My doppelganger drama

Chapter 351 What’s the movement?

Even with the speed of modern brother, there are still some shadows of disaster that can keep up in this situation.

Wan Yi felt the thrill of running alone in front and chasing after a group of things.

A lizard-shaped shadow of disaster overtook Wan Yi at a curve, caught up with Wan Yi from the side, and pounced on him with its bloody mouth open.

Wan Yi stretched out his hand and threw out a huge Zero Sha, which he put into the lizard's mouth and detonated. The lizard exploded on the spot.

Then several leech-like things surrounded him from all directions. Wan Yi's shoulders and back suddenly bulged, and a large number of gun barrels poked out and opened fire on the surrounding area.

All the leeches approaching were smashed to pieces.

After dealing with this, Wan Yi briefly glanced behind him, and there were still a large number of shadows of various disasters chasing after him.

The qualitative transformation of the curse is operating at full power, the supervisor is superimposed, the curse field is activated, and the curse of slowness is activated!

Wan Yi stretched out his right hand, and at some point a black glove was put on it, and he clenched it tightly against the shadow of disaster behind him.

The third realm!? Merck also saw Wan Yi performing it again from a distance, and his mouth opened wide.

No, brother, are you getting more and more outrageous?

In an instant, the purple-black curse aura spread in large quantities, and all the affected disaster shadows were like videos played at 0.5x speed.

Wan Yi turned around and continued to accelerate. The whole process did not take much time.

He approached within ten meters of the Book of Disaster!

The Book of Woe is still struggling.

Suddenly, a black cat emerged from the air. Compared with other disaster shadows, it looked quite harmless, but Wan Yi felt that the cat seemed to have used space-type abilities to jump out.

The threat is not low!

The eyes under Wan Yi's mask opened wide, and the pupils began to rotate. In the process, stacked pupils appeared in circles.

Duomuge overlaps! Be given a qualitative change!


The black cat's originally smooth pounce action suddenly changed. It curled up into a cat ball and rolled past Wan Yi before rolling to an unknown location.

Not as good as Mr. Mask. Brother Duomu commented lightly on Wan Yi.

Five meters!

What caught up with Wan Yi this time was a swarm of locusts, which would eat even the fragments of the empty island wherever they passed.

The nightmare metamorphosis is operating at full power, the five are overlapping, and the nightmare is void!

The nightmare cockroach flew out from under Wan Yi's clothes and collided directly with the locust swarm, eating each other and finally almost canceling each other out.

How many qualitative changes did he have? No, even if there are many qualitative changes, it can be explained, but they are not in the same direction at all! It is good that there is no conflict, why can it still achieve such a high output!? Merck couldn't understand it at all.

Although no new areas are shown later, the subsequent domination-like abilities and the output power of the Nightmare Cockroach are much higher than ordinary qualitative changes!

This troupe leader was originally very mysterious, but now after seeing him in action, the mystery and weirdness greatly shocked several Gui Yiren.

Even the Pus didn't expect Wan Yi to perform to this extent.

one meter……

The Book of Disaster is at your fingertips!

At this time, Yang Chongguang's rain suppressed the large disaster shadows around him, and after suppressing the approaching blood-stained shadows to the ground with a sword, he looked nervously at the flesh-and-blood island in the distance.

There still seems to be no movement on that island, but next...

Wan Yi stretched out his hand, quickly brushed away all the influences in his own field, and finally grabbed the Book of Disaster!


This time, Yang Chongguang and the others saw it.

The edge of the island of flesh and blood opened, and it was a mouth that looked like a meat grinder inside.

The power of black and white is burning like a furnace.

There was no preparation or accumulation of energy, and the majestic power poured out in an instant.

The beam of light tore through the sky, instantly crossing a long distance and pressing towards Wan Yi.

Heavy rain! Yang Chongguang shouted with flames burning in his eyes. Under the pouring rain caused by the realm, the rain was extremely powerful but did not make a sound, and even swallowed up all the sounds in the rain.

All the shadows of disaster in the realm were suppressed for a while and could not lift their heads.

He couldn't even hear his own voice and forgot his own existence.

Only the blood-stained shadow tried to struggle, but was unable to do anything in a short time.

Yang Chongguang raised his sword above his head, rainwater flowing down the sword, the cold light flashing continuously, and finally he slashed towards the destructive beam of light.

Huang Pu also raised his hands on both sides of his body, and the runes on his back were outlined. While the golden light in his eyes was flowing, the runes behind him outlined an arrogant word Huang.

The silent rainstorm and the brilliant seal faced the beam of light.

The two collided violently, but the attack of both of them was suppressed by the beam of light with irrefutable power.

It can only slightly delay the opponent's advancement.

Yang Chongguang gritted his teeth and his eyes were about to burst.

must! Hold on!


But just as he was thinking this, a slight cracking sound was heard.

The sound that can be made in his heavy rain comes from him!

In his arms, the jade beads given by the troupe leader shattered!

how come!

Is it caused by too intense a collision of forces?

Before Yang Chongguang had time to think about it, the jade bead was shattered on the spot.

The next moment, the air around him was surrounded by magnificent emerald bushes.

No! He struck the jade with his sword, but it bounced away easily, leaving no trace.

Merck was shocked when he looked at the situation at Yang Chongguang's side. Why was it triggered? ! In this situation, if Yang Chongguang is not here, it will be difficult for Huang Pu alone to delay the situation!

Suddenly, a black figure rushed towards Merck.

Merck quickly dodged: How come even if you hit me, you have already chosen a safe distance!

The black figure was very good at boxing and kicking, but even though Merck was good at assisting and searching, it didn't mean he didn't have the ability to protect himself. After supporting the opponent for a while, he was out of danger and was about to use his backhand to fight back.


Ah? Merck was stunned and saw a ball of jade scum at his feet.

Broken... Broken? just? !

Mr. Theater Director, please improve the quality of your products!

No! Emerald growth enveloped it.

The black figure listened to the aftertaste of Merck's shout and turned around: Solve it.

Then he made a sound like Wanyi.


The heavy rain faded away, Huang Pu's huang seal was shattered, and the beam of light poured down, washing away everything.


Wan Yi landed on an empty island and waved his hand: I can't catch it...

The book was completely gone. He struggled wildly in his hand, and with the blow of the light beam, he was helplessly swept away again.

Huang Pu landed next to Wan Yi.


Your plan is really simple and crude, but it's not bad at all. Wan Yi said.

Huang Pu's so-called plan is very simple.

If you keep the disguise of your own personality, it will be difficult to fight against that flesh and blood island. And if she switches personalities, she will be reluctant to say goodbye to her life as a single person for the time being.

Then create an accident, clear the scene, and don't let Yang Chongguang and others see her true face.

Very straightforward idea.

It's just a cover-up. Although I can take the blame for you this time, I won't be able to remove much of the doubts afterwards. Wan Yi pointed out mercilessly.

Thanks anyway.

And in order to make the scene look good, I was asked to touch the book once to attract a blow, confusing the scene and causing many of my clones to die. Wan Yi continued.

Although killing a few clones is a matter of course.

While everyone is chatting and reading novels, there are always a few Wan Yi dying quietly behind the scenes, and even the death scene is quite funny, but no one cares, everyone only cares about themselves!

I owe you a big favor. Huang Pu looked at the Book of Disaster that was moved to the next location in the distance, and said with a trembling tone, Chromatography owes you one, and I, Huang Pu, owe you one too.

Wan Yi shrugged.

We are here to cover you, or you should touch the book. Huang Pu slowly closed his eyes, And, try to stay as far away from us as possible.

Yeah, okay. Wan Yi responded simply, then jumped out and galloped through the air.

Let Wan Yi stay away...

Currently, Huang Pu and the others have four personality clones, and the one who can tell Wan Yi to stay away is obviously not one of the three he knows.

Obviously, it was the fourth one whom he had never met before.

The one that chromatography relies on most from the very beginning.

It was also because of the existence of that strange yet ever-present mysterious personality that Wan Yi did not kill Chromatogram directly at the beginning.

In this case, I chose to let this mysterious personality appear.

Basically it can be regarded as a signal.

That might be the strongest personification that Wan Yi has seen so far.

The feeling of Huangpu and music score are similar to him. The realm of music score is better controlled, and the spectrum is always hidden and invisible.

In contrast, the new music score we are about to see seems worth looking forward to.


Wan Yi remembers it being called...Hua Pu?


A deafening sound came from behind, and the shock wave that followed made Wan Yi feel a strong push on his back.

Wan Yi left a drop of cold sweat and looked back: What's going on?

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