My doppelganger drama

Chapter 298 Encounter at the Lake

Luo Xi took advantage of the chaos and quickly passed through the village. Finally, he left the gang of life-hungry lunatics behind and walked into the woods behind the village.

The false god's flames had not yet taken advantage of the chaos to burn here, so they walked a little further away, and the hustle and bustle was left behind.

Luo Xi subconsciously raised his head and saw the moon, which was a rare sight.

It is really rare here. Although this world does have day and night, the presence of the sun is very low. Most of the time it is cloudy, and sunny days are very rare here.

But tonight, although the clouds had not dispersed, Luo Xi saw the moon fully exposed in the sky for the first time in a long time.

After paying attention for a moment, Luo Xi continued to do business.

But he had just taken a few steps when sporadic firelight suddenly lit up in the darkness.

It's not bright, and even looks gloomy against the not-so-bright moonlight.


The grunt of a beast.

Luo Xi saw the shadows of those things slowly approaching.


Some of the features suggest that they are dogs, but no one would doubt that they were wolves with their ferocious appearance. Their fur is bald and their bodies are covered with burn marks.

It's like a dog that was burned to death and became a zombie dog and stood up again.

The collars around their necks showed that they had owners, and these collars were the source of the firelight.

Luo Xi looked at these creatures with some curiosity.

I thought only the strange fish in the sea would grow wildly.

As soon as Luo Xi finished his teasing words, the vicious dogs in front of him quickly spread out and surrounded Luo Xi. Three of them rushed towards him at extremely fast speeds.

At least the most common four-legged monster fish definitely doesn't have the ferocious speed of the other party.

An unpleasant burnt smell hit my nostrils.

Luo Xi reached out and touched her waist.

There were two guns there, one of Mahad's black musket and one of Rosie's own silver-grey guns.

He picked up his silver-gray musket and pulled the trigger.


The loud gunfire was fired back, and a cluster of sparks flashed. The two dogs in front of them tilted their heads on the spot, and then followed the inertia and rolled on the ground.

The remaining one jumped into the air and rushed towards Luo Xi's face. Luo Xi casually waved the anchor with one hand, and his body broke apart at the waist. He let out a whimper and then lost his voice.

The sound of gunfire echoed, but it did not frighten the other dogs around.

Even the dogs became more manic after hearing the gunshots, seeming to be further stimulated.

Facing the hunter's gunfire, even humans and those with uncertain minds will be frightened.

Not to mention most sea monsters and wild beasts, they would either run away or be frightened when the gunshots were fired. The timid ones would be more likely to lie down and pretend to be dead on the spot.

But instead of being scared, these dogs were even more excited.

Fire? Keywords flashed quickly in Luo Xi's mind.

This group of dogs, and even the group of people behind these dogs, seem to be called the Pseudo God Cult.

The fire they use is the fire of the false god. The nature of this fire is quite different from that of firewood, but its expression is highly similar.

Combined with the mythical stories of this world that Luo Xi heard from Mahad, the connection cannot be ignored.

The surrounding dogs pounced on him at the same time. They moved quickly, jumping left and right, and staggered repeatedly, trying to confuse the prey's senses.

Luo Xi watched quietly.


When a dog came to the blind spot behind Luo Xi, it suddenly reared up, opened its mouth, and pointed its sharp teeth at Luo Xi's neck.

But before it could bite Luo Xi, it was thrown away by Luo Xi's sudden anchor and turned into a puddle of flesh in mid-air.

Luo Xi pressed the switch, and the anchor crown and anchor rod separated. He grabbed the connected chain and swung it vigorously. The anchor claw that turned into a flying weapon extended out. After a wide range of rotation, the surrounding thick trees broke in half.

The vicious dog that couldn't dodge was even involved and died on the spot.

After simply clearing the place, Luo Xi pulled the anchor crown back, holding the anchor rod sword in one hand and the anchor crown in the other hand. He took a casual look at the suddenly opened field of vision around him and continued to move forward.

This time I didn't encounter any enemies blocking the road, and a lake actually appeared in front of me.

Surrounded by mountains on both sides, the scenery is beautiful, and the peculiar sound of life that Luo Xi heard came from this lake.

There was a circle of bonfires around the lake, in which the fire of the false gods was burning.

Did the owner of the sea shrink into the owner of the lake? Luo Xi joked to himself, and then came to the lake. His eyes tried to penetrate the water, but the visibility when standing on the shore was a bit average.

I don't know if I, a sea fish, can tolerate fresh water. Luo Xi said jokingly again.

Before getting ready to go into the water, Luo Xi glanced at the bonfire next to him.

These things should be put up by the False God Religion. What does what they are doing here have to do with what is under the lake?

Just as he was thinking about it, the voice that had been lingering in Luo Xi's ears suddenly stopped.


Luo Xi, who often swims in the sea, quickly captured the sound of water being displaced when creatures swim.


high speed!

Behind Luo Xi, an inconspicuous water wave appeared in the quiet and dark night. Then the water wave gradually became a little fierce, and finally accelerated towards Luo Xi on the shore.

At the same time as Luo Xi turned around, the other party also came to the lake. A black shadow flashed past, and Luo Xi caught a faint blue color.


A blue-black sword with ferocious serrations penetrated the lake and stabbed at the bonfire next to Luo Xi...

But when he got close to the bonfire, he was blocked by a dark red barrier.

The other party was coming menacingly, but it was not coming towards Luo Xi. The target was the bonfire.

The great sword pierced the bonfire into the barrier, and cracks gradually appeared in the barrier.

Suddenly, all the bonfires around the lake swayed in almost the same way, and suddenly became brighter.

The barrier instantly recovered and the sword bounced back into the lake.

As expected, he's asking for help. Luo Xi clearly understood what the other party meant.

The things in the lake are trapped in the lake by the barriers created by these campfires.

Before Luo Xi did anything, he heard footsteps coming from behind.

Have you seen the cage and burial place you will be in for some time to come? came a hoarse voice.

Luo Xi sighed slightly again: I'm sorry that your voice tortures my hearing. Don't you think your voice is a little bit unpleasant compared to the one in the lake?

He turned around and saw the appearance of the visitor.

He is no longer dressed up like a poor villager. He is wearing clothes with a dark red background and fine black lines. A mottled sun pattern can be seen on the open collar.

That is the symbol of their religion.

The man wearing this costume looked as thin as a bamboo pole, with sharp eyes and a downward curved nose. He looked unattractive, but for the first time in a long time, Luo Xi felt a little danger in a human being.

You and your crew have caused us some trouble, and your performance has indeed exceeded my expectations. The member of the Pseudo God in front of him continued to speak in a hoarse voice.

I thought you were just a wild hunter who accepted a little bit of inheritance, but I didn't expect that your behavior is a bit too wild.

Anyway, I'll take it as a compliment first, Luo Xi said.

Your body is very powerful. It seems that you have absorbed the blood of a lot of savage creatures. This is good. If you let her eat you, she will surely become the perfect fuel for the great god!

As the other party spoke, he took off his religious uniform, revealing a battle ax on his back.

Abra, the fire bearer of the False God Religion, will offer precious firewood for the birth of the god!


As soon as he finished speaking, the anchor crown in Luo Xi's hand flew out and hit his face directly.

Abra's head was a mess of blood and flesh, and he flew backwards.

I told you that your voice is ugly, and you said you were addicted, right? Luo Xi frowned and said unhappily.

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