My doppelganger drama

Chapter 327 Retired Uncle and Young Friend

In the Demon-Eating Boundary Zone, human beings are saved from the fate of being destroyed by the awakened Great Realm Demon Dragon.

Under the fear and attraction brought by the Great Realm Demon Dragon, the monsters surrounded Him like stars and the moon.

Even though they are nothing more than food to the dragons, they are happy to fly into the flames and return to their source.

Gradually, the location of the magic dragon was named Demon Abyss and became a forbidden area for life.

Those soldiers who had fought with Bell kept running and continuing to perform their duties. Although almost all the monsters follow the dragon, it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net, and there are still many contaminated humans who need to be cleaned up.

Along the way, through word of mouth, Bell's story continued to be told.

However, that world has forgotten the name Bell.

Everyone's memory of that person's face and name has become blurry, and only a residual fear keeps that person's deeds unforgettable.

His story gradually became mythical.

For that world, this is indeed a long-standing myth.

And for the sake of convenience, a title that was once given by a madman from the pro-monster faction has inexplicably become a name that has survived in the long history.

The Demon Lord.

After Ricardo was brought out of the Demon Devouring Boundary, he approached the Cang Worship Cult again.

As luck would have it, it was still the man in colorful clothes who received him.

After some conversation, Ricardo chose to join.

It doesn’t matter which denomination you choose.

He can quickly find his position wherever he is and recognize his value in an environment. These are all further honed in Bell's army.

After all, if you don't recognize this clearly, you will become part of those monsters if you are not careful.

However, it didn't matter, he truly refused the invitation from the Demon-Eating Church.

The things that the Demon Devouring Church juggles are monsters, the residue that falls from the mouth of the Great Realm Demon Dragon.

It's just that they think that these things are responses and gifts from the dragon.

Ricardo will not respect the Great Realm Demon Dragon, nor will he respect any demon lord.

The leader who left a deep impression on him and was willing to follow him is no longer there.

Finally, he settled on a small sect.

There's no particular reason for this, since the sect's symbol of power is the eye.

Ricardo remembered Bell's words and decided to further change his perspective and bring all visible things into his field of vision. In this way, he might be able to discover more different existences like Bell.

After joining the sect, his awakened eyes were nothing special, just the most ordinary eyes of insight.

But this was exactly what he wanted.

Collecting various eyes, under the influence of the Eye of All Things, his body unconsciously experienced changes, but he overcame them all.

Only by truly experiencing that feeling could Ricardo better understand how much Bell had to bear.

Confronting gods directly or even replacing them is a deed that no one dares to believe.

After all, those gods are the world itself.

Ricardo did his best to fulfill his new responsibilities and adapt to his new identity.

Unknowingly, he became the high priest of this sect.

Occasionally, some interesting characters will appear in this sect, and they will get Ricardo's attention. Earlier, a young man with no fear of God but a perfect fit for His gifts had gained his brief attention.

The name is Mehta.

To ordinary people, this is Ricardo's love for talent.

But most of the time Ricardo just goes to see.

Recently, he met a strange young man in the Sinking Sky Island Group.

As luck would have it, this young man and Meta were from the same parish.

As for what exactly is novel, I really can’t tell.

First of all, the other party used some superb skills to disguise himself, and the layer of skin on his body physically changed part of his body structure.

Secondly, the other party is a disaster.

However, although the ether energy is in an activated state, indicating that he has awakened, any other external and spiritual personality manifestations are completely unrelated to the troublemaker Ricardo understands.

In fact, if you peek a little deeper, you will find that his mental activities are indeed chaotic.

The chaos was even beyond Ricardo's understanding.

very funny.

Such a young man is also highly compatible with the gift of God.

After asking the Eye of All Things, the answer from the Eye of All Things was not beyond Ricardo's expectations.

【give him. 】

This is the oracle of the Eye of All Things, simple and vague, but enough has been revealed.

Whether it was because of his status as the high priest or Ricardo's own thoughts, during this period of time, he also began to be full of expectations for this young man.

Can see more different expectations.

In fact, some clues were not difficult to find. Ricardo saw it but didn't care about it and gave him the greatest tolerance.

After all, even if something goes wrong with Baicang, he doesn't care. The reason why he takes responsibility is only because of the identity and value he has assigned to himself, which allows him to abide by the rules.

For Ricardo, who has worked happily with the Eye of All Things in recent years, he has become a symbol of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

There are really many surprises in the Sinking Sky Island Group.


He never thought that there would be such a surprise that was far beyond all.

The eyes all over his body were opened without reservation, staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of him.

Trust, doubt, thoughts constantly flowing.

The opponent's body was not coordinated, and the source of the disharmony came from the spiritual level. There was another spiritual source watching the scene, and that obvious spiritual source was more suitable for this body than the Bell in front of him.

That is the real owner of this body, but there is a transformation channel between different spiritual sources, using the coercive power of a similar field to forcibly twist the body based on the spirit.

A tremendous strength.

There was a lot of chaos and complexity behind that spiritual source. Ricardo looked away after a few glances and immediately looked away. Some of his eyes were bloodshot, beginning to become congested and showing signs of being scrapped.

But there is no doubt that except for this small abnormality, the other party's behavior is exactly the same as the original Bell in his memory.

This situation is more like Bell taking the body, but there is some kind of agreement between the two.


it is true.

Listening to the hearty and confident laughter of the person in front of me, the past emerged before my eyes, but quickly faded away.

The new look is good. Although it's a little bit novel, it's much better than your previous simple and boring look. What kind is this? Bell pointed at Ricardo with two fingers and said with a smile.

Ricardo closed his eyes and said helplessly: It has nothing to do with fashion.

How are you doing? he asked Bell.

Bell spread his legs as wide as his shoulders, straightened his back, held his head high and said, Eat, sleep, and watch movies!

“Sounds like senior retirement.”

Why don't you enjoy your retirement life more? I still have a bunch of young backbones who are busy working here. As someone who has been there, I can see that they are working so hard. Although they are not kind, sometimes they really laugh out loud, hahaha. !”

Far away in the Demon-Eating Boundary, the sleeping dragon at the bottom of the Demonic Abyss snorted, blowing a clear hole out of the group of monsters in front of it.

What about you? It seems like it's too early for you to retire. Bell asked Ricardo again after he finished laughing.

It's still early.

It's not easy for people in the broken world. In the boundary zone, everyone has gone to sleep. Bell's voice slowed down and became much gentler.

Ricardo naturally knew who he was talking about.

Besides those comrades who have been through life and death, who else can be there?

He hasn't been back to the sad place in the Devouring Realm for a long time.

So, as expected, everyone has already...

It's okay. The only ones who suffer are people like me who bring it upon themselves and think too much. Ricardo said nonchalantly.

Yes, you are the second most free and easy person I know. The first one is white...ah, he might be watching, but I won't say anything. Bell pretended to cover his mouth.

I didn't believe you had so many friends before. I just thought you were using virtual friends to suppress mental abnormalities. Ricardo sighed helplessly: Now it seems that you didn't tell us a lot of things until you retired. .”

Hey, you know now, how about it? We are reunited after a long separation. Do you want me to give you a hug to comfort you? But you are not allowed to open your other eyes during the hug. If you open your eyes, I will open them too.

Child? You are retired, so you should be more mature.

I am serious about being a senior to others! Bell raised his head even higher.

After a moment of silence, Ricardo said slowly: There is no need to hug you. It is the most surprising thing for me in these years to see you like this again.

He slowly closed his eyes, and Bell's figure gradually began to blur.

Thank you, the... leader of the troupe?

Yeah. Wan Yi replied.

Bell's time has come, and the original safe time has been seriously exceeded. The Demon Lord insisted on being naked and connected with Wanyi Network to reminisce with Ricardo. Now he may have returned to his own body and gone crazy.

Mourning for the monsters around him for a second, forget it, let's let it be half a second.

Ricardo opened his eyes again and saw Wan Yi standing in front of him.

I see. Ricardo nodded slowly.

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