feet and disappearing under him.

Replenish blood quality...thorough recovery...promote...end...

Under that scary smile, it murmured in a low voice.

And the target it is heading for is Dieyun City in the distance.

Brother Duomu was just about to say if anyone could take care of this thing when he saw magic formations flashing one after another above Dieyun City.

The styles of these magic circles are also very mixed, some are fantasy style, and some seem to be Western fantasy.

It's bloody! Then, a city wall guard who looked quite young shouted in surprise.

was recognized.

Very normal.

It has only been more than thirty years, and the place where it first started to wreak havoc was the United Earth, which suffered the most heavy losses when it faced it.

Many people have deeply remembered the blood-stained figure and strange smiling face, and directly recognized it at this moment.

It's so cruel. All the formations engraved on the city wall have been activated. Meta couldn't help but be amazed when he saw this.

Even when several boundary zones outside Dieyun City collapsed one after another, Dieyun City only opened half of them to resist the storm-like turmoil approaching the boundary.

But now, that figure just showed his face, and all the formations were activated on the spot.

Maybe this is not enough for it... Brother Duomu couldn't help but said, thinking of the information found by the main body, Meta, do you think it's too late for us to leave by aircraft now?

Huh? Meta didn't respond.

That's it... As soon as Brother Duomu said his next words, the tiny figure in the distance suddenly started to speed up and rushed directly towards Dieyun City.

The arc of its smiling face widened again, a long roar erupted, and blood-colored fluctuations spread to the surroundings, while ether particles continued to float around it and burned.

The blue sky turned into a gloomy blood-colored sky under its roar.

Pfft! The third stage is a disaster!? Meta couldn't help but spit out when he saw this.

From the surging etheric energy and iconic features of the other party, Meta thought so for the first time.

But soon, he realized that even the third stage of disaster could not be so exaggerated!

That is the sky of Sky Island.

So far, everyone still doesn't know what the principle of the sky scene on the empty island is, but when this terrible person in front of you roars, the sky here changes!

What does it do?

Let's go. Brother Duomu turned around and jumped off the city wall.

Meta called him and quickly followed him: You are moving too fast! Are you so timid in the first place?!

When did you have the illusion that I'm not a coward? Brother Duomu was still cold and cold, and it was completely impossible to tell that he was running away.


The two of them were still in the air when the city wall suddenly shook violently.

A large hole was torn directly into a corner of the city wall not far from the two. The formation surrounding the city was useless in front of it, whether it was attack or defense.

The monster tore open the city wall and stood on the broken city wall. The surrounding corpses turned into dirty blood and flowed towards it. Even the remnants of the broken protective formations were being stained with blood.

A lot of blood... It said solemnly, looking at the city behind the city wall with its empty eyes.

Oh, your presence here is a big trouble for me. A lot of my family property over the years is here. Suddenly, a gentle voice came from beside it.

Xue Ran's eyes turned and he saw a man in colorful clothes standing high on the city wall looking down at it.

He was dressed in all kinds of colors, which made Xue Ran, who only liked red and black, quite unhappy.


It started directly, the white bones on the fingertips grew, the body jumped up and turned sharply, the blood was like a crescent moon, and another city wall collapsed in front of it.

I feel like my knowledge is a bit insufficient. Looking at this scene, Meta was a little confused.

A bloody wave spread.

Brother Duomu grabbed the hair on the back of Meta's head: Stop beeping, block it!

Before Meta had time to cry out in pain, he saw the blood-wave-like force sweeping across him. His expression instantly became serious, his field opened, and his eyes opened on his arms and pointed forward.

Brother Duomu's eyes also rolled over and over in preparation.

Even though this was just the aftermath of that monster, after seeing the monster's performance, they didn't dare to be careless at all.

At this moment, a burst of energy shot out directly from the side, counteracting the blood-colored wave approaching in front of the two of them. Then a figure flashed past, and the two of them felt their eyes blurred, and then they found that they had their feet on the ground.

Meta was still staggering a little, half-kneeling on the ground, feeling that his scalp hurt...

Aren't you...with such strength, joining in the fun, not afraid of death? The tall figure with messy long hair standing in front of him was so familiar, and the other person's usual low and heavy voice could also be heard in his ears.

When I first went up, I didn't think it would be so exaggerated. Brother Duomu answered calmly.

Ricardo glanced at Brother Duomu, and then looked at Meta.

Meta was still squatting on the ground, holding his head: Uh... I wanted to take Duomu out for a drink. He wanted to...

Becoming a divine envoy is just the beginning of a new journey. Remember, don't be complacent. Ricardo said directly, interrupting his defense.

Yes... Meta accepted his fate.

Boss, that thing... Brother Duomu said at this time.

It looks like a disaster, red, blood...well, I seem to have heard of it, but I should have been in other places at the time. I have also been exposed to other disasters, but this one should have been very strong.

Original? Brother Duomu asked curiously.

Ricardo was well-informed, so what he said was not surprising at all. At this time, he was curious about Ricardo's evaluation of the Shadow of Disaster.

It is still far from its peak. Now, even I am sure to kill it. Ricardo said flatly, and then looked at the man in colorful clothes who was still content in the sea of ​​blood.

It's even less so with that man.

Domego and Meta both became quiet and looked at the sky.

After a moment of silence, Meta said: Domu, can you let go of my hair first? It hurts so much when you hold it!

He realized the culprit of why his scalp hurt so much.

Oh, sorry, I didn't pay attention. Brother Duomu let go.

You did it on purpose.




As soon as Ricardo spoke, Meta didn't dare to say anything anymore.

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