My doppelganger drama

Chapter 342 Happy Reunion (True)

This is really a brave new world. Wan Yi said looking at the situation outside at this time.

As he spoke, he took off the instant noodles from the driver Wan Yi's head next to him. The packaging surface of this bucket of instant noodles was only light cyan, with no other trademarks or detailed patterns. It was probably the work of the Perfect Department.

It’s time to let them design their own trademarks in the future, otherwise the bare surface of this “product” will be too ugly.

After smelling it, Wan Yi said: It still smells like vine pepper. My taste seems to have not changed. Keep it up.

In his memory, the instant noodles with the flavor of vine pepper are quite unpleasant. The most memorable time was when a typhoon hit when he was in college. When he went to the school supermarket to buy some supplies, most of the instant noodles on the shelves were basically wiped out. Sweep away.

Only other unknown small brands, and the light blue packaging of the vine pepper-flavored instant noodles that seemed to be disliked by many people, looked so eye-catching.

But Wan Yi still likes it very much.

Sometimes I feel that this kind of lonely instant noodles is really a good match for my aloof self.

Aloofness is self-evaluation.

Clean up this place later, otherwise the little princess won't know whether you pout or not. The little princess will definitely come to pout you. Wan Yi helped the clone take off the fork inserted in the hair, and then put the empty instant noodles The bucket and fork were returned to his hands.

After that, he turned around and walked to the hatch.

He was a little surprised now.

Because after coming to this place, something changed in his mind.

Some sounds were muffled.

The voices and senses of other selves echo in my mind all the time. Normally, this situation would interfere with his ability to maintain his daily routine, and the reception of information should be completely occupied by junk information.

There was indeed a time when he felt like a vegetable.

But eventually this weakened.

No, rather than weakening it, it’s better to say that my “channel” for receiving information has been expanded.

He can even arrange some information appropriately so that it comes to him later, even if it is just to treat the symptoms rather than delay time.

But this also helped Wan Yi to properly deal with the current situation of a sudden increase in clones.

He never gave up on finding a way to clear his head.

After all, his sleeping form was completely taken away by this trouble.

But neither Liang Rendao nor the Demon Lord can do anything about it, and so far they have no clue. After he mastered the Soul-Eating Wand, his soul-level skills gradually improved and deepened because he was studying this.

However, there is still no way.

Nothing can be done.

Even the boundaries and will that he had expected, and those so-called gifts from gods, could only be stuffed into his head with rubbish.

In short, although he has not given up on this matter, he has given up hope.

However, after coming to this unknown world.

Although the voice in his head was still noisy, he, who was constantly being tortured, suddenly felt the difference.

Part of the sound is blurry!

shield? interference? Is there anything here to calm him down?

Wan Yi felt a little excited and excited in his heart.

However, he still immediately went to check the status of the clones whose voices became blurred in his head to ensure whether they were some unfavorable accidents.

The clones were also very excited when they saw this.

Who is not Wan Yi? They are also arguing in the main body's mind. Otherwise, why would there be so many Wan Yi who are willing to squander their lives?

So all of a sudden, Wan Yi's cohesion reached an unprecedented peak...probably.

After a while, the situation was all collected and summarized.

Most Wan Yi didn't feel anything unusual, but some Wan Yi felt that the voices coming from the main body and the clone in the toilet plug were blurred, which was the same as Wan Yi's main body.

After doing a simple statistics on these Wan Yi, it was found that these clones whose senses were blurred with those of the Chaos Islands were all clones currently living in the boundary zone of the abyss!

This is how the same thing?

Is it because of the issues surrounding the boundaries of the Trouble Archipelago?

Obviously, the biggest variable in our current situation is this.

What a surprise. If we were only separated by the boundary layer of the Chaos Islands, we would not be disturbed, but if we add the boundary zone of the abyss, this isolation will be realized!

That is to say, the abyss boundary zone actually interferes with us...but this interference is too weak. We didn't feel it at first. Even the isolation of the two-layer abyss boundary zone has almost no impact on us.

So, it is enough to show how powerful the realm of this troubled archipelago is!

Everyone quickly analyzed the current information.

Speaking of it, in fact, the connection between the main body and our clones in the abyss boundary zone has been completely blocked. The reason why there are still vague sounds seems to be because of the clones like you who stay in the broken world. As a transit.”

What? Is everyone's new function going to be developed again?

This function is useful as a hammer, don't make trouble for yourself.

“But this little shielding function is still a drop in the bucket.”

The clones sighed.

However, a rare sincere smile appeared on Wan Yi's face. Even though his smile was a little scary now, he was the only one present anyway: Even if it's just a drop in the bucket, at least we found the water, right?

Seeing the promise of true tranquility for the first time was enough to prove the value of the trip.

At worst, after ensuring the safety of staying here, it seems to be a good idea to drive all the clones to the abyss boundary zone and stay here to enjoy the tranquility.

Wan Yi couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.


The sudden sound in front of the bridge immediately caused Wan Yi's increasingly arrogant expression to return to its original paralyzed expression.


Communication application. There were still scattered noodles hanging on his head. Even though his face was red from being burned, the driver Wan Yi, who was still picking up the noodles on his head and eating them distressedly, also caught a glimpse of the display there with his peripheral vision.

The problem with the universal contact channel is that many of the internal systems of the aircraft are copied from others, so it is not surprising that they are connected to it.

A clone stepped forward and accepted the communication.

Who are you? Where are you from? What is your purpose? A familiar voice appeared on the other end of the communication.

Wan Yi was not surprised.

He already knew from Ikaria that one of the Gui people who were sent to bring trouble to the archipelago was a prostitute.

But even though he had expected it, he still couldn't help but feel his heart heat up when he heard this familiar voice that he hadn't seen for a long time.

The fist is hard.

Even if Mianfu has surrendered, the guardian of the naughty child must still be held responsible.

After getting no reply for a while, Huang Pu reiterated his words again.

At this time, she was standing on the side of the toilet stopper in front of her. While trying to make contact, she was also a little curious about this strange-looking aircraft.

As a returnee, even though she has only been around for a short time, she has still seen big scenes, and various types of aircraft abound.

But this one in front of me...

Well, she had only seen it on some spoof design drawings.

But I never thought that something similar like this could really be pieced together!

What is this look for?

However, she could tell that the craftsmanship of putting together the perfect piece was quite skillful, and she could feel the effort put into it by the person who put it together.

So why is Xinxue a toilet plug!

First of all, from this point we can be sure that the opponent is most likely not from Guiyi, or even from Dawn United.

This made her vigilant while complaining in her heart.

Huang Pu, there is a familiar aura... very close, right inside the aircraft! At this time, Xi Che suddenly said.

Huang Pu was startled, and just as he was about to ask, he heard the tone of Xi Qi's voice becoming a little uncertain again: Huh? No, although I feel it's right, it's a bit fuzzy... But it's definitely in front of me... No, it's really there... In front of you?

Little Ancestor, please be more trustworthy. Huang Pu couldn't help but said in his heart.

Hey, maybe we really have a reliable sister? Spectrum himself is completely unreliable.

The genealogists are also having an elaborate mental meeting.

Long time no see. At this time, the voice coming from the wristband directly brought the discussion of the genealogy family to an abrupt end.

...Come on, make some noise! ​​Huang Pu! Gu Pu encouraged him quickly after being silent.

Why is he here! Huang Pu couldn't hold himself tight.

Spectrum? Did you really betray? Spectrum said seriously.

I was just blowing it off! Spectrum shouted at the injustice.

At this time, although Wan Yi could roughly imagine the surprise on the other side, he frowned as he was not very patient with family members: Just say something if you're still alive.

Yes. Huang Pu replied calmly.

What's this? A response like a minion?

Sure enough, when Huang Pu said this, he was complained by Spectrum.

Sometimes her brain circuit is quite similar to Spectrum, although this is not a good thing, Huang Pu thought.

That's great. Except that I'm a little regretful that you are still alive, overall this meeting was really full of joy. Wan Yi said slowly with a hint of a sinister smile.

And, I brought information about one of your family members, and another half-dead family member.

Now, will you rejoice with me? Pus.

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