My doppelganger drama

Chapter 295 Don’t blindly follow memory

Luo Xi looked at them quietly, showing no reaction to their reactions.

This was the first group of people to recognize his uniform after going to sea, but after what he had seen and heard before, it was not that surprising to meet him here.

However, what he was more curious about was how these people would treat hunters.

Mahad didn't tell him much about the outside world.

But there are some things that can be guessed at.

Although hunters are powerful, they are also dangerous.

Even if they master the fire of fire, the foundation of their hunters is the blood from the sea.

That kind of blood will change the normal growth patterns of living things and make hunters crazy, paranoid, and hateful.

Luo Xi could imagine how objectionable this kind of existence would be to ordinary people, as long as the hidden dangers of hunters were known to the public.

The origins of these people are unusual. They may be the first land people besides Mahad that Luo Xi has seen.

Ailan Tu explained Luo Xi's situation to them.

He and his crew came from the open sea. We didn't inquire about the origin of his hunter clothes. This is not friendly.

These people looked at each other with doubtful eyes, and finally their eyes returned to Luo Xi.

Finally, a man who was not tall but strong came out. He walked boldly towards Luo Xi, the feathers on his hat trembling with his steps.

Hello, strange hunter.

Hello. Luo Xi replied.

You are wearing the Fire Hunter costume of the Church of the Sun, but your clothes are badly worn, and some details tell me that you are not a hunter from there.

Luo Xi looked at his clothes: Sun Church?

His clothes were inherited from Mahad, but he didn't know what they represented.

Seeing Luo Xi's confused look, the man in front of him seemed relieved, but still asked: Can you tell us where you got this clothes?

This is what my teacher inherited from me. Luo Xi straightened his collar and said.

It's a pity. The man said. He seemed to know what inheritance meant to the Fire Hunter.

It's okay, teacher will always live in my heart. Luo Xi tapped his chest gently.

The two chatted for a while, and then the man in front of them left.

After returning, he had a few words with the people in the team. Everyone looked at Luo Xi now less hostile.

To be precise, I feel a lot more relaxed.

This reaction was very interesting, but Luo Xi knew that now was not the time to ask more questions. After waving from a distance with Ailantu, he took Yigan and Jeffrey to their residence.

When they were a little further away, Jeffrey asked: They must have been very afraid of the hunter when they looked like that at the beginning.

He is currently also known as the Hunter of the Brotherhood in the Sinking Sky Islands.

And every time he dealt with those gangsters, most gangsters were afraid that he would cause trouble for the gangsters, but at the same time they were unwilling to give up the channel of a useful thug like him.

This is the look on their faces at that time.

I don't want to break my skin, but I am really wary, even afraid.

It's expected, but after knowing that I was just the successor, they obviously didn't pay much attention to it. But it should be just the initial test, and there will definitely be more later. Luo Xi said calmly.

Do you need our help to find out? Yigan interrupted.

Luo Xi thought for a moment and nodded slightly: Sorry to trouble you.

It's a small matter. After Yi Gan finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Jeffrey didn't understand, he just thought it was someone on the crew who was good at inquiring about information.

This is not a strange thing, after all, his good partner Rost is also a good player in intelligence.

Although Jeffrey didn't know much about this aspect, Rost knew a little bit about Fuso City, and even the entire main island where Fuso City was located.

The three returned to their residence. Jeffrey lived in a different house from the captain and first mate and second mate, so they said goodbye in front of the house.

Jeffrey opened the door, originally expecting to see a crowded scene of crew members in a room, but it turned out that it was chilly inside, with only a few scattered figures.

Where have they gone? Jeffrey noticed that even the slaves were missing.

Aren't you going to find freedom?

When I first arrived in a strange place, of course I went out to get information. A sailor who looked a bit older replied slowly.

Inquiring about information...

Because he had just said this, Jeffrey suddenly remembered what the second pair of clothes poles had said.

I just said it on the road before, these people move very fast.

But the second mate showed no sign of notifying them through the air.

Jeffrey thought for a moment and shook his head.

Even if there is such a covert notification method, it is not accessible to a newcomer like him, and it is indeed normal to come to a new place to inquire about information, and there is nothing to think about.

Putting aside his thoughts, Jeffrey noticed that several sailors gathered in front of him, seeming to be playing cards, so he moved forward curiously, wanting to see the entertainment methods of this world.

The result was not much of a surprise. It was a very ordinary poker, but the pattern was different, so I could only look at it for a new idea. The big names have turned into some sea monsters.

The most iconic ones are the big king and the small king, which are fire and hunter respectively. It seems that this deck of cards has a lot of meaning.

What? Newbie wants to join us?

Is that okay? After Jeffrey looked at it boredly, he felt a little itchy after hearing this.

Although he hasn't played cards for a long time, his long and vague memory tells him that he will be a good player at card games!

Didn’t this immediately come to mind as soon as I saw the playing cards?

Is that so? The old sailor twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and his messy and tangled beard twitched slightly, We are not playing in vain. It would be meaningless if we didn't play something.

Jeffrey spread his hands: I have nothing but myself, and we don't wear much clothes. We can't take off our clothes, right?

What's so good about people with similar bodies? Find a good-looking girl and let's talk about this. Of course we want to play something that can give people a strong sense of urgency and the urge to win! Another person next to him said. The sailor who lost his leg blew his beard and stared, as if to scare Jeffrey.

And this kind of look can just arouse Jeffrey's rebellious psychology.

Hey, I'm really going to have some fun! Let's see what can give me this sense of urgency.

You must know that the last time he felt a sense of urgency was when he was kicked in a colorful way by the cold-hearted troupe member of the undercover Hundred Eyes Sect.

If the opponent hadn't pulled back his strength, Jeffrey wouldn't even have had the chance to unleash his true power, and his internal organs would have been kicked out.

While he was looking forward to it and feeling confident, the old sailor took out a porcelain jar with a smile.

Jeffrey was slightly stunned. He seemed to have seen this thing somewhere before, and alarm bells rang in his mind.

Yes, he had definitely seen these things when he was helping to move things in the cabin a few days ago!

The old sailor slowly opened the lid of the jar. Immediately, there was a strong smell, as if the fish had been exposed to the sun after death, mixed with durian and stinky tofu, then carefully cooked, and finally poured into the sewer, it hit your nostrils.

Jeffrey thought he had long been numb to the smell of sea monster bodily fluids, but after smelling the smell in the jar, he immediately felt retching and his stomach was rumbling.

Fuck you! You are poisonous! This is not a game at all! This is murder!

What are you talking about? Newcomer, you just said you wanted to play. What we hate most is people who don't keep their word! We will complain to the deputy or even the captain if you act like this. Sailor with a broken leg said with a smile.

You're still complaining, are you kids? No... Jeffrey thought for a moment and realized that with the nature of the urine on the Undersea Volcano, the possibility of them complaining and then being put in small shoes is really high!

So he could only forcefully hold his breath and slowly sit down between the two sailors: Huh, let's take a look, you will definitely regret it!

Yes, he has to trust his long memory, he is a master!

In the evening, when other people returned to their residences from all directions, they all covered their noses in advance.

Jeffrey lay on the ground after being covered in the sauce that was worse than shit.

Sure enough, memories are all lies! he cried loudly.

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