My doppelganger drama

Chapter 347 Wanyi's World

Calculating the position is the basis. Only by knowing where the book is can we take subsequent actions.

After Merck's task arrangement, the remaining Yang Chongguang and Huang Pu turned their attention to Wan Yi again.

Mr. Theater Director, can you tell me how you broke through the time and space turbulence in the Book of Disaster and entered the Disaster Islands? Yang Chongguang asked.

According to your understanding, I can borrow a little bit of the power of the abyss boundary belt to force a breakthrough. Wan Yi replied.

Yang Chongguang nodded slightly: You must have seen the scene where Huang Pu and I tried to break through the space-time turbulence around the Book of Disaster before. After seeing our attempt, I wonder if you have any ideas.

idea? What ideas can I have?

Good special effects?

In his mind, Wan Yi first made a few comments to liven up the atmosphere in his mind, and then started thinking.

Yang Chongguang was asking if he was confident that he could break through the time and space turbulence surrounding the Book of Disaster.

However, Wan Yi's ability to come in from the outside mainly depends on his kindness.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to find the place, let alone the turbulence of time and space.

As for the space-time turbulence surrounding the Disaster Islands itself, he didn't feel much of it when he came in.

So he couldn't give any constructive suggestions.

So Wan Yi spoke very matter-of-factly.

I can try.

Try it, of course you can try it. How can you say you don’t know if you don’t try it and experience it?

However, in the eyes of Yang Chongguang and Huang Pu, this kind of performance means that they are certain, but they need to try to confirm it.

This was in line with their thoughts, so they nodded in agreement with Wan Yi's statement.

They retrieved Merck's recent calculation of where the Book of Disaster would appear.

This preparation is used to test whether Wan Yi can break through the time and space turbulence of the Book of Disaster.

There are also days and nights in the Disaster Islands, but now it is getting dark.

The three came to a point calculated by Merck.

Yang Chongguang and Huang Pu will protect Wan Yi this time, allowing him to focus on trying to create opportunities even if there is only a little sign.

Yang Chongguang went to one side to defend first.

Huang Pu was about to leave, but was stopped by Wan Yi: It's hard to say whether there will be a chance to be alone in the future, so I will simply ask here: Did you think of anything after listening to what Yang Chongguang revealed? ?”

Huang Pu paused for a moment before leaving, turned around and said after a moment of silence: Chroma said, perhaps what caused her and Music Pu to separate again and fall into a deep sleep was what happened thirteen years ago. She remembered the red sea, and I I remembered it too.

Huang Pu said, looking at this strange world in a daze: We have a very deep impression of that place. It seems that we have been there more than once, but when we think back, we are only sad.

The somewhat dull eyes on Wan Yi's crow mask blinked.

Huh? Isn't this just a mask? Huang Pu, who was a little worried about gains and losses, was frightened.

It's a mask, a special mask from the boundary zone that I first met with Chromatography. It actually has another function of making people become calm and ruthless. Wan Yi poked the beak of the mask.

Huang Pu looked at it curiously: Then what do you think of the effect of this thing?

It's useless. It's useless except for showing off. Of course, it's for me. If you want, I can get one for you. It won't be too much trouble.

Huang Pu wanted to refuse at the first moment, but seeing Wan Yi wearing a crow mask, which looked evil and villainous at first glance, but the more he looked at it, he became more and more dull, so he said: Then give me one. If you need payment, you can ask for it.

Of course, I can't let you have sex for nothing.

It's okay not to say this.

After Huang Pu finished speaking unhappily, he turned around and prepared to go in another direction.

Wan Yi stood there, adjusting his sleeves gently.

Original body, you are really floating. Two Gui Yiren who control the realm are trying to help you, but do you really think you can challenge something that even Gui Yiren can't do without the help of the people in the play?

Try it, you won't get pregnant if you try it!

Don't call me thank you when you die.

No, please be sure to call me when you die.

When you are alone and quiet, the voices in your head always seem extremely noisy.

He knew this was just an illusion, and in fact it was always so noisy in his head.

I have an idea. Wan Yi spoke in his head.

Okay, we get it. Then he was interrupted by a clone just as he started to speak.

Oh, that's the idea.

Hey, don't.

Can you make it clear? Does the body have any new ideas to squeeze us?

Well, here's a little reminder for those brothers who haven't remembered yet, here...

Hey~, there is such a thing.

Okay, actually I think it's quite interesting. If that's possible, hum...

After the clones knew that Wan Yi was going to activate the plan he had planned a long time ago, some immediately panicked, some expressed their disgust directly, and some were very happy to try.

It's only for a while, there's no need to resist like this. Wan Yi comforted the clones gently.

It's been so long since I've been back that I've forgotten what it feels like to be on top of you.

Then you can take a closer look at the memories of those clones like us who are always on the main body as a substitute for death, so as to give yourself some peace of mind at all times.

Then I'd better pay tribute. No one will often recall the memory of their own poop. It will only increase the displeasure.

Are you saying that we are shitting when we are stacked on top of the main body?!

I'm talking about the true body...

Shut up. Wan Yi clapped his hands and threw all the noise behind him.

And after he did this, the next moment, he keenly felt something abnormal.

The direction of the wind changed.

Of course, here, the flow of wind is essentially an anomaly caused by some kind of energy change.

There is no doubt that the only thing that led to this in this situation was...


A bright red book suddenly appeared not far in front of Wan Yi.

Merck's calculations could not give precise coordinates and could only tell a rough range. However, it was obvious that he was lucky this time, and the Book of Disaster came directly in front of him.

Wan Yi didn't feel any impact from this distance for the time being.

But for the Book of Disaster, this distance is already quite close.


The chain on the book shook violently, and the Book of Disaster sprayed red particles around it, forming a halo around it.

At the same time, Wan Yi noticed something coming quickly from a distance.

The Book of Disaster begins to summon unclean things.

But that powerful aura was blocked all of a sudden, and the direction was towards Huang Pu. Wan Yi didn't pay much attention to it. This was not because he still cheated Huang Pu even after cooperating with him.

It's just because the results given by Merck tell him that the Book of Disaster will only stay for seven seconds.

It was much shorter than before, but three of them said that this was the most common stay time for the Book of Disaster, and the previous twenty-three seconds was a big exception.

Wan Yi stepped directly towards the Book of Disaster.

As it quickly approached, an abnormality suddenly appeared.

Questioning whether I am moving forward or backward, where my left and right are, and whether the senses I have been insisting on are real?

This is a confusion of space.

After Wan Yi truly experienced it, he discovered that this was far more than just external interference.

Because this sense of confusion can even shake people's true nature.

Allow yourself to question yourself.

In this world where one needs to be extremely self-centered in both fields and realms, this effect is quite fatal.

However, this is actually the normal state of confrontation between domain and realm masters, a struggle between egocentrics.

However, Wanyi's body doesn't even have a realm, let alone a realm.

In this case, he would just be a clown being manipulated by the Book of Disaster.

Don't think about it! Three seconds have passed! the clone suddenly reminded.

Wan Yi's eyes widened again, and he realized that he had thought so much in one moment, and it was not as simple as speeding up his thinking at a critical moment.

The impact on the sense of time has also begun!

This feeling of being detached is really scary, and I have missed a period of time without even realizing it.

However, he still has a clone.

The Toilet Stopper is still in the outside world, where there are countless clones looking at it.

Wan Yi's world is far more broken than the broken world itself.

When looking at an object, countless avatars have different perspectives. A slight difference in light and shadow will appear in the mind. There will always be a difference between what is actually seen mentally and visually.

Overlapping and mixed together, that unreal feeling has always enveloped Wan Yi.

It's the same now.

However, the reality in front of him seemed to be gone due to the influence of the Book of Disaster, but the senses of other clones that he had tried to ignore in his daily life started to move at this time.

I found the feeling.

He said so before.

Wan Yi's world is different from other people's world.

Broken and chaotic, the more comprehensive you look at it, the more chaotic it becomes, giving you a splitting headache.

But this constitutes another angle of reality.

He has indeed realized all this and has always been accustomed to it, but only at this time did he extract it and face it.

...Although it is not yet to the point where it directly jumps to the realm.

But considering his own particularity and the current situation, it is enough.

Let’s give the second place a name.

A middle-class and ordinary name——

Domain·Wanyi’s world.

Wan Yi leisurely came to the Book of Disaster. He completely ignored the abnormal influence from the outside world. Only Wan Yi himself was constantly corrected by countless Wan Yi.

No matter how the world is overturned, only everything remains eternal.

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