My doppelganger drama

Chapter 326 A story about Bell

This incident is only the beginning.

As an army that deals with new kinds of monsters all the time, it is inevitable that the team led by Bell will be accidentally contaminated.

The erosion of those monsters continued to intensify over time, and they were obviously forced by Bell's suppression.

Bell's own situation is also a concern for countless people.

Fortunately, after a certain period of time, although the reason was unknown, Bell's originally increasingly dangerous mental condition improved to a certain extent.

Bell's spirit is extremely strong and will not be easily disturbed by monsters.

However, as the war becomes increasingly intensive, mental toughness can only be the foundation for self-preservation.

On the basis of mental interference, the monsters began to further intensify the pollution of flesh and blood.

Without strict treatment, anyone who is merely passed by a monster may suddenly mutate.

Those monsters dealt a double blow to humans, both mentally and physically.

Under such circumstances, human beings have become extremely depressed.

The trend of pessimistic hedonism continues to emerge, desperate people abound, and the country's governance is in chaos.

That moment finally came.

The moment Bell, who fought for humanity, was called a demon.

The cause was the accession of the new emperor to the throne, and some things happened naturally.

As for the reasons, there are too many.

Bel's success leads to a trend of surrender within humanity, conflicts of interests, and even the emergence of pro-monster factions. These can all be reasons.

Bell went on an expedition, but his family was killed for his crimes.

During a brief break at the station, Ricardo drank wine with Bell.

That time, the two had a long conversation that they hadn't seen for a long time.

Have you found the reality you want? Ricardo. Bell asked him.

... What I originally wanted was just the reality of the road ahead in my practice. What I have experienced now has deviated far from the original intention, but... this is indeed 'reality', a reality that I will never forget. Rika Duo said dullly.

This might not be a bad idea.

Why are you so indifferent? Your family was killed on unfounded charges, your actions were discredited, and your glory and achievements were buried in the dust. Do you still have the need to persist? Ricardo asked with some urgency. road.

Hahaha, you are quite similar to a person I know. I only really got to know him recently. He is colder than you, but he is also hotter than you. He also likes to talk with fists and feet. He told you not long ago Something like that. Bell said with a hearty smile under the influence of alcohol.

Ricardo didn't know where he had the time to meet strangers. During this time, the entire human society was ignited by the new emperor's order to dissatisfy Bell and his team.

If it weren't for the secret support provided by some rational people among humans, it would be very difficult for them to even supply supplies.

Your mental condition is still not very good.

Very good, I know what I am doing. I am not acting for other reasons, just for myself. I have been fighting monsters for most of my life. My dead father and old man both taught me that the people in our family are born to A person who fights monsters. If I can’t completely defeat the monsters, wouldn’t I have accomplished nothing now?”

You said you accomplished nothing... Ricardo said with difficulty.

If you have accomplished nothing, then who can you be if you are frustrated and can't even continue to innovate and inherit?

There is no need to compare when pursuing differences. Since you can't open a path, just look at other people's paths. After seeing many differences, maybe your own path will appear unknowingly?

I think it's not that simple. Ricardo said stiffly.

Whose things are easy again?

Bell's confidence is the booster that drives the team, and it has always been that way.

Their team encountered a fierce battle.

The opponents are monsters, and a brand-new army of humans, which has the power to use monsters.

At least that's what they say on the surface.

But in fact, they are just people who are on the process of being assimilated after being compromised by some monsters.

The power they thought they controlled was changing his form and filling their spirits.

The monsters and humans had the first excellent cooperation in history. Bell's team suffered heavy losses, and even Bell himself was in danger for a time.

But Bell still killed it.

He started to eat.

Due to the lack of supplies, the team's nutrition could not keep up, and Bell himself did not eat much.

So in desperation, he was forced to open his mouth.

The flesh and blood of monsters and humans was eaten into its mouth, and it began to give up the barren human body.

Thanks to this, he found a way out.

Easily giving up the body that he had held on to for many years, he truly became a twisted alien, and the crime he was accused of was completely confirmed.

But he could still laugh.

This also saves them from having to make amends. Let the monsters be monsters.

Bell said so.

If there is one, then there are two.

He completely gave up all the few supplies to his subordinates, and began to eat the flesh and blood of all his opponents.

Although his appearance was still normal, Ricardo, who had been looking at him, could feel that the inside of his body might have become something unimaginable.

This team was not defeated, even though the number was sharply reduced, it became more brave.

Whether it is the evil threat from the front or the cold arrow from the rear, they are fearless.

Ricardo relied on his domain to maintain his mutation in that chaotic situation, but there was a limit to this kind of maintenance, so he had to leave the team many times and return to the Broken World to recuperate.

Then again and again, in the eyes of ordinary people, they looked like fools and stepped into the boundary zone of the Devil Devouring abyss.

He couldn't follow him at any time, but every time he came back, hearing about Bell's deeds made him feel as if he was actually there.

As time went by, the monsters' evolution reached a limit in order to fight against Bell.

That limit awakens the sleeping will in the boundary zone.

In the Broken World, his codename is Demon Eater.

In the boundary zone, he is often called the Great Realm Demonic Dragon.

It is said to be the source of all monsters, and all monsters grow from him.

To put it simply and bluntly, He is the only true God in that world.

The reason why the human beings here are able to survive is simply because He has not awakened and is in a state of silence.

The Great Realm Demon Dragon is not a monster. The two are completely different beings, and the despair they bring is not on the same level.

A black claw wiped away the royal city in an instant. His true face was not revealed but fear spread throughout the world.

Ricardo happened to be back at that time, and it took him a lot of time to find Bell.

What are you going to do? After seeing Bell, Ricardo asked bluntly without saying hello.

Bell smiled and said: Eat it, just like always.

It can't be the same! That thing is called the will of the boundary belt outside! It is something revered as God! He is the world itself!


Leave it alone. He doesn't care about monsters or humans. He is just in the fluctuating period of just waking up. Don't face that kind of thing. You can still survive with your strength.

Ricardo, long time no see. Have you become energetic? Have you found your own way? Bell suddenly turned around and asked.


Bell smiled heartily, showing his white teeth: Then I have good news for you, I found it.

You can't eat Him, and you may only become a part of Him by then. How much will you have left? Memory? Name? You will cease to exist. Ricardo opened his eyes wide.

Hmm, that sounds cool.

I'm not kidding.

Me neither.


After a brief silence, Bell smiled and said: Nice to meet you, Ricardo from the broken world. Unfortunately, I may not be able to give you the 'reality' you are looking for, but if you can come to see me in the end, I I'm still very happy. After all, I was scolded by another friend just now and almost broke up.

Ricardo looked at him.

I will not regret any action I have taken in my life. I wonder how much reference this insignificant story of mine can provide you? I hope you can continue to read it in the future. The scenery here must be more beautiful than mine. There are probably many more.”


he's gone.

Alone, walking towards the Great Realm Demon Dragon.

Then didn't come back.

However, the Great World Demonic Dragon went against its normal behavior and after devouring a large number of monsters, it fell into a deep sleep in a valley.

Although incredible.

But, he should have succeeded.

But when Ricardo called the name Bell to the sinister dragon, he no longer received a response.

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