My doppelganger drama

Chapter 307 Jeffrey’s Interlude

Jeffrey looked at the huge amount of dream essence on hand and started to buy it. Even though he knew that this kind of thing was a free throw by the troupe, he still couldn't help but have the illusion that he got rich overnight.

Damn it, you must not be fooled by sugar-coated bullets!

That's great, that's great. Originally we said we wouldn't give you a 'salary' for the technical test, but in the end I managed to get it for you. The little princess said with a smile.

Today he was wearing a small, well-fitting black suit, with a white coat draped over his shoulders that was obviously a few sizes too big, giving people a strong sense of contrast.

Then I still have to thank you?

No, it's just a small reward. You can spend whatever you want here. Unfortunately, it's just a technical test. Otherwise, if you steadily pass a play, you will be considered a person who can be written on the carnival schedule. The little princess said.

Drink, forget about the troupe's internal glory. Jeffrey sighed.

He moved his body.

Returning to the troupe carnival, I no longer feel any disharmony in my body, and it seems that I have returned to my original dream state.

He still missed the etheric energy of his body as if it were a galloping horse.

But it feels good to have the body return to its own strong and powerful body, and the whole person becomes refreshed.

For Jeffrey, this trip to technology testing was fruitful.

I saw more of the troupe’s great efforts, and after a long absence from the Third Stage of Liberation, I took this opportunity to become more familiar with that feeling.

With a few more attempts, he might be able to use it proficiently one day.

Because the power of the third stage is so amazing, Jeffrey basically has no place to practice in the Sinking Sky Island Group. Before he took over the responsibility for the area in Fuso City, he could still go to the boundary to practice.

Things have become more complicated since he came to Fuso. It used to be troublesome for Fuso to go to the boundary zone, but he gradually stopped going there, and the opportunities for training gradually became less and less.

Now it seems that using this carnival can solve his problem.

How did I perform this time? Thinking of how he stood in the sea of ​​fire and started the third stage, Jeffrey recalled his mentality at that time, felt a little emotional, and asked subconsciously.

After reacting, he turned to look at the little princess, only to see the little princess looking at him with a teasing expression.

It was originally a bit lewd, but that face and devilish charm were so outstanding that it made Jeffrey move his upper and lower body.

You performed very well, you are quite handsome, Mr. Hero. The little princess immediately put on an expression of admiration.

Don't! Jeffrey quickly covered his face and waved his hands.

The little princess smiled and put away the expression that made him feel a little disgusted.

You are also a troublemaker, you have ignored it before. Your ability is subtle, and the activity of ether energy is pitifully low. Even if I stand here without exerting my ability, my activity is higher than yours. Jeffrey pointed out.

Well, I'm weak and useless. I'm so pitiful and helpless. The little princess raised her hands and pretended to sigh.

It's obviously scary, okay, forget it, your troupe has more troublemakers than the Brotherhood in my memory. I really don't know how you did it. Faced with Jeffrey's complaints, the little princess smiled without saying a word. language.

After saying goodbye to Jeffrey, the little princess left with a pile of records.

Jeffrey was free.

I originally wanted to leave this carnival dreamland immediately.

But after thinking for a moment that I had been busy in this dream for so long, I didn't seem to have really seen much of this place, so I decided to take a look around.

It just so happened that he also got a large amount of the Dream Essence, the internal currency of the carnival. He had never spent it in the carnival, so he might be able to find something he was interested in.

With this thought in mind, he walked through the crowded performance hall.

There seem to be a lot more people attending the carnival recently.

This theater company is really thriving.

I took a look at the bartender in the lobby bar today. He was a male bartender with a black glove on his right hand and a black robe with an elegant posture.

Feeling that it was better not to provoke him, Jeffrey left quickly.

Red sheets with people coming and going on the street outside.

Jeffrey had a clear goal and went directly to the preparation room behind the scenes.

There were a lot of people in the preparation area today. Although Jeffrey had never been here, he passed by on weekdays. It was rare to see so many people.

As soon as he came in and opened the door, he was sluggish again.

Her red hair is like a waterfall, and her face is like a peach blossom. Although the dark lines on her body and the pattern between her eyebrows destroy the aloof feeling, they make her look even more enchanting.

Great beauty!

It is different from the fake like the little princess.

She is a pure natural beauty!

Jeffrey's upper body moved, but out of pure appreciation, his lower body couldn't move at all.

This is called beauty!

But soon, Jeffrey recovered from his surprise.

No, although it is indeed beautiful, some details on the body show...

Jeffrey's mind felt like a bolt from the blue.

Why is it a man again?! he shouted in a low voice.

Your troupe is poisonous! Are all these high-looking characters with ambiguous gender male? A gay theater troupe, right?

Jeffrey beat his chest and criticized the troupe severely.

Now he knew why so many people came to the preparation office today. Many people gathered around this red-haired beauty and wanted to ask questions.

Rhett expertly ignored unimportant questions.

Jeffrey shrank to the slightly empty unoccupied area and took a brief look at the shopping items in the preparation area.

After looking at buying some things that he should use, or just some things that made him curious, he was ready to leave.

But when passing by the front desk, Rhett raised his eyes from the ancient book in his hand and looked at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey looked at him briefly and felt his heart skip a beat again.

But this time it was not because of his heartbeat, but because of the other party's slight glance, an invisible sense of oppression instantly invaded Jeffrey's whole body, making his movements stiff.

This feeling was fleeting, and in the end, he just saw Rhett smiling gently at him, and all the previous discomfort was washed away.

Jeffrey stared blankly for a while, and then left the preparation area.

Phew, the troupe is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, a beauty that makes people's hearts beat in a double sense. Jeffrey sighed.

After wandering around the carnival for a long time, Jeffrey slowly escaped from this nightmare.

When the illusory dream faded and the sense of reality filled up again, Jeffrey felt the burr on his face for the first time.

He opened his eyes and saw a mouse's butt.


Ah? Jeffrey! The mouse on his face jumped up and fell to the ground.

What are you doing on my face? Jeffrey got up. His body was a little stiff and sore from sleeping for too long.

You were three days later than the time you agreed to wake up before you went to bed! I thought you died inside! Rost made a heavy voice.

Oh, sorry, I got a little addicted to playing. It's really interesting there.

And these things just came out of your shadow. Rost pointed to his bed and saw large and small packages of shock boxes.

Jeffrey got it all from shopping at the prep shop.

The troupe is so fast. Jeffrey laughed.

He looked at it, picked up a box, opened it, and took out a stone pot inside.

Are you still buying this thing in the theater group? Do we need a pot?

No. Jeffrey replied, then opened the pot, and a rich fragrance hit his nostrils.

This is this? Rost smelled it and said in surprise.

It's said to be 'chicken pot', a kind of delicacy. The preparation area actually sells all kinds of delicacies. I bought a lot. In the next few days, we will have enough food.

Although I don't know much about carnivals, the internal currency shouldn't be used to buy such things. Rost's mouse face wrinkled.

Hey, they have put it on the shelves. Of course they are buying it for us. Eat it while it's hot. Hey, they also thoughtfully prepared bowls and chopsticks. Jeffrey rubbed his hands and started to distribute the bowls and chopsticks.

Rost wanted to say something else, but looking at the hot chicken and the fragrant aroma...

So delicious.

In the dining room, Rost said: You came back a little late, there was an action that you missed.

Oh. Jeffrey responded as he buried his head in eating.

But the important action is still to come, and it is still aimed at Baicang. This cannot be missed anymore. Rost continued,

Tasting the taste of the chicken pot, Jeffrey was silent for a while. After spitting out the chicken bones, he said: Rost, after the matter with Baicang is finished, can I apply for a long rest?

Ah? The chicken bones Rost was chewing fell back into the bowl.

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