My doppelganger drama

Chapter 341 Jade Jade’s Gaze

That's what he said, but the rise in ether concentration was only fleeting. The instrument prostituted from 014's research center fell silent after a while, as if the reaction just now was just an illusion.

Are you kidding me? Wan Yi, the driver who was nervous just now, couldn't help but say.

Stop for a moment and look at the map again. Green Goblin said.

Pilot Wan Yi didn't say much this time. The Toilet Stopper hovered in mid-air and then began to look at the map modeled by the Green Goblin.

This area is the territory of the Xuan Yue United. Driver Wan Yi said.

Xuanyue United is a small sky island group, very close to Dawn United, and the two maintain a close friendly relationship.

But whether the relationship is good or not has nothing to do with Wan Yi.

Wan Yi's aircraft is a three-no product self-developed by Wanbi Department, and it does not have any relevant legal documents. If caught, there will be no defense.

At this time, the Toilet Stopper was located at the lowermost border of the Hanging Moon Alliance. There was no boundary zone here and the field of vision was wide.

Under the instructions of the Green Goblin, the driver Wan Yi opened the toilet plug and turned around to the area where the ether energy had previously increased.

After returning here, the instrument showed abnormalities again, but when other detection equipment was started, there was still no abnormality around.

I will be investigated if I stop for too long. Can you hurry up? the driver Wan Yi said after looking around.

Don't rush it. Brother Green Devil said, and the Wanbi Department had already begun analysis.

The driver Wan Yi took out a can of unbranded Coke from the side, opened it and drank it, without any intention of joining the discussion.

In fact, he is an unorganized Wanyi. Among Wanyi, he is called a free man in a pleasant way and a fish monster in a bad way.

This batch of Wan Yi has not been assigned any job, and there is nothing they particularly want to do. Of course, sticking oneself out is not regarded as something they particularly want to do.

That's the dream.

Basically impossible to accomplish.

No, wrestling with the Green Goblin is still very possible, but it won’t end well.

In short, the free man Wan Yi can do anything, and sometimes he has to do everything. Although he keeps saying that he wants to fish, in the end he is regarded as an all-purpose backup logistics.

Unlucky for him, when he asked who would pilot the Toilet Stopper, not many people answered.

So he was casually asked by the main body to drive the toilet stopper for the reason of hitting Mr. Mask with his right hand.

It's amazing.

Soon, there seemed to be some results over there.

Maybe it's a boundary. said the little princess.

What should we do if it's a boundary? We don't have any means to break through it? Should we use a carnival?

Our carnival is in no way offensive, and it has only been used once, so it is not very friendly to all participants to suddenly suspend operations.

That's not necessary. I'll find a good person to talk to. Wan Yi's original body spoke.

Liang Rendao is often in the theater recently, so there is no need to use another method to call.

There is only one good person in the theater today.

After telling Liang Rendao what his clone had seen, Wan Yi said with a basically positive tone: You should have something to do.

Hmm, just take this thing over and throw it outside casually. After thinking about it, Liang Rendao took out a small and exquisite piece of jade and handed it to Wan Yi.

Wan Yi took the jade, played with the jade on hand and fell into silence.

What's wrong?

What's your relationship with Jade Jade? Wan Yi said directly without beating around the bush.

The good man smiled and said: Oh? It seems that you have discovered it after all.

It was just speculation before. After all, although the style of the Jade Sect has a sense of déjà vu, it is only similar. But if you just give me a piece of jade now, you are exposing yourself... Wan Yidao.

Looking at Liang Rendao's gentle smile, Wan Yi said expressionlessly: Don't tell me what you did without telling me like the Demon Lord.

Liang Rendao raised his hands to show his innocence: Of course not. I know you very well and I don't plan to do anything to worry you anymore. Don't worry, my situation is different from that of Bell and the Demon Lord.

Wan Yi looked at him quietly.

Liang Rendao smiled and tilted his head: I will always be Liang Rendao. We are all the same, right? It's just a little troublesome. I need to be more prepared.

Wan Yi nodded and said: I believe you, you are a kind person. Since you set foot on the path of cultivating immortals, apart from love and love, you have never encountered any trouble.

When you say that, are you praising me or hurting me? Liang Rendao smiled bitterly.

Wan Yi did not answer, but looked at the jade in his hand and said: Now you only need one fragment to make a move. It seems that although the abyss boundary zone has no changes in general, in fact various changes are still taking place.

In the past, it took a lot of preparation to transfer the power of Liang Ren Dao, but now it can be done with just a piece of jade.

Times have changed.

If the man in colorful clothes had done his job earlier, wouldn't he be able to get out of that research institute without much effort?

Forget it, there is no need to pay too much attention to the past.

The most chaotic things have not happened yet. The truly terrible things will not come until the abyss boundary belt you mentioned is unfolded one after another. Liang Rendao said gently.

Wan Yi looked at him.

But you don't need to worry. Liang Rendao looked at Wan Yi calmly but firmly, I will protect you, as do all of us. Your choice in the future belongs only to you.

After saying that, Liang Rendao sat back in the auditorium and closed his eyes to rest.

Wan Yi didn't answer and left the theater directly.

Then exchanged with a doppelgänger on the Toilet Stopper.

Well, after the Toilet No., he was finally forced to board the Toilet Stopper.

But now he has no resistance, only calmness. It's nothing more than making a statement in vain to make myself laugh.

Opening the side door of the aircraft, he took out the jade given by the good man and threw it out without hesitation.

After the jade was thrown a certain distance, the light suddenly began to flicker.


The emerald suddenly exploded.

For a moment, a gust of breeze spread and swept around, brushing Wan Yi's face.

After that, there was a brief calm.

Then, Wan Yi suddenly raised his head and looked above his head.

White clouds of smoke formed into a slender hand, which was held directly towards the toilet stopper and shrouded it.

At this time, the driver Wan Yi had opened a bucket of instant noodles and started eating. The instant noodles on his fork fell directly back into the soup.

Wan Yi looked at the big white hand indifferently, but it ended up stopping in front of the aircraft.

Wan Yi didn't give any reaction, which made the hand seem a little embarrassed.

However, it quickly turned up gently, maintained its grace, snapped its fingers, and then extended its index finger to point in front of the aircraft.

The next moment, not far away from where the finger pointed, layers of cracks appeared in the space, and what was revealed behind the cracks was a rich blood color.


The space seemed to be broken, and what appeared behind was a whirlpool.

This vortex emits suction and captures nearby objects, including the aircraft in front of it.

Fuck! Driver Wan Yi felt a strong push on his back, and the instant noodles were directly stuck on his face, but he didn't have time to curse, so he grasped the joystick with both hands.

The hatch closed, and the big white hand outside waved lightly, and then disappeared.

Wan Yi looked at the scene of the big hand disappearing, and suddenly became energetic.

A magnificent emerald line of sight suddenly projected from where the big hand disappeared, reflecting on Wan Yi's body.

It was vast, but not oppressive. Wan Yi could even feel a hint of curiosity.

But soon, that line of sight seemed to be blocked and suddenly disappeared.

The aircraft was caught in the blood-colored vortex, and Wan Yi thought for a moment, ignoring the strange screams of the man wearing instant noodles on his head in the driver's seat.

That's jade's really a different feeling from Liangrendao.

Liang Rendao didn't lie to him, but in this case, the situation would become more complicated.

What is the relationship between the two?

Is there some connection between Jade Jade and the lost page of Liang Rendao?

Forget it, don’t think about it for now.

The aircraft jolted violently, but soon returned to calm.

The bloody vortex in front of him quickly disappeared, and what appeared next was a completely different scenery from before.

Huh? Is there an empty island that looks like a toilet plug in the Chaos Archipelago? Huang Pu looked at the horizon and suddenly said in surprise.

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