My doppelganger drama

Chapter 343 Visiting time is up

I'm really sorry. If anything about the new personality offends you, it must be a problem with that personality. Of course we don't want to shirk responsibility, but if there is really any problem, please don't blame us! Everyone It’s not easy, it’s like if something happens to your clone, it has nothing to do with you, right?!”

On the toilet stopper, Wan Yi sat on a seat. Standing in front of him was Spectrum, who bowed at more than ninety degrees, revealing his full sincerity.

As for why spectrum.

After the three spectrums discussed it, they still chose to let Spectrum with the crow's mouth bear the price of the debt.

Why is it that you are the one who apologizes to me every time? Wan Yi said, recalling the feeling of cutting off Spectrum's head.

Isn't this why we have a closer relationship?

Wan Yi glanced at her, and she took a few steps back with a smile.

But what you said does make some sense, especially the last sentence that deeply touched my heart. Forget it, save your head for later. What's the situation like when you stay here now? Wan Yi said generously.

Seeing that Wan Yi planned to get over this problem for the time being, Spectrum was overjoyed and immediately ran away.

Huang Pu was replaced, and Huang Pu informed Wan Yi of her current situation.

Time and space turbulence? Wan Yi knew the biggest problem Huang Pu and the others were encountering.

To be precise, it's a confusion between the sense of time and space. A short moment will become very long in your senses, and the up, down, left, and right aspects of the space are completely subverted and irregular, Huang Pu said.

You control the world and you can't do anything about it?

If Naihe succeeded, how could we be delayed for so long? If given time, there would be no chance, but before we tried to break through, the book would have run away. Huang Pu said in a calm tone.

After saying that, she looked at Wan Yi and said, Why are you here?

Wan Yi said: What do you think? Is it possible that I still come to find you?

For the Book of Disaster? Ignoring the sarcasm in Wan Yi's tone, Huang Pu frowned slightly, Why do you suddenly want to find it?

After Wan Yi thought for a while, he chose to tell Huang Pu what Bai Cang had done in the Sinking Sky Island Group and the changes in the outside world.

Huang Pu's eyes widened slightly after hearing this: Has the boundary zone begun to unfold?

After that, she whispered: No wonder there is no news at all after losing contact. It seems that there is no need to rely on the headquarters for a while.

Come to your senses. Wan Yi snapped his fingers in front of her.

Huang Pu reacted and said, You said that the man in colorful clothes who claimed to be the Lord of Worshiping Cang used four broken pages to coordinate with the three boundaries of the Sinking Sky Island Group to cause this result.

Yes, that's why I thought of looking for the Book of Disasters, and Ikaria is still recovering at my place, and no one has come to pick her up for a while, Wan Yi said.

Huang Pu nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

Wan Yi's smile appeared again: So, we are competitors again this time.

Guiyi people came here looking for the Book of Disaster, and Wan Yi also came looking for that thing.

The purpose conflicts.

Huang Pu pursed his lips slightly, and his height suddenly shrank and turned into a color spectrum.

Wan Yi saw this and said, Have you become shorter?

Chromatogram suddenly trembled: How is that possible?

She even checked it herself and found nothing unusual.

Well, I probably made a mistake because I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel relieved when I see that you are still such a good person. Wan Yi reached out and rubbed the head of Qi Shi.

Shi Qi shook his head and shook off his hand, saying: It's not necessarily hostile. We need help now. Gui Yi is not a god. It's impossible to wait without any supplies. If you can break through the blockade of the Chaos Islands, then that's okay. If we can break through, there is room for cooperation.”

This is not wrong.

And, that... Xi Qi hesitated.

Which one?

My separate personality that you met in the Sinking Sky Islands... Chromatogram said weakly.

Wan Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and then said: Mask and music score.

Music score!? Have you met the music score? Unexpectedly, after hearing the name of the music score, Shi Qi suddenly panicked.

Is the mask okay? Has the score been taken away? she asked anxiously.

You have met with Music Score. Wan Yi did not answer her question for the time being, but said with certainty that some of Music Score's cognitions are different from other ignorant personality clones. She knew the color spectrum and even resisted it.

About ten years ago. Chromatography was a little embarrassed to say, but he still said, I captured the music score more than ten years ago.

It's all my fault! Spectrum claimed the credit in his mind, but of course Wan Yi couldn't hear it.

Qi Qi paused and continued: She was already fused with us, but something happened later and we were separated from her again not long after the fusion. She was wary of me because of this.

Wait, you woke up more than ten years ago? Wan Yi raised his hand and frowned slightly.

Color Spectrum nodded: It was precisely because of that incident that I was forced to fall into a deep sleep again, until I woke up again because of your incident.

Before this, I did wake up a long time ago. At first I only had flower music, and then I found the spectrum, until I found the music score, and then I hit a wall.

Sounds a bit like a returning boss.

But the little man in front of me is still a little waste after all this time.

It seems that there is only return and no boss.

Chromatography looked at him: Are you thinking of insulting me?


Both are straight-tempered.

Seeing the sulking look on Qi Qi's face, Wan Yi continued to ask: What specifically happened that caused you to separate from Music Score?

Can not remember.

An expected answer.

Waste as always.

The mask is in my hand now. So Wan Yi changed the topic and said, But I killed her body, and only her spirit remains with me.

Ah... Chromatogram made an inexplicable sigh.

But she has been very useful to me, and I don't plan to give it back to you for the time being.

Oh... Chromatography probably already expected it through previous conversations, so when he heard this sentence, he just made an inexplicable response again.

Seeing the languid look on Shi Qi's face, Wan Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a toy-like transformation belt.

This was the technology he asked his clone to find Brother Su, the master of the black market on Sky Island 014.

Digital life.

Using this thing can make Mask appear in the outside world without giving her a physical body. Of course, even in this funny posture, Mask can activate her abilities as long as she communicates with other people.

But the only ones present were Wan Yi and Hu Shi, so it didn't matter.

You are... A small pixel mask face appeared on the small display screen of the transformation belt.

He looked at the color spectrum with a melancholy expression, and then seemed to remember.

After a long time, she gradually remembered: Chromatogram?

Yeah. Chromatography nodded.

Chromatography save me!

Chromatography shook his head.

Sure enough, there is no such good thing! Mian Pu said angrily.

Okay, the visiting time is almost over. Wan Yi said.

How can the visiting hours in prison be so short! Mian Pao complained.

Now we have it. Wan Yi said casually and turned off the transformation belt. The little face on the display disappeared, and the aircraft cabin suddenly became much quieter.

She seems to be quite energetic. She said with some emotion, even in a show-off manner.

Wan Yi smiled, put away his belt and said: Anyway, let's start with this. Take me to meet with the Guiyi people to discuss the cooperation in detail. If I am satisfied with the results of this trip, it is not a problem if I don't want the Book of Disasters. .After all, what I want is just information.

Qi Qi stared at Wan Yi for a moment, and then he changed back to his plump Huang Pu posture: Then let's go, but you should put on some disguise. After all, your personal information is still in our files.

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