My doppelganger drama

Chapter 349 Hesitation

Judging from the original purpose of this attempt, it was obviously successful.

Wan Yi successfully touched the Book of Disaster and was able to ignore its impact on the surroundings.

However, this attempt also brought another big problem to the forefront.

The empty island of flesh and blood was watching eagerly from the side. Although there was little movement on weekdays, it did not expect that it would react so strongly the moment the Book of Disaster was touched.

If you still insist on touching the Book of Disaster, you will not be able to bypass the surveillance of the empty island in the end.

Merck adds another layer to its workload.

Do you have any information about that flesh and blood island? For example, it may be the shadow of some disaster or something. Wan Yi asked Yang Chongguang.

The shadows of disaster appear in many different forms. Some are obvious, while others are so different that it is difficult to distinguish. Yang Chongguang sighed.

It seems that the flesh and blood archipelago is something that cannot be distinguished because it looks too abstract.

I reproduced the strike range of the previous light beam. Even if it is located at the end of the Disaster Archipelago, it can cover more than half of the range. It is basically impossible to circumvent it. And if it is really alive, then it will be very big. Probability also has the ability to move. Merck said worriedly with the results he had just obtained.

Even the leaked power has reached this level... Yang Chongguang frowned.

Do you have a way to withstand that kind of blow? Wan Yi asked.

Yang Chongguang closed his eyes and shook his head slightly: Unfortunately, we may not be able to do anything. It is difficult to define the strength of such a thing by purely relying on strength to tear the realm apart.

As for dealing with the flesh and blood island in advance, it is not a good way.

Just the blow it unleashed was already very difficult, and it was unknown how much power it had gathered.

And even after sweeping away the flesh and blood island, there are still a lot of weird things similar to the flesh and blood island.

This is a bottomless pit. If it really had the ability to clear out the Disaster Archipelago in a short period of time, it would not be sitting here thinking about methods now.

Seeing that the discussion had reached an impasse, Merck shrugged and could only silently go back and continue to calculate the subsequent position of the Book of Disaster.

Wan Yi relaxed his body and leaned on the back of the chair.

As soon as I mastered my field, something so extraordinary appeared. If it didn't work, I might have to rely on Miss Mask to transform.

If it doesn't work, just retreat. There's no need to fight like this. Huang Pu said calmly, Although it is indeed necessary to check the situation of the book, if you know that you are going to die, then that is another matter. We can still help if we survive. More places.”

Think about it again. Yang Chongguang said.

There was no breakthrough for the time being, and the toilet plug fell into silence.

When Gui Yiren is present, it is difficult for other people to say too much. Too many words will make mistakes. However, people in Gui Yi are not in a high mood, so they are not interested.

The condition of the toilet stopper is average. It is not like a spaceship like the toilet, so there are not so many rooms.

However, the interior space is quite large, so there is still room for everyone to have some quiet time alone.

Yang Chongguang sat alone in the corner and fell into silence. If Wan Yi hadn't gotten to know this man's personality through a short period of contact, Wan Yi might have mistakenly thought that he was autistic.

He found Merck, who fit the stereotype of a technical guru with his hands clacking away on the keyboard.

Cyber ​​fortune-telling is so terrifying.

Want coffee?

Do you still have coffee here?

“We have prepared a lot of things, because sometimes we want them when our heads are hot, so we have prepared a little bit.”

What kind?

Anything from a regular coffee shop will do.

Iced American style will be fine, thank you.

Wan Yi arranged for a clone next to him to make coffee.

Merck never moved his eyes away from the screen in front of him the whole time. The large number of numbers on it were constantly beating, which made his head ache.

This is my first formal contact with you all. You are much better than I thought. Wan Yi took the initiative to start the conversation.

Don't dare to talk nonsense. Merck showed no expression and shook his head: But most people do think of us as a common justice organization with shady secrets.

How do you usually select one person? Wan Yi asked curiously.

Merck said: For merits and recommendations, merits are divided into internal work and external processing. Some administrative clerical positions look more at internal work merits, and the latter is considered by one person.

How can someone like you actually make achievements in external affairs? Wan Yi made no secret of his stereotype of Merck.

This made Merck suddenly lose his temper.

At this time, the iced American style was also delivered.

Merck picked it up and took a sip: Huh, is this handmade with raw materials or patchwork? It tastes really good.

“We’ve always preferred to do it ourselves with raw materials.”

Merck nodded: There are quite a few such 'fundamentalists'.

After a pause, he continued the previous topic: I originally just wanted to hang out in Guiyi, but the direction of my qualitative change is easier to say than to help the organization go out to the field, do investigations, etc. It is far more useful than sitting in the office. , so it was arranged.”

Speaking of which, there was a touch of helplessness and melancholy in Merck's tone: I was recommended in the end in a daze. Not only one person has the right to recommend me, but the old guy who recommended me was just an inconspicuous person in our archives office. A veteran cadre, but he left a few years ago, alas.”

This Merck is also a person with a story.

After all, they are Gui Ren. Generally speaking, Gui Ren is a group of people who are at the top of the world. Who doesn’t have a story about such people?

You just became one person like this? That's amazing. Wan Yi admired him.

I just thought it was troublesome at first, especially after I had my own subordinate jurisdiction. But that old guy had high expectations for me inexplicably. After all, he was the one who was willing to let me, a person without permission, skip permission to read the information, and I didn't either. No matter what method, I will try whatever he wants me to do.”

“And then it’s all the way up to now.”

Wan Yi nodded, and then asked: What do you think of your teammates, Yang Chongguang and Huang Pu?

Yang, he is actually not young. But he is very strict. He was responsible for many of Gui Yiren's on-the-job education when he first took office. He is now half of Gui Yiren's teachers. I was scolded several times at the beginning.

Merck shook his head, but then added; He is very stubborn, sticks to his post, is meticulous about tasks, and always hopes to bring this spirit to us. Well, he is a person who puts great pressure on himself.

Wan Yi nodded.

With so many things happening at once this time, he probably put pressure on himself again. He probably also wanted to go back early and manage his own jurisdiction in the chaos, but the important task of the Book of Disasters is hard to ignore. This kind of subtle choice is always They will find us quietly. Merck's hands on the keyboard slowed down slightly.

As for Huang Pu, I don't know much about her. I only know that she is talented and has a mysterious origin. She was brought back by the Taoist Master and raised by Lao Yang. In a short period of time, she became a Gui Ren with only shallow qualifications, but her fighting ability is not bad. I Growing salted fish is no match for her.

Merck said mockingly, and his hand speed increased again.

After Wan Yi obtained some information, he thanked him and left.

That book is very important, we must get it. Chromatography said firmly in his mind.

Yeah, I know. Huang Pu responded in a muffled voice as he looked at the dark night scene of the Chaos Islands.

If it doesn't work, let Spectrum or even Flower Spectrum do it. added Spectrum.


What's wrong with you? Huang Pu didn't look right, and Xi Qi asked in confusion.

If I'm exposed, I probably won't be able to stay in Guiyi.

Who knows? A Taoist master is a mysterious organization. I don't know what he is planning behind his back. Chromatography didn't care much.


Oh, I understand. Now that you are acting in your capacity, your thoughts will be the main ones. Shengqi still relented.

Thanks, Chromatography.

You're welcome, you are me too...

Why are you dazed? A low and hoarse voice suddenly came from behind. Huang Pu was startled and suddenly looked sideways to the back, and then saw the dull crow mask.

Why are you so scary!? Huang Pu was completely unaware of Wan Yi's approach just now.

The illusory feeling in Wan Yi's body was put away, and while the qualitative change was lifted, the influence on the field was also cancelled.

The attempt was effective. Even Huang Pu was not aware of his approach at once, which was strong proof that his latent ability had been greatly improved.

Are you distracted? Are you becoming more and more sentimental? Are you getting closer to the truth about yourself and starting to waver? Wan Yi asked in turn.

Huang Pu said: The only one who cares about the truth is Chromatography. I don't care.

Then what are you hesitating about? Wan Yi thought for a moment, Yang Chongguang?

It was he who brought me up. He raised me throughout my entire Huang Pu life. Huang Pu said softly.

If possible, it would be best to evacuate like this. That's what I personally think. If I continue to obtain the Book of Disasters and encounter a crisis, I will definitely tear off my hypocritical mask and reveal the strangest side to him. before……

Wan Yi looked at her and said: If you really care about his feelings, maybe you should try to solve this matter that worries him, instead of worrying about whether your change of appearance will make your 'adoptive father' sad.

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