My doppelganger drama

Chapter 325 A story between two people

For humans in a broken world, cultivation and practice are all false.

Some things are dug out from other existences and then sewn onto them.

For most people, being able to easily obtain useful power, skilled skills, and powerful props is a good thing without much thought.

But for some groups, the situation creates an overwhelming sense of fragmentation.

The absorption and understanding of a certain power, the mastery and penetration of a certain skill.

When one's strength matures and reaches a certain height in this broken world, perfection and emptiness come at the same time.

Power is not fake, but the most desperate peak that the strong men in the broken world have to face is undoubtedly innovation.

People in a broken world cannot innovate.

In this fragmented world, everything acquired is a complete corner, and connecting it to one's own body is just a piece of wisdom.

Even this Yahui may not even exist in limited memory.

But there is no doubt that people in the broken world cannot make the seeds truly blossom and bear fruit after obtaining them.

People who are proficient in martial arts will never be able to draw parallels, let alone draw parallels. It is a luxury to even want to explore the content that the fragments have not provided in the skills that they are proficient in.

What does not exist simply does not exist.

The broken world is incomplete without the complete fragments.

People are nothing.

This is the feeling of separation that some people can experience.

Ricardo is such a person.

Whenever I feel complacent about my achievements, and when I think that I have martial arts skills but can't teach even a few low-level tricks, all pride disappears.

There is no enlightened person who cannot even explain the path he is walking on.

In the broken world, after reaching a certain level, one becomes decadent because of this kind of thing, and even gets trapped in a corner and cannot get out, until the person commits suicide.

Ricardo has seen a lot.

The more we forget, the more we will regard the broken world as the existing reality, but this reality cannot see the way forward.

Ricardo searched for many powerful people in the broken world, hoping to get more clues, but he was only greeted with endless disappointment.

Friends passed away, colleagues died, and close friends lost their lives while searching for the ultimate path. Ricardo's life was once clouded.

He once gave up on himself and went to the Worshiping Cang Cult, hoping to get some insights from this rampant cult.

Then, I met the man wearing strange colorful clothes.

He lost so ugly that he didn't even know how he lost, but the other party didn't kill him. He just heard the man say in a gentle tone: Then why don't you go and see the scenery on the boundary line?

At that time, Ricciardo had been deliberately avoiding boundaries for a long time.

Perhaps for him at that time, the boundary that most people regarded as false copies was the reality, and the broken world was just a false remnant of reality.

After that person's prompting, Ricardo regained his composure and stepped into the boundary for the first time in a long time.

Initially, this didn't do much good.

From small lines at low depths to dangerous high depth lines.

Ricardo walked through them one by one, and the more he experienced them, the more he envied his life of undivided attention and boundaries.

The strong ones within the boundaries can at least pursue their extremes.

What is necessary to experience these views? If you look at it too much, it’s just a mockery of yourself.

Thinking of him like this, at the final stop of the journey, I entered a notorious boundary zone.

Demon Eater abyss boundary zone.

It was there that Ricardo met Bell.

This was his past name. He was born into a noble family and belonged to a military family that unified the country within the border.

But this doesn't mean anything good.

Human beings in that world were themselves invaded by monsters. The human country seemed prosperous but was teetering on the edge of destruction. The spiritual influence brought by monsters makes it difficult for humans to resist.

Once the mind is lost, humans will turn into monsters without any buffer.

If it had not been for the maintenance of successive generations of wise monarchs and the frequent emergence of strong human beings, humanity would have collapsed long ago.

Bell is a young general of a generation.

He had consolidated his position among humans at a very young age, and relied on his outstanding military exploits to become a general of the country. He single-handedly revitalized the empire surrounded by monsters and protected the integrity of the country.

Those monsters originally used their hunting instincts to infest, and mental interference as a supplementary means to persecute humans.

But because of this human being, they were forced to change their original population instinct.

The main focus has been changed from violent invasion to mental disturbance.

Use more profound means to disintegrate mankind.

The strategy was successful.

After the death of a wise king, the monsters seized this perfect opportunity.

The huge unified empire collapsed overnight.

Under the long-term tension, just a little relaxation was taken advantage of. It was thought that the empire would usher in the next golden age, but it was a precursor to its demise.

At the end of his career, Bell, a heroic general known for slaying monsters, faced only opponents of his own race.

Ricardo became a general under Bell and traveled with him.

Among the teams led by Bell, Ricciardo was initially just an ordinary member of the team.

In that boundary, he followed Bell on the battlefield for a long time. In the process, Ricardo realized something called the field for the first time.

Although it is not a breakthrough in martial arts as expected, the feeling of finding one's true self after opening the field is not fake.

With the emergence of the field, he gradually gained Bell's attention due to his outstanding military exploits.

For this reason, you can always get in touch with them.

Ricardo was not good at concealing things. It didn't take long for him to directly tell him that he was not an aboriginal in the boundary zone, but came from outside the boundary and came here to explore the truth.

Bell wasn't very surprised after hearing this, but he just trusted him more after that.

The corpses of the betrayers who were killed by his hands piled up in mountains, and Bell's anger became more and more intense.

Ricardo noticed the abnormality in his state, but even though he knew it, he didn't care much.

In order to eliminate the spiritual influence of monsters, which can be called pollution, their killings became more and more cruel, killing from one end of the empire to the other. There were no innocent people among them, even infants and young children contaminated by monsters had no reason to survive.

Because in the early stages of the spread of monster pollution, Bell failed to properly deal with a mother and son who were survivors, resulting in the death of another town.

A cruel heroic epic that will shock the listener. As a witness, Ricardo had already forgotten what was true and what was false at the time.

All that remains is despair and hatred for this boundary zone.

The former heroes are becoming more and more feared among their own kind.

Because of improper management by humans, many people have evil thoughts, calling their enemies monsters and wielding swords against each other.

It was an event that shattered Ricciardo's reality into pieces.

The unchecked dignitaries in one town inflicted atrocities on the villagers, and those who did not deal with them at all would be called monsters and sentenced to death.

Ironically, however, the town was actually contaminated by monsters shortly afterwards.

The rich and powerful found a trace of peace with the help of the wizard, but the hatred of the villagers was ignited by the pollution of monsters.

But the powerful man did not die.

Because Bell and the others have arrived.

All the polluted villagers were wiped out. When Ricardo killed a father, the father did not understand what happened to him. He just wanted to avenge his daughter who was raped and killed.

The powerful man is not dead.

He needs to be investigated more fully, and even though he may have committed a crime, no one can directly convict him.

The confessions of the contaminated villagers cannot become truth.

This is the reality of that world.

Ricardo would never forget the scene of him being pulled by Bell and helplessly watching that scum being taken away.

His shoulders were painfully pinched by Bell, but all he heard in his ears was a suppressed sentence...

Everyone does his job.

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