My doppelganger drama

Chapter 346 If you don’t like vine pepper instant noodles, get out of the toilet plug!

Ether sea...

The moment he heard this term, Wan Yi's ears echoed with the sound of the ocean tide.

The bright red ocean was calm and briefly enveloped his body. This feeling quickly faded away. It seemed to be just an illusion, but there was no illusion.

what happened?

Just hearing this term, he seemed to have some inexplicable feeling.

Ether sea, red sea, red waves.

This point is connected with the existing content.

Sure enough, this trip was the right one.

I only know the name of this place, but I don't know much other than that. I'm sorry I can't answer more. Yang Chongguang said lightly.

No, thank you very much for sharing so much.

Wan Yi thanked him briefly and said, Your Taoist master should have expected the current situation. At this time, you are asked to check the situation of the Book of Disaster, and you are trapped here because of the changes in the Book of Disaster.

There was no surprise on the faces of the three of them. It was obvious that they had thought about it shortly after the accident.

Wan Yi shrugged and continued: The anomalies in the Book of Disaster here should be related to the changes in the outside world.

Although it is not directly certain, according to what I know, the deep connection should be ether energy. Yang Chongguang also spoke.

Obviously, in the matter of the expansion of the boundary zone, the Disaster Broken Pages, the Disaster, and the Etheric Furnace are all related to the ether energy. Needless to say, the Book of Disaster, the Ether Sea, and the like.

The core that runs through this is all etheric energy.

The expansion of the boundary zone may have caused changes at the etheric level. Yang Chongguang was talking, remembering the original message from Suer and what he originally asked them to come over to confirm.

In the book of disasters, there are abnormalities in the names of disasters, and the possibility of disasters reawakening.

The boundary belt unfolds, and the ether anomaly of the broken world, perhaps... it is precisely because of these influences that the disasters have the conditions to wake up again.

Huang Pu and Merck are both a bit heavy.

But Wan Yi didn't feel anything.

The disasters in the Book of Disasters should be similar to those on the Disaster Fragments page.

Does he count?

He felt unworthy.

Because I have not been doing my job for a long time, I is just a little guy!

I don’t dare to share the stage with the big guys.

That's right, look at that 'Blood Stain', just a little shadow can compete with a veteran Gui Yiren. Are you really someone who came from the same book?

It seems that we are also a bunch of little losers.


The clones in my mind quite agree with the original idea in this regard.

Wan Yi spat and ignored the noise.

The atmosphere between the four of them was slightly gloomy, but soon, Yang Chongguang said: Then the necessity of confirming the contents of the Book of Disasters has undoubtedly reached a point where it cannot be done.

Although we do have a way to leave... He glanced at Wan Yi, but his eyes quickly turned to Huang Pu and Merck, But the mission has not been completed yet. As of now, the importance of our mission has it goes without saying.

Those disasters that may awaken were all defeated by Gui Yiyi's men.

But if we don't confirm it, it will be difficult for us to predict when they will come back, in what order and in what form. It will only add pressure and sacrifice to the already chaotic outside world.

Only by confirming this information can we review Guiyi's internal files and take precautions against disasters that may awaken.

This is undoubtedly a very important matter, and our actions may save a few more lives.

Yang Chongguang said in a calm and loud tone.

Not inflammatory language, just a statement.

Merck took off his sunglasses. This guy is also a handsome boy, but his eyes are a bit small under the sunglasses. After taking off the sunglasses, he no longer has that sharp temperament.

Maybe that's why he wears sunglasses?

Yes, that's what we should do, Merck said. But it's still a difficult challenge and we need a little planning.

Huang Pu crossed his arms and said, It doesn't matter to me, just complete the task well.

Yang Chongguang nodded, and finally his eyes came to Wan Yi.

Why are you looking at me? Do you think I look like a partner of justice? A not-so-pleasant voice came out from under the crow's mask.

If the troupe leader can help us in the next actions, then Guiyi will definitely thank you for your help. Yang Chongguang said realistically.

Let's talk about the plan first. Maybe I can't help with anything. Wan Yi replied.

At this time, he took a frontal look at Yang Chongguang and couldn't help but sigh.

This person's upright and upright spirit is really dazzling. When the world was in good condition, I always felt that he might be someone engaged in related industries.

After saying that, everyone left the empty island that was on the verge of collapse due to the brief fierce battle.

At Wan Yi's invitation, he successfully deceived the other two into the toilet plug number.

In the popularity competition between the toilet number and the toilet plug number, the toilet plug number is slightly better at the moment.

When Merck saw the toilet plug number, he repeatedly confirmed with Wan Yi whether the shape was serious. In the end, it was still a bit difficult to understand until he went up.

It's a pity that Yang Chongguang didn't show anything at all and passed after just one glance.

This guy must be boring!

Although the Toilet Stopper has a strange appearance, the design is quite thoughtful in every aspect, and the conditions are not bad. It is definitely better than sleeping outside in the open air.

A few people took a short rest.

Wan Yi looked at Huang Pu and felt that she had been a little sluggish since the conversation just now. She probably got some information and made associations, and was having a meeting with other selves in her head.

It's great to have a meeting with just a few people.

Wan Yi is envious in real name.

In the toilet plug number, some restless Wan Yi and Wan Yi, who was not well disguised and did not like to wear leather cases, were sent away before this to avoid exposing their flaws.

When facing a boring person like Yang Chongguang, one still needs to be a little cautious.

Although the driver Wan Yi drives a high-tech toilet stopper, he is dressed like an old-era pilot.

This is his brand-new disguise, and he has naturally put on a darker leather sheath. Now he is a cheerful and sunny young man.

With a very good service attitude, he brought four buckets of hot instant noodles and iced Coke to the four people gathered around.

These are the precious materials stored in the toilet stopper.

Please use it. Wan Yi extended his hand and invited politely.

How do you eat it? Mok looked at Wan Yi's crow mask curiously.

Ah... The beak of the crow mask opened, revealing a squirming black underneath, This thing can be opened.


The three of them were at a loss for words.

What's the use of this thing if it can't be opened? Your face under the mask is all mush! It doesn’t matter if you just pick it!

Huang Pu ignored these shortcomings, picked up the instant noodles, and frowned after taking a bite: Is this the flavor of vine pepper?

What? Do you have any opinions?

Are there any other flavors?

Look down on Ivy Pepper?

...I just don't like it.

Don't eat it if you have any objections.

I originally thought that Wan Yi would be a little more polite to me if there were other people present, but it seemed that Huang Pu was overthinking it. This person just followed his own mood whether he saw the occasion or not.

There are only vine peppers here! Those who don't like vine pepper-flavored instant noodles! Get out of the toilet stopper! Crow Mask opened his mouth wide, spoke righteously, and said in a high tone.

Huang Pu chose to ignore it and lowered his head to eat in silence.


The sound of eating noodles was not made by anyone in front of him. Wan Yi turned his head and looked to the side. The driver Wan Yi was eating a bucket of instant noodles.

The problem wasn't eating instant noodles, it was that his instant noodles had an unusual smell.

It’s braised beef flavor!

Although classic, but traitor!

It's just a change of flavor. I made this manually myself! The driver Wan Yi seemed very proud.

Huang Pu looked at Wan Yi silently, his eyes saying everything.


Eat outside and then come back.

After saying these words, the driver Wan Yi was kicked out.

In the cabin, which still smelled of vine pepper instant noodles, a few people simply ate and drank and began to discuss the next thing.

The key assistant in the subsequent plan is Merck.

Merck's qualitative changes seem to be all directed towards computing, design, etc., and in the fields he masters, he somewhat half-heartedly calls himself chaos computing.

It can only perform idealistic calculations through various subtle connections and obtain ridiculously accurate results.

This is divination.

Numbers tell fortunes.

Is it true that the only way to achieve qualitative change is to become more and more awesome?

After hearing this, Wan Yi also complained one after another.

After hearing this, Wan Yi turned to Huang Pu and Yang Chongguang and asked the question he was most concerned about: Do domains and realms need to be named?

Huang Pu and Yang Chongguang shook their heads together.

It's not a hot-blooded comic, why does it have a name? Huang Pu asked in confusion.

Generally, it can be referred to as 'someone's field', but for the convenience of naming, it is normal to give names if the characteristics are obvious. I am very grateful to Mr. Yang Chongguang for his willingness to answer such a joke question so seriously.

This guy is really boring.

Wan Yi nodded, then looked at Merck again.

Merck couldn't stand it any longer: What are you looking at me for? Does the name 'Chaos Computing' offend you?

Nothing. Even with the crow mask blocking him, Merk could still feel the inexplicable mockery in those dull crow eyes.

You look down on middle-aged children, right?

It doesn't feel as good as our Wanyi Bei.

Brother Modern seems to have named his field before, called 'Gun Fear'?

We also have a nightmare carnival.

So actually we are only half as good as each other.

Who isn't, hehe.

Ontology! Don't discriminate against Mr. Merck!

Yes, yes, Wan Yi responded casually.

Mr. Merck went to repair his equipment a little autistically.

Jokes aside, Merck has a big job on its hands.

For the next arrangements.

He needs to perform a long and intensive calculation and continuously provide several points in the Book of Disaster.

Only in this way can we find a chance.

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