My doppelganger drama

Chapter 293 The ambition of the slave trade

The Undersea Volcano accelerated and left the sea area where it was previously fishing.

I'm glad I didn't even see the shadow of the owner of the sea here.

Jeffrey also experienced the welcome party in the evening and ate seafood that he had not seen for a long time. Although the seafood seemed different from what he remembered, it tasted really good.

There are obviously no spices added, but some seafood can't help but make your mouth feel tingling when you eat it, your head feels a little dizzy, and you can hear the gentle sound of tide in your ears.

If it is stronger, it is undoubtedly a kind of mental pollution.

But in moderation, this level is just right, adding more flavor to these humble delicacies and making it satisfying.

Only a small part of the welcome party was eaten, and most of the rest was saved as supplies for the upcoming voyage.

After the thrilling battle when Jeffrey first boarded the ship, the rest of his time was spent doing odd jobs. There were many things to be busy on the ship. With the game mode advancing, it can be said that there are interactive points and mission points everywhere when you are new to the ship.

For example, in order to prevent attracting sea monsters, Jeffrey and other sailors cleaned the hull and deck of the ship to remove the unpleasant smell of sea monster body fluids that had been exposed to the sun in the early days.

Then he helped pack the sea monster corpses as supplies and transported them to the cabin for preservation.

After a few days of work, Jeffrey would still retching while cleaning the deck at first, but now he is numb.

Newcomer, how do you feel? The clothes hanger man with a simple and honest voice came to Jeffrey with bouncing and elastic steps.

I already hate the sea, said Jeffrey.

After all, the sea, you are all shit. the clothes hanger said.

Ignoring the strange sigh of the clothes dryer, Jeffrey asked: Mr. First Mate, when will we see the island or land?

You started thinking about it not long after you came up? Okay, okay, let me think about it, it won't be long, and I should be able to see something by tomorrow at the latest.

What if it's quick?

Hurry up... now. The clothes dryer was talking, and suddenly his head turned slightly, and Jeffrey felt that it was looking somewhere.

Jeffrey was stunned and looked quickly.

A huge shadow appeared on the distant sea level.

It is a connected island.

This is the largest archipelago I've seen so far. The clothes dryer made a lookout gesture, although it was doubtful whether this action was of any use to him.

Under Jeffrey's expectant eyes, the ship approached the nearest island.

At this time, some kind of horn sound came from the island.

Following the sound of the horn, a group of figures walked out of the trees on the beach and stood on the shore looking at the approaching submarine volcano.

There are actually people coming to welcome you. I hope it won't be too enthusiastic. said the clothes dryer.

As he said that, the second pair of clothes poles jumped directly from the boat and walked on the waves towards the shore first, as if to negotiate in advance.

There was no big problem with the communication, at least it would be considered a success if there was no fight the first time.

Yigan came back: They said they could park it, and they said they could entertain us and help us get the supplies we need.

So friendly? Jeffrey was a little surprised.

Maybe we are lucky this time. If the other party is so friendly, we have to return the favor. said the clothes dryer.

Gift in return? Do we have anything to offer?

According to Jeffrey's observation, the most common things on the ship were sea monsters first, then ordinary fish, and then people. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

Sea monsters and fish, because the painting style of this ship is weird, Jeffrey is not sure whether others in this world can accept sea monster meat or fish meat.

We can provide a little slave, said the clothes dryer, shaking his wire clothes hanger.

Slaves? Are there slaves on our ship? Why didn't I see them? Jeffrey immediately asked.

So the clothes drying pole pointed behind him.

Jeffrey looked around and saw several sailors taking off their sailor uniforms quite consciously, then putting on more shabby cloth clothes and tying chains on themselves.


what's the situation?

There really isn’t much to offer on the ship, it’s just that there are so many people? !

By the way, are you so conscious of being sent out as slaves? !

Not resisting or resisting at all? !

Jeffrey was stunned.

The second officer patted his shoulder kindly and said, Don't make such a fuss. There are always people who don't like life at sea and want to get off the ship.

This is not the way to get off the ship, right?

Jeffrey wanted to say this, he felt like he was on a pirate ship.

But I thought about what I would do if I said it so directly and was forced to volunteer, so I could only keep this sentence in my heart.

But looking at the eagerness of these slaves to give it a try, Jeffrey felt that he must have been overthinking it.

Luo Xi walked out and was used to this scene.

You must know that it was the first time that he saw the troupe leader having such fun with him, and he was a little dumbfounded.

When the troupe director's clones were talking about how Wan Yi could support the grand plan of the world's slave trade by himself on the ship, Luo Xi had already let his mind go.

Fortunately or not, their voyage at sea successfully saved the world from the fear of being dominated by the Wanyi slave trade.

Although, there were some islands along the way that accepted slave Wanyi.

In Wan Yi's words, this is called layout.

Anyway, Luo Xixian listened carefully.

The first mate, Mr. Clothes Hanger, because of his advanced appearance, did not disembark with the others for the time being, and stayed on the ship with a group of Wan Yi.

Luo Xi disembarked the ship with his second mate, a group of Wan Yi, and Jeffrey, and formally made contact with the aboriginal people on the island.

I'm glad that Fragment World's consistent language exchange arrangements have prevented them from getting stuck due to communication difficulties in such a nook and cranny.

Jeffrey watched the situation on the island.

After a rocky beach, there are jagged rocks and towering cliffs blocking more of the scenery.

But I seem to be able to feel some appreciative eyes over there.

Welcome to the Waves Islands, adventurers on the sea. The man in the lead had wheat-colored skin, a strong body, and a rough voice.

Originally, Wan Yi and the others were going to translate. After all, the people in the play did not have the convenient communication skills of outsiders. Luo Xi needed Wan Yi to help translate when he went to many islands.

But when the other party spoke, Luo Xi understood it directly this time: Wilang Islands? Well, I am Luo Xi, the captain of the Undersea Volcano, hello.

The clothes drying pole was a little surprised.

Luo Xi was also thinking in his heart and asked at the same time: You speak Aissa very well. I rarely hear residents on the island speak Aissa.

Aisa language is a language that Luo Xi learned from the beginning. At the same time, he learned from Luo Xi’s hunter teacher, Mr. Mahad, that this is also the most popular common language on the continent in this world. It comes from the earliest firewood ignited. A powerful land country of fire - the ancient country of Aisa.

But that country seems to have died, but civilization will leave traces, and its language is still spread around the world as a sign of its presence.

At first, Mahad taught the people in that village this language.

But other islands that have not had contact with the outside world naturally do not know this language.

Since the aboriginal people on this island know the Aisa language, the symbol behind it is also obvious. They may have often come into contact with foreign ships and communicated with people from the mainland, so they learned this language.

Wanglang Islands often receive outsiders. We welcome every guest who passes by the island with goodwill. The leading man said, My name is Ailantu. I hope you can find what you want here.

People here seem really friendly.

For the crew of the Undersea Volcano who had experienced warm hospitality, it was truly touching.

Wan Yi was so moved that they quickly started promoting their own slave trade.

Ailan Tu showed a surprised expression and looked at several slaves who were in great spirits, and could even be said to have shiny faces.

Thank you for your kindness, but we don't need slaves.

That's such a pity. Wan Yi, a slave, sighed.

The other slaves nodded.

Island Aboriginals:?

Jeffrey nodded with an understanding expression.

Let's just say, it's just the ship that's weird, not the world.

These island residents also find it incomprehensible to the behavior of the people on the boat.

Very good!

This is the best news that Jeffrey has received since he came to this world.

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