My doppelganger drama

Chapter 299 Luo Xi: Don’t know anything

Disrespectful! Die! His face sunk into his head, but Abelard did not die.

His neck burned with the fire of the false gods, and this flame protected his life.

Accompanied by inarticulate curses, the other party turned over on the ground like a reptile before he could stand up, using his hands and feet at the same time.


The battle ax swung, but Luo Xi showed no sign of weakness and slashed horizontally with the anchor rod's sword to meet the attack.

A heavy muffled sound spread, and the opponent's thin figure was shaken away by Luo Xi's huge force, but the figure flipped in the air to relieve the force, and then launched a mad dog-like attack without any plan in conjunction with the increasingly blazing flames on his body.

Abra is like a wild beast. In the dark night, this crawling, skinny humanoid creature can hardly be recognized as a human. The battle ax moved freely between his limbs and could always launch fatal attacks at tricky angles.

Luo Xi knocked him to the ground with one chop. The opponent fell to the ground and exerted force on his body at the same time. It was like he fell on a trampoline instead of a hard ground, and his body quickly turned back.

Then he jumped up in front of Luo Xi, raised his foot and stepped on the big sword that Luo Xi had not lifted up after chopping, and jumped into the air.

Luo Xi responded calmly and immediately clenched the weapon in his hand.

Abra turned around in the air, and the battle ax moved accordingly, spinning three times in a row and hitting Luo Xi's sword, each round becoming heavier than the next.

But it's still too early for Luo Xi to reach his upper limit.

Luo Xi turned sideways and kicked away the opponent's fourth axe, and the two forces collided and spread a strong wave of wind in the air.

The result, of course, was that Luo Xi, who was already physically stronger and down-to-earth, had the upper hand.

Abra's figure in mid-air was kicked away by this kick, and Luo Xi swung the anchor sword smoothly.

The opponent pulled back the battle ax to block his chest in time, preventing his chest from being directly smashed.

But this is just a remedy.

The anchor sword collided with the battle axe. With a little more force, Luo Xi took Abra's body and pushed him back to the ground from mid-air.

The strong body collided with the ground and made a muffled sound. Luo Xi sheathed the sword with one hand and threw the anchor crown towards Abra on the ground with the other hand.


Even though Abelard's arms were numb and he felt like his internal organs were surging just after falling to the ground, he felt that the crisis was not over yet and did not relax his defensive posture.

The violent impact of the anchor crown hit his battle ax again, forcing him to drag on the ground for a long distance before being pulled back.

Abra followed the inertia and finally rolled on the ground and hit a rock before stopping.

Luo Xi grabbed the chain, swung the anchor crown, and walked towards Abra.

Abelard did not stand up as quickly as before this time. He seemed to be offline on the ground for a moment, and then suddenly came back to his senses and supported his body to get up.

Drink... After Abra gasped, he suddenly pulled out a short sword from his arms and stabbed into his heart without hesitation.

Then he let go of his hand, leaving the dagger on his chest, and he began to pray. Unlike the previous believers, his prayers seemed not to stop until the moment he actually died.

Abra became a fireman.

Luo Xi looked at this scene and said nothing.

Seeing Abela lifting his battle ax and charging, Luo Xi swung his anchor crown and interrupted the opponent's menacing charge from a distance.

Abra suddenly swung the battle ax and turned his head at the same time, avoiding the anchor crown that would most likely completely smash his head if it hit again.

But it's not just the anchor crown that's scary. The chain pulled behind the anchor crown is also as flexible as another creature in Luo Xi's hands, and is quite threatening.

Luo Xi swung his big sword, and the big sword drove the chain. A section of chain not far away that intersected with Abra's battle ax suddenly bent into a circle and wrapped around his neck.

If the chains were tightened, with Luo Xi's strength, Abra had no doubt that her head would fall to the ground on the spot.

Before the chains were tightened, he suddenly crawled down. Even though his posture was embarrassing, as if he was kowtowing to Luo Xi, he successfully saved his life.

Then adjust your posture and exert force in a prone posture.

A flash of fire passed in front of Luo Xi, and a strong wind blew towards him.


Then Luo Xi drew his gun.

Abra, who was halfway through, forcibly stopped his momentum, and a big hole was opened in his abdomen by a musket.

Before he could react, Luo Xi finally stopped being slow as before and suddenly started to sprint forward.

Before Abel could react, he was grabbed by the neck, lifted up and thrown into the lake with great force.

As if he was aware of Luo Xi's intention, strange magma flowed from the other party's body. The tentacles formed by the magma helped him fix his body on the ground and stopped some distance in front of the line formed by the bonfire.

As soon as he stopped, Luo Xi had already retracted the anchor crown, combined it with the anchor sword again, transformed into a big anchor, and then stepped forward and jumped up low in the air to kick him.

Abela held a battle ax to resist, but Luo Xi used the momentum as a springboard to jump into the air.

Seeing this, Abra was a little stunned.

Isn't this what he did before?

The next moment, Luo Xi turned around in the air, and huge anchors hit him one after another.

At the first blow, Abelard's body was shaken, but he was still able to hold on.

The second time, he felt a tightness in his chest and couldn't breathe.

The third blow caused bleeding from the seven orifices, and the head was dizzy and shaky.

The fourth time!


The battle ax in Abra's hand was shattered on the spot, and all the blood spilled from his body turned into flames and magma, which made him almost completely a burning man whose physical features could not be seen clearly.

Luo Xi landed floating on the ground, carrying the anchor on his shoulders.

Abra was knocked back a few steps by the air combo and had already jumped over the bonfire line.


The water splashed up suddenly, and the ferocious tooth-shaped sword penetrated Abra, from the back to the chest!

Abra's eyes widened: No! This won't work! Stop it!

Luo Xi looked at him, and he also reached out to Luo Xi and said in that unpleasant and vague voice: You can't let me die, you can't let her use my blood to get out of trouble! Or kill her after I die. !”

Is there anything wrong with your mind? You suddenly looked so righteous. Luo Xi said.

No, there is indeed something wrong with the minds of people who believe in this kind of false religion.

He asked in vain.

You don't understand! You fools who are greedy for power have no idea what you are doing growing up! We... Abra said, raising the big sword behind him and dragging him directly into the lake, losing his voice. .

The scene fell silent, leaving only the gentle ripples of the lake water and the sound of the burning bonfire.

After a moment, the sword reappeared, stained with mottled blood, and was thrown towards the bonfire.

The strange barrier appeared again, but this time it was not able to block the sword for long.




A figure appeared impatiently from the lake and landed on the land, the lake water dripping from his body.


Luo Xi paused for a moment.

Not the master of the sea?

Or should we say, the humanoid master of the sea?

By the way, when Abra called this person before, she seemed to have always used she.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, she is indeed a woman.

It was a tall woman, even a little taller than Luo Xi. She was wrapped in a dark hunter's attire. She was wearing a similar but obviously different style to Luo Xi.

The hunter's attire on the opponent's body also showed a lot of damage, revealing the opponent's somewhat pale skin.

The wet white hair was scattered, and the other party reached out to push aside a few strands of hair that blocked his sight, revealing those eyes.

The right eye is deep black, and the left eye is bright red.


Luo Xi didn't care what she looked like. After meeting Rhett, he felt that he would no longer be swayed by the so-called beauty. Moreover, Luo Xi preferred Rhett's gentle temperament, and the one in front of him was obviously much colder.

What should be more concerned about now is what is happening to the woman in front of him.


Luo Xi looked behind the woman. The well-proportioned and slender dark blue tail was slowly being pulled out of the water. The beautiful scales shimmered in the moonlight.

The big sword from before was tied to the end of that tail.


Tails thrust the sword into the woman's side, making a heavy muffled sound, and a slight vibration on the ground could be clearly felt.

Luo Xi noticed that the end of the opponent's tail seemed to be integrated with the big sword, and the big sword was becoming part of the opponent's body.

Thank you... the woman said, thanking her in unfamiliar Aisa language.

Are you a hunter? Luo Xi asked.

Yes. The woman replied, her tone soothing but with a hint of sadness, I am a sea hunter from the 'Lookout'.

Hearing this, Luo Xi frowned.

When the woman saw this, she showed an understanding expression and closed her eyes gently, as if she had expected it.

Then I heard Luo Xi say: What is that?

Huh? The woman opened her eyes and looked at Luo Xi's expression, which was even more confusing than Luo Xi's.

And what Luo Xi was thinking was:

What? Are there so many hunter-related organizations these days?

But he really doesn't know anything.

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