My doppelganger drama

Chapter 305 Bottom of the Lake

Return to the village.

Fortunately, the believers did not insist on demolishing the village. The main thing they did was to set fire. The original intention was to make the environment more suitable for them to fight, rather than to break the pot.

Coupled with Luo Xi's timely absorption of the flames, the village was not completely reduced to ruins. For the villagers with no more than a hundred people, the remaining part should be more than enough for living and activities.

Is this a blessing in misfortune? At least they're not completely homeless.

The able-bodied adults and some young people started to clean up the village again after sighing.

Some crew members Wan Yi also came to help.

Although the help was just incidental, they were looking for some material information about the False God Religion that they had not had time to explore before because they were busy fighting.

You Wanyi obtained some of the memories of the pseudo-theistic believers through trapping. The next step was to compile the actual data and obtain the inside information to the maximum extent.

Some Wan Yi prefers this to simple fighting.

Luo Xi helped arrange some things, and then turned around to look for Simaya.

Among the ruins of an empty village, Simaya stood there, leaving Luo Xi with a thin back.

Luo Xi stepped forward and said: Ximaya, I have something else to do, please stay here for a while.

Simaya turned her head and looked at Luo Xi with her bright red left eye reflecting the morning sunshine. She was silent for a moment, and she simply said hmm.

Don't know what she is thinking.

Luo Xi had never been in contact with any women since she could remember. The woman she had the best relationship with was an aunt in the village who was very skilled in weaving. Luo Xi often went to her to help.

It was the first time for a young woman, but it looked and felt no better than the little fish monster she encountered in the sea.

Because apart from eating and reproducing, the little fish monster really doesn't think about anything with its dull eyes.

But people will most likely think of something that is not there.

With this in mind, Luo Xi turned around and left the village, disappearing into the woods behind the village.

Noticing the direction in which Luo Xi was going, Simaya stared at Luo Xi's back until the figure was completely swallowed up by the woods.

There are, just like in the memory, the various books held by Priest Abra.

Wan Yi finally dug out what they wanted from the ruins.

Religious people, religious souls, the future of religion is to engage in scientific research. Wan Yi looked through some of the information inside and couldn't help laughing when he saw the quite neat records and rigorous wording. .

The memory shows that they came to this archipelago and even set up camp in advance. It was not an accidental encounter. They had targeted Simaya's team early.

It's a pity that Abra was sacrificed. Otherwise, if he were captured, he should be able to get more information.

There was quite a lot of information. After checking it, Wan Yi found that it was basically all handwritten manuscripts, which meant they were all copied from other places.

This thing is interesting.

Suddenly, when Wan Yi was looking through a manuscript, he couldn't help but say something.

Others Wan Yi immediately diverted his attention.

The Age of Chaos Hypothesis

Ocean and fire, primitive barbarism and intelligent civilization, they are in opposition to each other but have an inseparable relationship. The closeness may far exceed the description of the traditional Sun Church mythology.

There is a close relationship between gods. If you want to awaken a god, sometimes you don't necessarily need to sharpen your head and drill into a single point.

Human beings seek guidance from a great god, but this thinking is judged by the thinking under the protection of the God of Fire. In fact, we should not be limited by this thinking.

It is extremely possible that gods will coexist with each other. The emergence of a god can set off a frenzy in the Age of Gods. At the end of the Age of Gods, the best god will inevitably be chosen to unify the world.

As for which god it is, after the unification is completed, tiny humans actually have no room to think about such things.

Wan Yi, who was holding the copy, picked out some key parts and read them out.

After listening, Wan Yi and others started talking a lot.

Interesting idea. Since the thinking of this world comes from the God of Vulcan, then they follow the God of Vulcan. Until now, they hope that the God of Vulcan will be born to fight against the ocean. This itself is a limitation, and the author of this article is probably Already aware of this.”

You don't necessarily need a Vulcan. You can use other more convenient means to catalyze the birth of some gods. There must be outstanding ones among them, who can fill mankind's expectations for the Vulcan. This is the earliest guide to the thought of creating gods.

But this article goes deeper. He sees a more blasphemous and chaotic era. According to the author's meaning, I am afraid that all the gods he refers to are not only gods on land.

The sea is the god of the sea, and the god of the sea is the sea.

The God of the Sea died, but he also integrated into the ecology of the sea, making the wild ecology completely out of control.

The being who stands at the top of the ecosystem is the master of the sea.

That barbaric and disorderly ocean is undoubtedly bigger and more abundant than the fire on land, and is more suitable for the birth of gods.

As long as a true god is born, the pace of the times will be advanced.

This article is the key point, and the experiment of the false god religion is based on this!

Hello, what are you looking at? At this time, Simaya's indifferent voice sounded in Wan Yi's ears. She came close to Wan Yi's side and curiously looked at the paper held in Wan Yi's hands. quality data.

Reading novels.

Novel, fantasy?

It's nothing more than a madman's delusion, filled with the author's obscenity. Wan Yi smiled.

Is that so? But I think you seem to be enjoying it.

Of course. Wan Yimen simply packed up their things and prepared to go back and read again: After all, if you are in contact with the author's mind, even the most difficult paper will be swallowed.

That's right. Simaya agreed.

Yes, yes, Miss Simaya, I would like to ask, can you still hear the sound of the sea?

...Of course. Simaya replied.

Luo Xi returned to the lake where Simaya was imprisoned.

The lake was still calm, as calm as death.

The bonfires by the lake have all been extinguished.

Luo Xi came to the lakeside and walked directly into the lake without stopping.

The cold lake water soaked into his body and he dived into the lake.

There is no discomfort, Luo Xi can boldly say that he can live in salt water and fresh water.

Although sea water still feels more comfortable, Luo Xi feels more comfortable as long as he is in the water than on land.

Your body will be much heavier on land, and your strength will be limited and difficult to control.

With this in mind, Luo Xi roughly explored the shallow surface of the lake.

He quickly realized the problem.

There are no traces of life in the lake.

This lake is really an execution lake.

At least he looked around briefly and didn't see a single moving shadow.

After thinking briefly, Luo Xi finally swam towards the lower level of the lake.

After swimming for a while, Luo Xi saw a figure.

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes and swam over and reached out to touch.

The figure instantly lost its balance and staggered around.

It's not a person, it's a human skeleton.

Luo Xi concentrated his attention and further expanded his vision in the water.

He gradually saw a lot.

A lot of debris, countless bones.

There are sea monsters.

There are people too.

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