My doppelganger drama

Chapter 306 Good luck on the journey

Luo Xi returned to the village dripping wet. After Wan Yi and others searched the place and helped enough, they no longer planned to waste time.

The villagers were touched by the fact that the crew was still willing to help them. Although they were leaving now, they still cried and thanked and said goodbye.

In the eyes of the villagers, the crew members Wan Yi are simply saints who repay evil with kindness.

After Luo Xi stepped forward and greeted the villagers, he followed Wan Yi's footsteps.

At the same time, Simaya came to Luo Xi quietly: Did you go to the lake?

Yeah. Luo Xi responded simply.

Simaya had already anticipated what Luo Xi might do, and the answer she received was nothing unusual. Instead, she asked: Is there anything unusual in that lake?

Nothing. Luo Xi said.

Simaya had no intention of continuing to ask, but after answering, Luo Xi said: Simaya, what did you eat while you were imprisoned in the lake?


Even hunters are living creatures. The owners of the sea area need to hunt for food, let alone hunters. You must have taken in food to survive this period of time. Luo Xi asked.

Simaya's pupils dilated slightly: I...

She wanted to say something, but got stuck.

Can't you remember? Before she could speak, Luo Xi answered calmly for her.

... Simaya nodded silently.

In this case, let's not think about it for now. Luo Xi stretched out his hand, his fingertips burned with flames, and gently tapped Simaya's forehead.

A blue aura appeared instinctively on Simaya's body, but she felt that Luo Xi did not have any malice, so she suppressed the surge of ocean power in her body.

The fire slightly changed Simaya's thoughts.

Bypassing the vague memory that she had buried deep inside.

After doing this, Luo Xi took back his hand and continued to move forward.

Simaya was stunned for a moment, feeling her head refreshed a little, and then naturally followed Luo Xi.

The Undersea Volcano went to sea near noon.

This time, there were many more people on board.

As for whether the boat has become more lively, Luo Xi feels that it has not.

Because the troupe leader's clones are already quite noisy, how much more noise can a few extra ordinary people add to this group of lunatics?

After settling Warren and his party, Luo Xi let Simaya walk around the boat casually.

Simaya unexpectedly listened to Luo Xi's words, but she seemed to prefer to stand alone at the bow or stern of the boat and stare at the sea in a daze.

Luo Xi and the first mate and second mate were sorting out a series of information obtained this time.

Although they haven't actually reached land yet, the temporary addition of Warren and Simaya can be said to have opened up a wide field of vision for everyone on the Undersea Volcano.

The impoverished rural areas were finally moved by the enthusiasm of teaching.

After discarding some content about continental ecology and human activities, the focus of the discussion was still on the experiments conducted by Simaya and the False God Religion.

What happened to Simaya?

On the conference table in the captain's room were spread out a book of remnant materials of the Pseudo-God Religion.

According to the preliminary experimental records of the False God Religion, they plan to start cultivating the God of the Sea based on this conjecture about the chaotic age of gods.

Light a newborn sea god as firewood to make the fire god burn again.

Why choose a hunter instead of a sea monster?

Because human beings are the symbol of this world, where barbarism and civilization intersect, and stupidity and wisdom are entangled in people at the same time, giving people a variety of possibilities.

Hunters who have absorbed the power of the sea monster gravitate towards the savage side, but the power of firewood is completely enough to reverse this situation, and even burn it more vigorously as firewood.

With that said, Wan Yi's eyes focused on Luo Xi.

Luo Xi looked at the information in his hand, and after a long time, he slowly put it down.

Is there anything you want to say, Captain?

Luo Xi slowly exhaled a breath and said deeply: I don't understand.


Are you kidding me?

The clothes dryer said in a simple and honest voice.

It doesn't matter if you are called illiterate because you know less. If you can't stand looking at the information, then it's really hopeless.

Looking at her will make her lose focus, and she makes her want to sleep. Luo Xi gently pressed her temples, showing an expression of I can't help it.

“Are you the poor math student who complained in math class?”

Don't you usually read story novels with great enthusiasm? You even went to Warren and his crew to salvage several copies from their sunken ship!

So it's because you were sleepy and distracted during class, but you read the extracurricular books very enthusiastically after class, right?

Wan Yimen said one sentence after another, making Captain Luo Xi shrink back.

After Wan Yi and others stopped for a while, Luo Xi straightened up again: Because the novel is really good.


Luo Xi changed from a participant in the discussion to an observer.

Brothers, it seems our illiterate captain can't be counted on.

Oh, I told you that he is the mascot and the ultimate weapon. You can't count on anything else. You Wan Yi said with hindsight, and other Wan Yi knew that he actually didn't say that at all.

Little boy? Youwanyi said suddenly.

Yigan nodded in agreement: At first glance, it sounds like a good pronoun that fits the two concepts of 'mascot' and 'ultimate weapon'.

I haven't forgotten all my memories. Hearing this, Luo Xi quietly spoke again.

Forget about the codename Little Boy.

Everyone was silent for a while.

Who does this look like?

Isn't he one of us?

...Good people are also like us.

This is a bit shameless to say.

Aren't our grades in junior high and high school very good? It's not my husband's education.

If you don't do well in the exam, the old man will serve you with a stick. There's nothing you can do about it.

Luo Xi smiled as he watched Wan Yi chatting with each other.

The discussion has come to an end for the time being, and the information will be handed over to the dedicated Wan Yilai for processing.

By the way, where's Jeffrey? Luo Xi suddenly remembered the hard-working newcomer.

This experience is over, I have gone back. Jeffrey came over and said.

This Jeffrey conveniently took off Jeffrey's face, briefly revealing Wan Yi's own face, and then put on another ordinary face.

I've already gone back.

It's okay. I will definitely come back in the future. I have been bound to his special cockpit. Hiss... my whole body aches. Isn't that guy not at all restrained when using other people's bodies? Wan Yi moved his shoulders. .

In the end, he excused himself because he was still very tired, so he just went out and fished in a lazy way.

Luo Xi came to the bow of the boat alone and saw Simaya, who was always alone with the sky and earth as the background.

Are you so withdrawn?

It should be so. In my memory, the teacher said that if I want to continue to advance, my social skills also need to be taken into consideration. However, the captain told me that a real genius does not need such a thing, and just needs to meet my daily needs. Maya replied coolly.

So do you feel like your social skills meet your daily needs?

I think I'm satisfied.

“It’s good to have confidence.”

Luo Xi also watched the sea with her for a while.

In fact, there is nothing interesting to see, they are basically the same. For him, the surface of the sea is far less interesting than the bottom of the sea.

Warren says we'll see the mainland soon.

Well, this place is indeed not far from the mainland. I have an impression.

After arriving on the mainland, are you going back to look for the lookout?

Of course, even if we fail completely, it is necessary to go back and report on our work.

Well, hope everything goes well.

You seem to be implying that this journey will not be very stable. Simaya is very perceptive.

Who knows? After all, my journey has never been stable. Luo Xi replied with a harmless smile.

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