My doppelganger drama

Chapter 348 He is full of determination

The Book of Disaster's reaction became more intense as Wan Yi approached.

However, all the abnormal effects it can currently cause have been wiped out by Wan Yi's domain.

A very ordinary and even simple field, but its essence is unfathomable.

The Book of Disaster shook violently.

Wan Yi stretched out his hand and touched its chain.

In an instant, a black and white light beam fell from the sky, and the huge light beam evaporated most of the empty island on the spot.

What! Although Huang Pu was not injured, after the beam receded, he still gasped slightly because of the energy consumed by the resistance at that moment.

And she was not the main target of the beam.

Looking at the smooth island in front of me, the island has begun to collapse due to the loss of a large volume in an instant.

The shadow of disaster that suddenly appeared and rushed towards Wan Yi was also affected by the light beam in an instant and was wiped out.

This kind of attack...

Huang Pu was left in a cold sweat.

She tried her best to use a few more moves, and it wasn't a problem to demolish a low-level island. Even if it was a normal island, she could make it collapse.

It is not difficult for a strong person who has mastered the offensive realm to do so.

But in just one moment, most of an empty island was taken away, causing it to collapse.

That's a higher level.

There are also gaps between small circles. This is the second time Huang Pu has realized the gap.

It was the mad dog raised by Wan Yi's family before, but this time...

Her eyes quickly caught the past and saw the flesh-and-blood island in the distance that had always been within their alert range.

That empty island seemed to have taken back something just now.

An island of living flesh and blood, so huge in size and coexisting with consciousness.

In the Disaster Islands, it is undoubtedly one of the shadows of disaster.

But was the attack just now really just a shadow?

Why are you so dazed! What happened to the troupe leader?! A loud shout rang in her ears. Huang Pu came back to her senses and saw Yang Chongguang hurried over.

Only then did she remember that the real target of that beam of light just now was that damn guy!

He must have succeeded, or even touched it, otherwise he wouldn't have had such a big reaction! Yang Chongguang judged quickly, and then jumped out downwards. Blue flames wrapped around his feet, allowing him to run in the air at a very fast speed.

Runes also flashed under Huang Pu's feet, and then he hurriedly followed behind him.

I looked around and found no one for a while.

Yang Chongguang opened the wristband directly: Merck! What did you see over there?

A beam of light seems to be tearing the sky apart! What did you try to achieve?

Quickly search for life reactions and energy reactions around our location. Is the Book of Disaster still there?

No, the beam of light disappeared the moment it came. Merck replied.

Then focus on the search! The troupe leader is very important! Yang Chongguang said sharply.

Understood. Merck replied nervously.

Yang, look over there! Huang Pu pointed out suddenly.

Yang Chongguang looked and was surprised to find that the figure was floating lightly below the large hole pierced by the light pillar.

The hem of his dress became darker and slender, waving around like tentacles, and the whole atmosphere became a bit gloomy and illusory, as he flew in the air.

No need, the person has been found. Yang Chongguang said and hung up the communication.


Wan Yi flew up lightly and landed next to the two Gui Ren.

Huang Pu was a little worried at the beginning, then doubtful later, and finally relieved with trust and returned to a calm expression.

What does this remind me of? she said to other students in her heart.

Do you want to say cockroach? Or mouse? Shi Qi said.

Anyway, if there are things that are difficult to die in large numbers, just move up to the previous generation. Huang Pu said.

Ha! If you say bad things about Master Wan Yi behind his back, I will file a complaint! Spectrum was banned by Spectrum just after he finished speaking.

That's right, the Public Family chat group is more advanced in every aspect than the Yijia chat group except for its capacity.

For example, this suppression ability, if revealed, would make Wan Yi greedy until she died.

Outside, even Yang Chongguang saw Wan Yiran... that dull crow mask was indeed very indifferent. In short, he felt very indifferent when he returned to him.

Are you... Yang Chongguang wanted to ask a question at the first moment, but quickly stopped. Then he bowed slightly to Wan Yi and said, Because our miscalculation of the response to the Book of Disaster caused you to encounter an unexpected fatal crisis. Please allow me to offer my deepest apologies and we will provide you with compensation.

Wan Yi's crow's beak opened slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

Originally, he wanted to take the initiative to ridicule these two, and then see if he could gather more wool for the union or something.

As a result, Yang Chongguang apologized honestly and even agreed on compensation.

this person……

It's really boring!

Yeah. In the end, he could only reply like a boring person.

After apologizing, Yang Chongguang's dead eyes showed a rare hint of hope. He looked at Wan Yi and said, Mr. Theater Director, what was the result of the attempt?

I bumped into it.

Sure enough!? Yang Chongguang's eyes lit up.

After Wan Yi nodded in recognition, he relaxed slightly, caressed his temples, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

But his expression soon became serious again: Let's go back and discuss it in detail.

Everyone has no objection. The empty island is about to collapse and there is nothing left to stay for a long time.

The Toilet Stopper approached to pick up a few people, and Wan Yi stood on the hatch and looked back at the empty island.

Why did he witness the collapse of two empty islands due to a huge blow in less than a day after he came here?

Although this kind of disaster scene is one of his favorites.

The Toilet Stopper recorded this scene with a recorder as a souvenir.

As for how Wan Yi survived that devastating blow.

For Wan Yi who knows each other well, is there any need to ask?

Of course it is to sacrifice oneself.

But that beam of light was really scary.

Wan Yi has no possibility of confrontation at all. It is not the influence of some domain or realm. From his personal feeling, it is a very pure high-concentration ether streamline.

To sum it up, it is a very strong physical blow.

The field he just touched has nothing to do with this aspect, so he can only be beaten.

The beam of light lasted only about a second and a half, but more than ten of the clones that overlapped him died within this second and a half.

All evaporate.

Think back to the dozens of deaths in this short period of time.

The dead Wan Yi could not feel anything in such a short period of time, but the left Wan Yi was forced to recall everything that they had no time to feel when they died.

The whole person is like dough under a rolling pin, being crushed and crushed in an instant, and then under the high-speed cutting and blowing of high-concentration ether energy, all existence is broken into tiny invisible particles.

That's it, a dozen times in one and a half seconds.

Actually not bad.

At least it's not to the point where people just let Wan Yi die hundreds of times.

But the Book of Disaster is really too shy and won’t let anyone touch it.

In other words, the flower guardians of the Book of Disaster are all grumpy old men who are extremely anxious.

In a vindictive mood, Wan Yi maliciously described the current situation of the Disaster Islands as a Mary Sue princess running around and his thousands of disaster shadow licking dogs.

After that, he must brutally torture their goddess in front of these licking dogs!

Wan Yi reached a consensus with his clones after a long time and made up his mind.

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