My doppelganger drama

Chapter 352 The colorful world


A large number of flowers are blooming on that empty island, and there are all kinds of flowers.

Roses, peonies, chrysanthemums, plums, narcissus, tulips, rosemary, hydrangeas, wisteria...

Countless flowers of different types ignored all the conditions required for normal flower growth at this moment and bloomed on the empty island. Not long after Wan Yi turned his sight, the empty island had become a sea of ​​flowers.

And the shadow of disaster on that empty island was swallowed up by the sea of ​​flowers and became the soil for flowers.

The strong wind blew up the flowers, and the petals flew, but Wan Yi felt creepy and did not dare to get close.


The empty island that became a sea of ​​flowers cracked and then collapsed.

Sky island collapses!

Generally, there is only one situation that will lead to the collapse of the sky island, and that is that most of the structure of the sky island is destroyed, making it no longer possible to maintain it normally.

Wan Yi did not see any obvious blow, but the empty island collapsed under the sea of ​​flowers.

His eyes quickly passed through the sea of ​​flowers, and finally he saw an inconspicuous figure in such a gorgeous scenery.

The short black shoulder-length hair is slightly raised, and a pair of colorful eyes are like kaleidoscopes that are constantly rotating. Looking at them for a long time makes people feel dizzy.

She didn't wear much. Contrary to the sea of ​​flowers that became magnificent due to her power, her clothes were a simple black tight dress, exposing her white arms.

A pair of slender legs were wearing tight shorts, and below were dark high-heeled boots.

At first glance, that delicate face gives people the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Then Wan Yi soon realized that he was wrong.

Uhhhhh! Come back... come back!

The woman suddenly raised her head and shouted in a hysterical voice. The sound was mixed with the vibration of power, forming a hurricane that swept around, and the petals were picked up and scattered into the distance.

As a professional accountant looking for agency services, Wan Yi felt the feeling of watching others start agency services for the first time.

This sudden sense of strangeness and horror is real.

Then, he quickly turned around and came directly to the Book of Disaster, reaching out his hand to grab it without hesitation.

Hua Pu looks like a crazy woman, and her brain is probably not very good, just like the protagonist in some works has not mastered the powerful rampage form.

If he continues to be in a daze, the raging Hua Pu will most likely attack the surroundings indiscriminately. It will be really troublesome to involve him when the time comes.

In short, let’s find a suitable opponent for her first.


Wan Yi wanted to take action against the Book of Disaster again, so the flesh-and-blood island in the distance naturally launched a beam of light to strike without hesitation.

I guess I still can't get it this time, but the attack range of the light beam includes flower spectrum!

Hua Pu was shouting to himself, not paying attention to the light beam coming down, and was suddenly swallowed up by the black and white colors.

Flowers are annihilated under the beam of light, and beauty succumbs to destruction...?

Swish, swish, swish!

The pillar of light suddenly transformed into a pillar of colorful flowers, then disintegrated harmlessly.

Wan Yi was confused by the flowers, but this time he actually had the Book of Disaster in his hand.

What he needed was a chance to avoid being knocked away by the impact of a powerful attack, and Hua Pu's power did it all at once, which was gratifying.


Then he saw that Hua Pu was attracted by the empty island as expected, and rushed towards the distance.

Along the way, flowers bloomed out of thin air and petals flew wildly. If this continues, the entire Chaos Islands will become a world of flowers.

Wan Yi closed the Book of Disaster tightly, even though it was still struggling, but without the rescue of those licking dogs, it was just a Mary Sue who could do nothing but make people confused. That's all.

Don't move. Wan Yi said to the book.

Of course the book ignored him.

Wan Yi thought for a while, holding the book tightly with one hand, and took out a pen with the other hand: You are disobedient, right? I said before that I will take revenge on you. To take revenge on a book, in addition to removing the pages Apart from tearing it off and using it as tissue paper, I can only do some random graffiti.”

The book's struggle became more intense.

However, when Wan Yi saw this, he also knew that he had grasped the sore foot of the book, and started writing with joy. At this moment, it was as if he had regained the wonderful childhood of scribbling on textbooks in elementary school.

And not far away, Hua Pu also officially fought against the flesh and blood sky island.

It is completely inconsistent with the beautiful power style. Hua Pu's movements are just like Wan Yi's impression of her, like an irrational beast.

Wan Yi looked at it and felt a sense of déjà vu.

Apart from not being able to stand on all fours and using hair, teeth and other parts as a means of attack, Huapu seems to be somewhat similar to Coffin.

The styles are all so wild.

All the counterattacks made by Flesh Sky Island became part of the kaleidoscope that swept from the center of the flower spectrum to the surroundings.

Even the Flesh Sky Island itself gradually began to bloom with a sea of ​​flowers.

The coquettish flowers grow on flesh and blood, and the kaleidoscope rotates melodiously, making a crisp and sweet sound, which reminds people of the fun they had when they got the kaleidoscope toy as a child.

But what is going on behind the scenes is a massacre.

Wan Yi watched this scene, and the scribbling pen in his hand was a little slow.

There are no subdivisions for domain masters, because there are so many different fields, and one's mastery level can roughly judge the strength level of a domain master.

As for the realm, although the degree of mastery is also concerned, after the degree of mastery reaches a certain level, there are also some inaccurate divisions.

This division is not official, but it has certain universality.

The levels of realms can be roughly divided into small realm, virtual realm, and big realm.

Among them, the big world is also called the real world among some people.

Although there are only three grades, there are also huge gaps within the same grade.

From Huang Pu's words, I learned that she, Yang Chongguang, and Ke Fen were probably all small circles.

Counting Wan Yi Seeing, Music Score, and Wan Yi's Carnival, it is also at this level.

The small world has a foundation, based on the releaser, and extends outward to influence the outside world.

Coffin actually has no boundary, but Coffin's power comes from the Dog of the End, and the Dog of the End, the incarnation of the will of the boundary belt, is also the virtual world. The mature abyss boundary belt itself is the big world. boundary.

At that time, Coffin relied on the clock's terminal spiral to emerge from the cracks in time and space, and because of his playfulness, his performance was limited.

But even so, as they are both in the small world, Huang Pu is forcibly mastered by the qualitative change of fragments. The time is short, the control is poor, and the output is unstable. He claims to be at the bottom of the small world.

Yang Chongguang, as a veteran player, has proficient control, stable output, and can be mobilized to suppress at will. He can be regarded as the upper middle class in the small world.

As for Coffin, who has crossed the gap between time and space, even if he can only reproduce part of his power, the power of the spiral realm is beyond the reach of humans. His output is limited and he succumbs to the apex of the small realm.

And above the small world...

Wan Yi looked at the colorful world in front of him.

It is the virtual world.

Although the master is also the starting point, since then, the realm and the master have become inseparable. The realm is not just a means for the realm controller, it can also be called a relatively independent new world.

The flower spectrum is like this.

This is also the first time Wan Yi has truly seen the master of the virtual world.

As for the great world above the virtual world, or the real world.

That is the realm of the true god worshiped by Bai Cang.

Although the flesh and blood sky island has no boundary form, its output is enough to put even the small world in danger. However, facing the virtual world, all struggles are covered by the kaleidoscope.

Along with that dreamy colorful world, reality turns into falsehood, is controlled, and then...


The dreamlike colors shattered, and the kaleidoscope was smashed by ignorant children, but after the fragmentation, it showed more crazy colors, and finally like a delicate flower, it was short-lived and withered miserably.

The empty island of flesh and blood was broken in this way.

In the distance, Hua Pu clenched the fragments of the kaleidoscope with both hands, as if he wanted to rub them into his body, but in the end he dropped them in disappointment.

Then, she slowly turned back, and those dazzling colorful kaleidoscope eyes pointed directly at Wan Yi across a long distance.

Come back... come back... don't leave...! She murmured, stepping towards Wan Yi.

Wan Yi looked at the book of disasters in his hand that had drawn several rounds of stickman battles, and put it close to his body.

Okay, you unreliable family members are always going to cause me some trouble. In the end, are you the real final boss? Wan Yi's tone remained relaxed when faced with this monster.

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