My doppelganger drama

Chapter 294 Hunter!

Initially, everyone thought they had to climb over the cliff to get to the back of the island, but Ailantu took them on a detour along the coast, and then they saw an obviously man-made road.

Walking along this road, you will soon see a village settlement.

There is a clear difference from Luo Xi's original small village, and it cannot be compared just in terms of scale.

At the same time, these buildings are not simply built of wood and stones, but have obvious traces of more professional construction.

These are the result of the kindness we receive from kind-hearted people. They will bring wonderful tools to build our homes and improve our living conditions. Ailantu said.

Luo Xi nodded, a little envious.

If his village had such good conditions before, he would probably have had a much easier time in those years.

At least in my daily work, the part of helping to repair the house will definitely be reduced a lot.

After briefly recalling those days, Luo Xi took out a few pages of manuscripts and a pen from his arms and began to record them.

Jeffrey was very curious when he saw this. He would occasionally see Luo Xi in a corner of the ship, quietly staying alone and writing something with a pen and paper.

However, Luo Xi's cold aura when he was alone made him not very courageous to talk to her.

But now that everyone was together, the atmosphere was obviously much more harmonious, so he directly asked: Captain, what do you write about on weekdays?

Write novels, travel notes, poems, everything. Luo Xi replied while writing.

Jeffrey was even more surprised when he found out.

You're a tough guy who can hit missiles with an anchor on the water. Your hobby is actually writing these things?

It's not that he thought it was inappropriate, it was just that the contrast surprised Jeffrey.

But after looking back and taking a closer look, excluding the exaggerated performance Luo Xi made in front of him before, Luo Xi appeared to be just a thin man with an elegant look.

Even the appearance is biased toward beauty.

After changing his attire, no one would be able to associate him with an adventurous hunter on the sea. They would only think that he is the legitimate son of a noble family living abroad.

When the aborigines from the surrounding islands looked at their group, they mostly focused on Luo Xi.

That kind of aloof temperament makes him stand out from the crowd, and it is extraordinary at first glance.

Luo Xi's hand speed was very fast, and he wrote four or five pieces of manuscript paper along the way. He stopped writing when he was almost there and put all these things back into his clothes.

With the hospitality of the indigenous people, they were given several empty houses as a temporary place.

Do all slaves have rooms? You are so nice! It doesn't have to be so nice! Wan Yi, who was still dressed as a slave, burst into tears after seeing the arrangement.

Wan Yi, the other slaves, said that they don’t need to be so nice to slaves.

After the aboriginals were so annoyed that they whispered, These slaves have brain problems, but luckily we don't want them, they settled down under the orders of the clothes pole.

Jeffrey calls it performance art.

Sitting down on the bed, which was neither soft nor hard, Jeffrey discussed with the little princess in his mind how long the script would probably last.

He was told before coming in that this test would take a long time, so he made preparations in advance and took advantage of the short vacation after the previous mission to free up a few days to work in this troupe.

But for the time being, he still doesn't seem to have seen the end of this test. If it takes a little longer, his brotherhood will probably come again.

Several scheduled projects have been completed, but the operation of this script world cannot be adjusted casually. This is a world that is very close to reality that we have tried our best to create. If you miss it after leaving, you will really miss it. The little princess reminded leisurely, not in a hurry.

Then I'll stay a little longer. Jeffrey said after thinking for a moment.


After speaking, Jeffrey rested for a while, and then heard another horn sound coming from outside.

It's this sound again. I think we heard it when we came here before. A sailor next to him said.

Maybe it's a communication method when you see a ship approaching, Jeffrey said.

Then he left the room and saw Ailantu preparing to go out with another group of people.

It seems that his guess is good.

The villagers passing by were a little colder than he expected. At first, the impression left on him by Ailantu's group was that they were warm and good-looking, but most people in this village seemed a little indifferent.

After walking around the village for a while, Jeffrey saw the familiar figure of Luo Xi and the second clothes man.

The second officer was discussing something with a villager. Luo Xi stood not far away, focusing more on the surroundings and writing with a pen and paper in his hand.

Jeffrey moved closer.

Before he could speak, Luo Xi comforted him without looking back: You've been working very hard recently, don't you have a good rest? Jeffrey.

Ah, it's okay. I'm tired, and I recover quickly. It's just a matter of time. Jeffrey replied.

Although our relationship may not last long, I will use my pen to record you for the time being. Luo Xi said.

Have I been written down by you, Captain? What an honor.

It's nothing to be honored about. It's just clumsy writing skills and a little hobby. I want to record everything I have seen and experienced. Not just you, I have been writing about every crew member, although they all said they haven't. Necessary, but I feel that they still look like different people when they are alive. Even if they are performing, I should write down their postures during the performance. Luo Xi said lightly, without moving his hands during the process.

Jeffrey didn't quite understand this sentence and didn't know what to say.

After Luo Xi's writing came to an end, he put away the paper and pen and said to Jeffrey: We will stay for about three days, and then we can sail for a while to reach the land.

Really? Jeffrey's eyes lit up.

It was no joke that he hated the sea, even though it had only been a few days since he had been exposed to it again.

I know from Ailantu that the Wave Islands are very close to the mainland, so there are always ships passing by, turning this place into a midway supply point. It seems that we finally found the right place this time. Luo Xi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was talking, the second mate came back with a piece of paper: Damn, it's true that the prices in this seemingly more civilized place can't be as casual as before.

Luo Xi chuckled and said, How is it?

I want to make sure again that people here really don't accept slaves? Yi Gan said with an unhappy look on his face.

He gestured to the note in his hand, which was regarded as a simple contract. Naturally, transactions were required to obtain supplies.

Jeffrey didn't quite understand, but it seemed that things were very expensive here.

This is too real, and it also evokes Jeffrey's long memory. Naturally, the Sinking Sky Islands do not have strict currency, and everyone barters crudely.

His long-standing memories naturally come from before time travel...

Forget it, this kind of memory is nothing to recall, just take it down quickly.

We haven't really been to the mainland, so we might be tricked, Luo Xi said.

I know, but we really have no channel to compare with. I don't know if we will suffer a loss or not. Yi Gan shrugged helplessly.

There's nothing we can do about it. We'll send someone to move things after we've discussed it. Luo Xi nodded.

After we go to the mainland, if I find that the prices are wrong, I will have to come back here to vigorously promote the slave trade. Yigan said fiercely.

Jeffrey hesitated to speak.

It’s really hard to deal with the slave trade, right?

When they returned to the village entrance, they happened to see a group of people much larger than the Undersea Volcano's group walking slowly following Ailantu.

This group of people were dressed in blue and luxurious clothes, and they looked like they were of extraordinary origin.

They were chattering to Ailantu along the way.

When Luo Xi came into their sight, the group of people suddenly became quiet.

Looking at Luo Xi, his eyes widened with a shocked expression.

Hunter...Hunter! the leader of the men exclaimed.

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