My doppelganger drama

Chapter 324 An old friend from a foreign land

Strictly speaking, Bell is not the Demon Lord.

There will always be something left behind along the evolutionary path of life.

In the process of crossing over as a human being to a higher existence, unconsciously, the human part gradually disappears, and people walking on the road often do not know it.

Mu Ran looked back and found that he was already standing on the edge of an irreversible cliff.

But for some responsibilities that may have nothing to do with him, he continued to move forward without hesitation.

Climb to the top that ordinary people cannot look up to, and then jump into the abyss.

Memory is the final crystallization, and the name is also the past, and this body has no place to go.

Sitting in the dark theater, I found a bit of tranquility.

When no one is around, I read through my past life over and over again.

Never regretted it.


No matter how many tentacles Batu sprouted, they were easily torn apart by the stick in the hand of the man in front of him.

The white magic dragon flew over at low altitude and fired its huge wind blades at the tiny figure.

The opponent's stick dance opened and closed, smashing the demon dragon's attacks one by one, and then jumped up, as high as the demon dragon's head.

I remember, it was thrown like this...? As he spoke, Bell flipped over in the air, and the stick in his hand set off a gloomy black wind. The black wind rose and condensed into a giant pillar.

He slowly fell towards the dragon.

It is said to be slow, but it is only a moment.

The demonic dragon was suppressed, unable to raise any wave of resistance, and all the condensed Honkai energy was shattered. This was not just a physical club blow!

The white armor was shattered, one wing was broken, and the dragon screamed.

Bella! At this moment, the Queen's anxious mind took over, and she actually forcibly got rid of the influence of the split soul, Human! How dare you hurt her!

A large number of black hole spheres surrounded Bell in mid-air, and a strong collapse blow was about to come.

Human? I'm quite happy when you say that. Bell showed a hearty smile.

The blow came, but a black shadow-like substance formed on one shoulder of the man, and finally he opened a big mouth full of white teeth.


The blow from the virtual world disappeared out of thin air.

His mouth retracted into Bell's body, and he landed on the ground. No longer paying attention to the dying dragon, he sprinted past.

Standing above Batu, Jima felt her eyes blur as the ghostly black figure had already arrived in front of Batu.


Batu reacted immediately and raised his paw to slap Bell.

But I didn’t encounter it at all…

A thick and huge arm of Batu disappeared out of thin air.

Jima looked at this scene in shock, his eyes sweeping over Batu's wounds.

what happened?

Batu's hand disappeared? What ability is this? Is the other party also a disaster?

The wound on Batu's shoulder... the bite mark! Bite marks from some kind of creature!

Hand... was eaten?

Batu! What are you doing! Regenerate quickly!

Uh, roar! Batu made a difficult cry.

Cannot be regenerated!

Jima could only raise the tin stick to resist. The black stick in front of him hit his head, and the unparalleled force knocked Jima away from Batu's head.

As he was falling, the figure pursued him relentlessly.

The dark boots stamped on the tin staff, accelerating Jima's descent.

Drink! Jima roared angrily, and the metal ring on the tin staff shook chaotically, making a harsh sound. As the power of fluctuations raged, even the surrounding space began to twist and break under the fluctuations.

But this man!

Bell's smile remained unchanged, and after the wave was transmitted to his body, it seemed as if he had disappeared into the sea, unable to stir up any waves!

What the hell are you!

Jima let out a roar of collapse. Just when he was about to land, Bell bent his legs slightly and kicked him hard, sending him flying.


Jima knocked over countless tents and was in a state of disarray. He managed to stand up with the help of his regeneration ability, but the tin staff in his hand was kicked to pieces!

The three-stage armed weapon is a disaster, and it is actually used by brute force...!

He gritted his teeth, dropped the broken tin staff, stretched out his hand and another one appeared.

To those with weapons, these weapons, which appear to be extremely powerful to outsiders, are just tools that can be infinitely created by condensing etheric energy.

Although if the weapon is not closely connected with the disaster itself, the special abilities will not be effective, and the various textures will be reduced, but the weapon is only damaged in the battle, and it is easy to replace it or repair it!

Such a powerful weapon can regenerate. It's really amazing. Bell admired it.

Jima ignored Bell and looked past him to Batu behind him.

A large number of ether particles flowed through the wound, but the wound showed no sign of recovery.

Batu was in agony, but there was nothing he could do.

What did you do to Batu? The damage that Jima himself had just suffered from purely physical suppression regenerated easily, indicating that this irreproducible injury was indeed caused by some ability of the other party.

Just eaten. Bell replied casually.

have eaten?

Why can't I regenerate if I just eat it? The word eat in his mouth definitely does not mean something physical.

Jima thought about the various ability information he had seen in his mind, and broke into a cold sweat.

Don't be so afraid. It was just a subconscious reaction. It's better to use this to fight you. Bell weighed the long black stick in his hand.

Why have I never heard of a strong man like you before? Jima couldn't believe it.

Including this troupe, it's almost like it grew on its own in the air.

There was no news until then.

An organization that is so large, has a large number of people, controls the realm and has many experts in the field, had no reputation before.

is it possible? Is this reasonable?

Can people still divide for no reason?

I seem to be quite famous in this world, but you probably don't know me at this time. It's like even if you like a celebrity, you wouldn't be able to recognize him if you look at his childhood photos.

Hearing this, Jima's mind was running at high speed, constantly matching Bell's performance just now with various information he knew.

Finally, he thought of something highly similar that could correspond to it.

His eyes widened: What is your relationship with the Demon-Eating Church of Bai Cang?

They're just a bunch of annoying people who disturb my sleep every day. They always like to dig out my leftovers as gifts. Bell shrugged.

Devouring Demons... Zhima's pupils trembled: Impossible, 'Devouring Demons' Boundary Belt! Are you the incarnation of the will of the Boundary Belt?! The Devouring Demon Boundary Belt is united on the earth, so far away from the sinking sky island group, you Even if the influence cannot be transmitted, how can it be possible to send the incarnation of the will? And how can the will of the Boundary Belt be mixed with this troupe?!

Just go a long way, don't make such a fuss. Ah, time is running out, I should take care of you.

Bell said as if receiving some reminder, he held the long stick with both hands again.

Jima did not hesitate, and waved the tin staff continuously, and the dark golden waves were like waves.

Bell activated, and his body flew past like an arrow.

The fluctuation was directly forced out of a vacuum area, and the shadow of the black stick swung towards him.

Chima set up the tin staff.


The tin stick broke with a sound, unable to stop him at all, and at the same time, the long stick also hit Jima on the head.


he shouted.


The whole head shattered.

Run away... These were the last words he didn't fully say.

Roar ah ah ah ah! Batu went crazy instantly. His broken arm was filled with more tentacles, and his already huge body further expanded.

Bell rushed forward, and Batu rushed forward to collide with him without fear.


The violent shock wave spread, and the tiny figure collided with the huge beast, but it was the beast that was knocked away.

The tentacles continue to grow and break, and the flesh and bones on the body are crushed bit by bit by the powerful force, but they continue to regenerate.

Bell was also a little surprised.

The third stage of the adaptive system is a bit exaggerated. A simple attack cannot kill it at all. He hit every part of the opponent's body at the same time in a short period of time, crushing a giant beast into a pulp, but it was still killed by the opponent. It regenerated all of a sudden.

The troupe leader is probably going to be greedy to see it, but we don't have much time, so I won't delay any more!

Bell smiled and opened his mouth directly. His mouth was dark, like a hollow.

The mouth is directed towards the badu and bit down directly.

Batu disappeared.

The giant flesh-and-blood beast that was still roaring and growing in size disappeared out of thin air.

It's like a painting has been deleted directly from the layer.

Bell fell back to the ground and saw that the entire carnival in front of him was instantly pure. It was rare for him to move in the same human manner as in the past. He felt extremely comfortable and even had the mood to play with sticks.


Suddenly, a footsteps appeared.

You... a voice came from behind.

Bell looked back in response and saw Ricardo who had finally arrived.

Why are you here, Bell? Ricardo's usually calm face showed unprecedented surprise.

And, still in this attitude.

When Bell saw Ricardo, he also showed a surprised expression at first, and then couldn't help laughing again.

It's not the self-centered smile before, but full of nostalgia, free and easy happiness from the heart.

Hahahaha! Is this what it means to meet an old friend in a foreign land? According to the time within my boundaries, we must not have seen each other for hundreds of years, Ricardo.

Adding an updated chapter, a belated Children’s Day gift, a small gift package at the beginning of the month.

It's been in average shape lately, and the plots in the last few chapters have been tighter, with a lot more subtle outages, I'm sorry.

Thank you for your support in the new month~.

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