My doppelganger drama

Chapter 300 Stage Three

Aren't you a fire hunter? You have a body that ranks among the best among all the hunters I have ever seen, and a strong fire is burning in your body. You are also wearing the attire of a fire hunter. The female hunter was stunned for a moment. asked repeatedly.

I inherited everything from my teacher. According to the person you just dragged down, I'm just a wild kid. Luo Xi answered calmly.

But these words made the huntress hesitate even more.

Wild road?

The blood-receiving body, which was far beyond the standard she knew, was burning brightly, and she could feel the blazing fire even when it was not ignited.

The former alone is enough to make a hunter famous in the circle, not to mention the latter.

It is not uncommon for wandering hunters to inherit the heritage or even wandering fire seeds, and it is not uncommon for wild people to be as good as the orthodox ones.

But the existence of Luo Xi means to overthrow the so-called orthodoxy.

That kind of thing doesn't matter, so what is the 'lookout' you are talking about? Luo Xi just asked.

The huntress sighed: If you are a completely wild hunter, then it may be a long story.

Long...forget it, let's finish the things here first. Luo Xi originally wanted to say, Then let's make the story short, but this was a bit overdue, and it was true that now was not the time to listen to stories.

Those villagers should completely show their faces and stop hiding.

Luo Xi still has great confidence in the troupe leader's clones, but there are also some clones who like to not do their job properly. Even if a knife is placed on the neck, they will give the opponent a middle finger instead of thinking about survival.

This makes Luo Xi feel inexplicably sad towards these crew members who are his clones.

Even if they don't take themselves seriously, Luo Xi still wants to reduce casualties to the crew of the Undersea Volcano.


The body of a cultist disguised as a villager fell under Jeffrey's clothes pole. If these cultists were to disperse and fight alone, their combat effectiveness would be about this.

Cooperation will be more difficult, but Jeffrey's ability has a strong interference ability, and those cooperations can be easily broken up by him.

And when it comes to group fights, the crew on the Undersea Volcano have become serious, so this pseudo-theistic religion is just doing what they want.

When these believers realized that things could not be rectified, they directly used their flames to burn the village.

Jeffrey frowned when he saw this.

Some special vicious dogs appeared in the flames. They chased the flames, jumped in the fire, and bit all living creatures except the false believers.

Jeffrey spent some effort to kill the two dogs that were targeting him, and couldn't help but cursed: Fuck! These dogs are much more difficult to deal with than the shit cultists, how many more do they have?

Just as he was about to continue taking action, he vaguely heard someone calling for help.

Jeffrey originally subconsciously wanted to ignore the past.

He has never saved anyone, and there is no one in the Sinking Sky Island Group who really needs to be saved by others.

But the steps he took quickly changed direction.

But here is the script. This world has a conscience, maybe not much, but certainly more than Sinking Sky Islands. So Jeffrey felt that at least in this script he could pick up some of his own conscience.

He hurried to a burning house, searched and found the basement.

Down in the basement, Jeffrey saw a large cage that had been roughly converted temporarily.

And inside these cages, the villagers are imprisoned.

These are the original residents of this village!

Brave adventurer, please save us! Jeffrey heard a familiar voice.

It's Ailantu. He and the previous reception team are also imprisoned here.

You guys... Jeffrey reached out and pulled down the cage. He suddenly felt a burning pain in his palm and quickly let go.

It takes the blood of followers of the False God Religion to touch the cage! Ailantu said.


The clothes pole defeated the false god's cage!

As soon as Ailan Tu finished speaking, she kept her mouth open and looked at the clothes drying rod in Jeffrey's hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

What's wrong? Jeffrey put the clothes drying pole behind his back and looked at Ailantu and asked.

Nothing, brave adventurers, I want to apologize to you for deceiving you. Ailantu and the previous receptionists with him all knelt down to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey was surprised that he was not used to it: Don't talk about this now. There will be time to apologize. If I kneel down and run, I won't be able to escape.

Everyone also knew that the situation was inappropriate, so capable adult men protected the few villagers towards the ground, with Ailantu taking the rear.

Is that all there are? Are there any other villagers here? Jeffrey asked casually after glancing at the villagers who had left after a few seconds.

Hearing this, Ailan Tu couldn't help but clenched his fists: When those followers of the False God Religion first settled in our village, they launched several rounds of massacres...

Sorry. Jeffrey also reacted at this time.

Ailantu shook his head and said: It's not just us villagers, they have been here for a while, and many ships coming and going are also within their attack range. In order not to make the passers-by suspicious at the first time, these believers left some The unarmed villagers threatened us to help him receive the ships. Then he attacked them at night.

As he spoke, Ailantu's wheat-colored skin flushed with red warmth, and Jeffrey could feel his anger.

But soon Ailantu became discouraged again: If you adventurers have any complaints, I can give you my head at any time. I just hope you can let those helpless villagers go. We have nothing left.

Jeffrey listened with mixed emotions.

His sense of morality has long been wiped away by the sinking sky island group. To him, it doesn't matter whether he wants to settle the score or not.

These supposedly innocent villagers were forced to become accomplices, and how they would account for the deaths of the innocent people was something Jeffrey didn't want to think about.

So he chose to avoid it and said, Why do they want so many lives?

They raised a thing in the lake in the woods behind the village, and that thing had to be fed with flesh and blood. I tried to resist once, but they brought me there in order to scare the monkeys, and let me watch my only child being thrown away. There is not even a splash of water in the lake. Ailan Tu said.

Okay, let's go first. Jeffrey couldn't bear to listen.

They covered the villagers and temporarily left the village, choosing to run to the seaside.

But before he could get very far, because the large number of people was too conspicuous, the believers surrounded him with those vicious dogs.

Jeffrey led the fighting villagers to fight against the believer's vicious dogs, covering the remaining villagers' escape.

However, the fighting ability of the villagers is completely inferior to that of these believers, and they can almost only rely on their lives as a shield to protect others.

Jeffrey's ability to capture had a limited range, and he simply couldn't cope with the large number of villagers surrounding him.

Damn it, I should have asked a few crew members to come with me. Jeffrey used his ability to move sideways and dragged down several believers and vicious dogs.

He quickly regained his balance and swung the clothes pole to smash their heads one by one.

As soon as they finished dealing with a few, there were screams nearby. A villager was knocked down by a vicious dog and was struggling on the ground. However, several vicious dogs quickly surrounded him and swallowed up the villager's figure in a flash. flowing on the ground.

Jeffrey's pupils dilated slightly and he threw the clothes drying pole over hard.

The rotating clothes-drying pole smashed several vicious dogs away, revealing the unrecognizable corpses.

A believer stabbed behind him with a flaming pitchfork. Jeffrey reacted but was unable to dodge and was stabbed through the shoulder.

Unable to resist, two dogs came through the flames and bit Jeffrey's legs respectively!

Jeffrey gasped, sweat dripping from his forehead. He looked closely at the cultist in front of him and smiled ferociously. More dogs were coming this way.

He won't die.

This is just a script.

It is a project of the Theater Carnival.

Very real, but still fake.

If he dies here and opens and closes his eyes, he will return to the Sunken Sky Island Group, resume his identity as a brotherhood hunter to hunt down troublemakers, chat and joke with Rost, and spend a life that seems fulfilling but is actually empty. Every day, until one day he accidentally dies while hunting.

Natural death?

He never thought he would die well.

So, none of this matters, he is not familiar with these fake villagers at all.


He had seen many more miserable deaths than just now, so there was no need to look at them.

no need……

In Jeffrey's eyes, a crimson aura began to rise, and ether particles floated, then gradually burned.

However, when something really unpleasant was put directly in front of him and he actually witnessed it, he still felt that he should do something.

Maybe, he was a long, long time ago, before that damn time travel.

Still a good person?

It’s all fake anyway, so why do you have to worry about so many gains and losses!

The ether particles burned violently, and he grasped the feeling.

The power that had not been used for a long time, the power that was banned from daily use because it was too out of touch with the second stage, he released it in this world without any cover.


The dogs that were coming in the distance all staggered and fell around.

Some hit the wall, some smashed the tree trunks, and some took off directly.

Mark all cultists and dogs in the village...

Seize the ground beneath their feet and plunge them into an endless fall.

This is the true nature of Jeffrey's abilities.

Fall...stage three.


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