My doppelganger drama

Chapter 350 Layers upon layers

Also, this is for you.

What? Huang Pu turned his head and saw a donkey face full of stupidity.

This is a rather funny donkey head mask.

... Huang Pu was silent.

Is this the mask you wanted before? Aren't you happy? Wan Yi shook off the hooded mask on his hand, his mouth swaying.

I thought that even if it wasn't a crow, it would still be a bird... Huang Pu felt something was wrong, something very wrong.

What? You still care about superficial appearance when you are a dignified person? Don't worry about it. The effect of stabilizing your mood is absolutely great. It is just suitable for you who are now shaken. As long as it is effective, don't worry so much.

Is there really nothing else?

Do you want the piggy one?

I want a donkey.

Huang Pu took over the donkey head mask.

Looking at the mask in his hand.

Chromatogram said: You are not allowed to wear it!

Spectrum probe: If you don't want to wear it, let me wear it! I'm interested.

Spectrum was banned again.

After Huang Pu sighed, he autistically put the donkey's headband on his head.

There was a click sound.

As soon as she put it on, she heard the sound of taking photos. She turned around and saw Wan Yi put down the camera and was already waiting for the photos to be taken.


Le, you have to wear this yourself. When Huang Pu stretched out his hand, Wan Yi jumped off the toilet stopper and disappeared.

Huang Pu's half-stretched hand froze in place, and finally collapsed on the surface of the aircraft in despair, not bothering to take off his hood.

In fact, it is quite useful. My originally messy mind suddenly became much clearer.

Wan...troupe leader?


In the shadow beside her, Wan Yi in the crow mask poked his head out again.

I have a plan.

Oh ho?

At dawn the next morning, Merck held a string of coordinates and placed them in front of several people.

I have roughly obtained the coordinates of the Book of Disaster's appearance in the next twenty-four hours. Among them, the most maneuverable group is here. He highlighted several groups of coordinates.

After seeing it, others will also know why this set of coordinates is worth it.

There are seven sets of coordinates in total, very close to each other. The total stay time of this set is as long as forty-nine seconds.

As long as they operate correctly, they can have more time to obtain the Book of Disaster.

Then, it's time to take a stand.

Should we retreat or go for this wave?

I want to get the Book of Disaster, and that's why I'm here. As for my ability, I can protect myself, but if there is a blow, I won't be able to get close to the Book of Disaster. Wan Yi was the first to express his stance. .

If the beam of light hadn't hit him with impact, it would have knocked him away. Otherwise, Wan Yiduo would have been able to get the Book of Disaster by himself if a few clones had died.

Merck said: I abstain. It fits his idea of ​​dawdling. If someone takes the lead, he will do it with the best efficiency, but if no one pushes him, he will not take the initiative to say anything.

Yang Chongguang looked at Huang Pu with hesitation in his narrow eyes.

Huang Pu looked away and said: You can try it. The troupe leader said that he has a way to send us out of the Disaster Islands immediately if we fail.

Yang Chongguang looked at Wan Yi with some surprise when he heard this.

Wan Yi's beak moved slightly: It is indeed possible, although it will be a bit extreme. I hope you can give me a little trust when the time comes.

Yang Chongguang breathed out a breath.

Okay, let's go.

This result is not surprising.

Doing an act of justice is the result of the dual interweaving of rationality and sensibility.

It can be complex or it can be simple.

With the decision made, several people immediately started preparations, and the combat time was five hours later.

Wan Yi handed three large emerald green bean beads to the other three people.

The material seems to be jade? The workmanship is relatively casual, and there is no power attached to it. Are you really picking it up correctly? Merck asked Wan Yi.

Jade... Yang Chongguang murmured.

You should know about the Lifting Pearl, right? Wan Yi asked.

As Gui Ren, it is impossible for the three of them not to know.

Wan Yi continued: Just understand it as something with similar effects. Be careful, if it breaks you will be forcibly taken away.

Huang Pu put the things away calmly, and Yang Chongguang didn't hesitate after thinking for a moment.

Merck was more curious, but could never see anything.

After getting the last props, the four of them went to the place and settled down.

Merck's task is not over yet, because continuous calculations may affect the accuracy of the results, and some calculation results may be wrong, and he will make corrections on the spot.

The first appearance point is not on the empty island, but in the air.

After Wan Yi initiated the qualitative transformation, the three of them surrounded the first coordinate.

Time passes quietly...



The moment the time came, before the three of them could check where the book was, a familiar scream came from high in the sky.

Blood stained!? Merck exclaimed.

The shadow of the disaster that had been solved once before actually reappeared at this time. It jumped down from an empty island above the three people, and let out a terrifying cry from the exaggerated smile on its face.

At the same time, blood-colored fluctuations spread along with the screams.

Huang Pu and Yang Chongguang did not hesitate to expand their respective realms to resist the invasion of blood waves.

Wan Yi was not careless about the bloody front this time. He had also seen the other party's previous performance. At this time, after the blessing of the domain, he stepped back for a moment.

A confrontation of hard power is a bad idea for him. It is best for everyone to perform their respective duties on this occasion.

The most surprising thing is that they stayed at the scheduled time, but unexpectedly they didn't see the book, but what came was a strengthened shadow of disaster!

They were counter-calculated!

Although Shu used to run around, he would summon the shadow of disaster to protect himself.

But this situation is regarded as an anomaly and mechanism of the book itself.

Wan Yi had previously buried the Book of Disaster in his heart and personified it.

But what if it was actually alive all along, but there was no need to show it before, or it even had the intention to keep it alive?

As the drizzle fell, the bloody corpse collided with the two Guiyi and was blocked, but its eyes were fixed on Wan Yi, and its spearhead was nakedly pointed at Wan Yi.

Don't look at me, it's like I molested your wife. Wan Yi turned away in disgust.

The situation is wrong! But since it has been strengthened, it means that the Book of Disaster is indeed nearby! Yang Chongguang shouted.

This is true.

Merck's more accurate revisions were quickly sent over.

Wan Yi rushed directly towards the new corrected coordinates. It was indeed not far away, but it was a little tricky.

Among the rubble on the edge of a lower-level sky island...

It even protects itself within certain limits!

The dwell time at the first coordinate was five seconds. Wan Yi touched it directly, intending to give a test first.

But who knows, a large number of black shadows squirming around and pounced on Wan Yi.

These things look very similar to the shadow magic he mastered after his magical transformation, but they are much scarier than the three-legged cat magic. A group of small dots like swimming fish dance in the shadows between the stones, forming a school of fish A black cluster.

As soon as they approached and wanted to engulf Wan Yi, a rune flashed in front of Wan Yi, and golden light radiated out to force these dark things back.

Huang Pu came to escort him.

Yang Chongguang and Xue Ran Shadow were approaching each other while entangled.

However, five seconds passed, and the book quickly disappeared, and then appeared in another location within the sight of the three.

The distances for the next few jumps will not be very far, but trying to cross these distances under the entanglement of the shadows of various disasters makes them seem a bit longer.

A short period of time passed by, and the first three coordinates were not touched in time due to various reasons.

However, the first three times were not very long and could only be regarded as a little fault tolerance and warm-up.

The jump to the fourth coordinate point occurs, and this time it stays for eleven seconds.

After Wan Yi and Huang Pu's eyes briefly crossed, he accelerated suddenly.

The shadows of various disasters approaching around him were instantly thrown behind by Wan Yi's acceleration, and most of them were out of reach.

Yang Chongguang felt a little strange when he saw this scene out of the corner of his eye.

It's so fast, and it feels like a realm, but this realm is different from the one the troupe leader showed before...

Different from the previous deep realm, the current sense of realm coming from the troupe leader is more iron-blooded and full of gunpowder smoke, making Wan Yi, who is moving quickly, like a passing bullet!

Different fields!

Can one person own plural realms? !

There is no such precedent in the records of Guiyi!

Huh, it's been a long time since I stacked them up, and I'm still playing this with the main body while overlapping... Brother Modern said with some melancholy.

Of all the clones of Wanyizhong who can still show impressive speed under such circumstances, there is no one except Hyundai.

In the overlapping state, the clone and the main body seem to be separated from each other, and it is difficult to distinguish each other. In this subtle superposition state, Wanyi can achieve some operations.

Substitute death is just the most obvious and straightforward application.

But now taking back the clones that have taken different paths and superimposing them is another aspect of application.

Rather, this is actually the source of Wan Yi's most basic combat power, but most of the time it is not necessary.

Wan Yi rarely plays like this, especially those clones who have been separated for a long time, because no one wants to go home after being wild outside.

But when necessary, you still have to listen to the words of the main body. As the scapegoat and external brain recognized by Wan Yi, other Wan Yi will eventually agree to come back to help when needed.

Before my eyes, the Book of Disaster is approaching.

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