My doppelganger drama

Chapter 285 Manipulation and Manipulation

Facing the attack, the worshipers immediately chose to protect the Ether Forge.

After that, several strong men from the sects stood up to resist subsequent attacks.

Ricardo raised his hand and punched away a ray of red light. He opened several eyes on his face, blinked and then closed them again: Aether energy, attackers are a disaster.

Fallen Brotherhood? Others immediately thought after hearing this.

Just thinking about it, the other party launched an attack like this and naturally did not intend to take things lightly.

A man jumped out of the ruins of stones. The ether energy was highly condensed into blocks, forming a pair of slender hooks in his hands. He was so fast that several members of the congregation failed to resist. Although they were not caught on the spot due to their basic qualities, He was killed, but he was still injured instantly.

And this man was just the first one. Several other troublemakers appeared one after another, with clear targets directed at the Ether Forge.

Are you avenging your own kind? Meta and Dome worked together to block the attack of an adaptive troublemaker. The troublemaker's arm turned into a big hammer, and it was swung to give people a visual impression. The feeling of oppression is quite strong.

I don't think so. Brother Duomu replied absently.

His eyes quickly swept over these troublemakers to confirm their situation.

They are all scourges who maintain their sanity, and basically carry props and equipment that make up for their own shortcomings. They are organized and meet this situation. The only one in Fuso City now is the Fallen Brotherhood.

Oh, it seems that the same goes for my own theater troupe.

But how could the troupe's attack be so serious?

It's impossible to create an atmosphere without a few scare boxes.

Soon, Duomu's search came to fruition.

I'll deal with that, you can handle this yourself. Brother Duomu said casually and left the battlefield.

Hey, hey, hey? Meta originally planned to paddle slowly, but suddenly he was stunned when he heard Brother Dome's words.

When he reacted, the big hammer was already approaching.


No longer playing around, Meta stretched out his hand to catch the big hammer. He opened the eyes on his arm to absorb the strong impact, and then radiated red light, penetrating the huge disaster.

But it’s hard to say anything else about the adaptive type weirdo, but his endurance is certain.

The wounds on his body healed quickly.

However, this incident just now caused the other party to sweat coldly, but he did not go crazy directly because of the serious injury.

The hammer-headed man in front of him looked at Meta, originally thinking that he could quickly kill a few of the weak-looking ones.

But he is worthy of worshiping the Cang, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The person in front of him looks carefree and unserious, but he did not expect to have such strange power.

No less than a disaster...

Meta didn't pay much attention to the opponent in front of him, and turned his eyes to look for Brother Dom who had just run away, but Brother Dom moved really fast and disappeared in an instant.

A congregant was thrown into the air and hit the rock wall above his head. Then he suddenly fell down and hit the ground heavily. Before he could recover, blue light bullets were fired from the muzzle of the gun and engulfed his figure.

Jeffrey eliminated the believers near the equipment one after another. Relying on his unexpected ability and the weapons at hand, most of the believers were easily defeated by accident.

Cooperating is easy. Jeffrey couldn't help but said after looking around.

Be serious, you will be noticed at any time. The mouse Rost on him reminded.

Jeffrey was about to talk when he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from the side of his face.

He quickly raised his hand to resist, blocking a high whip kick with his arm, and took a few steps back due to the force on his body.

Jeffrey took a closer look and found that it was a young man with a fair face but a somewhat unconventional appearance, and his body was covered with metal pendants.

The most distinctive thing is the other person’s stacked eyes.

Jeffrey didn't take it seriously at first, just thinking it was a member of the congregation who stepped forward to stop him.

But for some reason, looking at him always gave me a familiar feeling, as if he had dealt with similar people somewhere.

Handsome guy, have we met somewhere? Jeffrey has always been the type to do whatever comes to his mind, and he is straightforward.

Although this question sounds a bit strange.

I haven't seen it before. I just see you unhappy. Brother Dom looked coldly, his eyes focused on Jeffrey in front of him.

The next moment, Brother Duomu rushed over quickly and launched a punch and kick attack.

The speed is not very fast...

When Jeffrey saw this and was thinking about it, the speed of Domug's movement in front of him suddenly increased strangely, and there was a second explosion without warning.

Fortunately, he was alert enough and raised his hands in time to block the opponent's sudden punch.


After a muffled sound, Jeffrey shook his body. This time he was well prepared but still felt the strength from the opponent was strong.

The two started fighting at close range, with their fists and kicks constantly intersecting, and they were constantly fighting each other.

Jeffrey raised the gun at close range several times but failed to pull the trigger, or was blocked by the opponent when he pulled the trigger, and could not hit a single shot.

He still faced the enemy calmly, analyzing the opponent in front of him with Rost.

Although the body is very strong, the opponent has not shown any special power so far?

Are you hiding your clumsiness, or is this your style?

Both he and Rost saw the other's ferocious close combat skills, but they did not notice the other's amplified energy besides his unusually strong body.

Before he had time to think about it, a surging force rushed towards him.

Brother Duomu's hand was directly wrapped with a blue energy that was like a burning flame, and his strength and speed suddenly increased.

Jeffrey gave up resisting and turned to dodge. However, he continued to dodge and show weakness, and was chased and beaten fiercely by the opponent. In addition, the opponent suddenly used this power. Jeffrey failed to adapt and was hit several times. The explosive force was in his body. The scurrying around made Jeffrey quite uncomfortable.

However, with the help of Rost, the discomfort in the body was quickly resolved.

It's weird. Rost said, The taste doesn't match. This power is not his own!

Jeffrey frowned slightly.

The thing that Brother Duomu is currently manipulating is a piece of fighting spirit that he found randomly before.

He was not good at manipulating special energy before. There were too many difficulties. One of the big problems was that his manipulation accuracy was not very high.

But recently, he realized the power of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

The sequelae of qualitative change cannot be circumvented even by the qualitative change of the gods' gifts within the Bai Cang Sect. However, the Hundred Eyes Sect can greatly shorten the mental and physical adaptation to the sequelae by collecting eyes and absorbing them through sect rituals.

This sect has too much potential for development. The longer he stays here, the more Wan Yi feels that the Spider God Sect has not lost unjustly.

Not long ago, Domgo completed four qualitative transformations under a ceremony personally presided over by Ricardo. The power of his eyes was further strengthened, and the improvement in manipulation accuracy allowed him to manipulate those special energies for his own use.

Seeing Jeffrey's suspicious look in front of him, Brother Duomu would not explain and continued to attack.

Jeffrey raised his hand and stretched it across his chest.

Brother Dome quickly felt that the solid feeling from his feet disappeared, and his whole body fell to the side.

He adjusted his body shape and still stepped on a broken wall with his feet.

But as soon as he stood firm, the gravity changed again and returned to its normal downward direction.

Brother Duomu put his hands on the ground and turned somersault, kneeling on one knee.

After Jeffrey took advantage of this to distance himself, he immediately fired with the firearm in his hand. At the same time, he kept changing the gravity of both sides, and he flew around freely.

The enemy is often confused and lost in the rapidly changing gravity.

But this time he miscalculated.

Brother Duomu pushed towards him without hesitation. No matter how the gravity changed, he seemed to be able to adapt in a very short period of time. The movement of his body was like a precise machine. The error of this change in gravity seemed to have no effect at all. His actions are average!

Jeffrey realized: the other party had a considerable understanding of his abilities!

Jeffrey quickly reversed the gravity, and they both hung upside down and stepped on the rock wall above their heads. However, as soon as Jeffrey stepped firmly on the rock wall, the gravity was restored.

The two began to fall

During the fall, Jeffrey kept repeating the gravity changes in mid-air, causing the two of them to fly strangely in the air.

And Duomuge seems to be performing a very ornamental parkour.

As the gravity changed, he gradually avoided the surrounding ruined buildings and approached Jeffrey.

Finally, when gravity shifted again, Brother Duomu was already prepared. He suddenly started to speed up as soon as he landed on the ground, and the messy manipulated energy on his body exploded.

Without practicing the appropriate techniques to mobilize these energies, he could only use them crudely and simply.

But the victory lies in quantity, so it explodes with great momentum.

With a loud noise, Domugo's whole body was shrouded in colorful light and he quickly approached.

Jeffrey still planned to control, but from this distance, it seemed that it was too late!

Rossiter was thrown away by the two who were violently accelerating in the middle of the road. At this moment, looking at this scene, his hair exploded: Jeffrey, start the third stage!

Jeffrey was hit by a side kick and was kicked back to the ground while moving sideways due to gravity.

Poof! Jeffrey spat out a mouthful of blood, and the gravity returned to normal.

He looked very embarrassed, but Jeffrey was surprised that the kick hurt a little, but in fact the damage was not great, at least it was far different from the total amount of energy erupted on the opponent's body.

He looked at Brother Domu, and was shocked to find that even though he had restored the gravity to normal, Brother Domu still stood sideways on a piece of ruins, looking at him indifferently.

How did you do it?! Jeffrey was shocked.

It's just manipulating your own body. Brother Duomu replied casually.

Now, Jeffrey understood why the change in gravity had no effect on Domego.

The fact that the other party seemed to have information in advance was only part of the story. The real reason was that the other party actually used his ability to manipulate his own body, making him act like a puppet on strings. This eliminated the impact of the change in gravity to the greatest extent.

No matter how it changes, he can immediately adjust his body to the appropriate response posture.

However, this person is manipulating the changes in his body, taking into account the use of energy that is not his own, and judging the situation of the battle to fight him. Is his brain enough?

When you feel comfortable, you can go. Brother Duomu said.

The two of them were far away from the sight of others while they were fighting.

Huh? Jeffrey was slightly stunned.

If you don't want to leave, you can just stay here and wait until the matter is over. I'll go back to do my business first. After saying that, Brother Duomu maintained his current horizontal position and paced back slowly on the ruins.

Rost crawled to Jeffrey and said, He should be from that troupe...


If he still can't react to what happened now, then Jeffrey is really stupid.

Hey, since you are one of your own, can't you be gentler? Jeffrey complained as he felt pain all over his body.

Heh, maybe the other person is good friends with the masked man from before, so he wants to take this opportunity to test you. Rost breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s really a blessing that such a weird character isn’t an enemy.

However, it's okay to leave other people alone. I'd better not appear in that person's sight for the time being and go to other places to do some work. With that said, Jeffrey stood up limping and walked in another direction. go.

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