My doppelganger drama

Chapter 284 Baicang:?

Tu Wenwen followed King Wuyi to the outside of the church. Behind the open space was a mess of ruins.

Seeing the scene in front of her, she finally understood the horror of earthquakes as a natural disaster as an aborigine born and raised in a broken world.

The tragic situation of a city that is mostly reduced to ruins is a complete shock to the pictures and texts that don't have many boundaries.

What's it like out there now? she asked.

This city has become what it is today because of its accumulation little by little. Now that the earthquake has reversed, it will probably take a long time to return to its past size. Wu Yiwang said with his hands crossed. .

That's really a pity. Tu Wenwen said.

There is nothing to regret. If conditions permit, maybe we can try to make this place better. King Wu Yi put on an affectionate look.

But as soon as he finished speaking, before he could even comment on the pictures and texts, he heard a loud explosion in the distance, which was deafening.

Graphic cover his ears: What's wrong?

The empty eyes on Wu Yiwang's mask narrowed slightly: It's nothing. It's been like this a lot lately. Baicang has another encounter with the gang.

Is that so? Is it because of the earthquake? Tu Wenwen quickly figured out the connection.

Conflicts have been building up for a while, and this earthquake was the trigger. A few days ago, the gangs directly issued a killing order for Bai Cang, and even ordinary residents can receive hefty rewards if they report successfully.

Tu Wenwen heard this and asked: Did Baicang fight back?

Of course they will not sit still and wait for death, but what is a pity is that Baicang seems to have suffered heavy losses in the previous earthquake. King Wuyi's tone was a little disappointed, as if he was lamenting what happened to Baicang.

But his gloating about his misfortune can be clearly felt in the pictures and texts.

The situation in Baicang has not been very good recently. According to our investigation, there seems to be some internal conflicts due to this incident. Some small groups have temporarily become independent. Their hidden goals may not have changed, but they no longer plan to act together. In this case, this is an away game, and there is nothing we can do about being chased and beaten by gangsters. Wu Yiwang gave a detailed introduction.

This information was given by Brother Duomu.

To say that Baicang is not very good is already flattering.

Now in this city, Baicang's situation is actually on the verge of collapse.

The Witch Sect, who was supposed to be in charge of the home field and was fully prepared, suddenly got sidetracked. One of the priests in charge collapsed and seems to be unconscious now.

There are people from other sects who cannot bear it and want to force accountability.

The subsequent development was even more shocking.

Somehow what happened here was known to the leader of Bai Cang. After discussing with the witch sect, the leader asked the witch sects in other areas to take away the music score directly.

And the instruction to other denominations is: carry on.

Let me reiterate again, worshiping Cang is a cult.

Each branch of the sect has its own ideas, and acting for the ideals of worshiping the Cang is always incidental.

Therefore, when the Witch Sect, which was supposed to be in charge of everything properly, was now without a leader, each branch of the sect started to have their own thoughts.

But before they could think about it for a long time, the Baicang gang was chased and beaten by the gangsters as soon as they dispersed.

Then the various sects were pressured by the gangs to re-establish cooperation, but they had already dispersed once, and it didn't take long for them to cooperate again. It was obvious how many grudges there were and how unstable each of them was.

Such external and internal troubles are the state of Fusang City.

Faced with the gang's attack, they didn't want to put in too much effort and waste their energy making wedding dresses for others.

Therefore, Baicang's counterattack was not strong.

Nowadays, a common idea is gradually reaching consensus among the sectarian groups.

If you continue to delay, you will die slowly. It is better to complete the original goal as soon as possible and leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible. What plans the Witch Sect and the leader of Bai Cang have will have nothing to do with them.

In this way, Baicang's situation got a little better.

However, with the fermentation of the gangster's benefits to report the worshipers, most of the branch sects that were unfamiliar with the place and poorly hidden in a hurry have become the targets of everyone's beatings. .

The situation, which had improved slightly, has deteriorated again.

And recently, due to the progress of the Baicang incident, worshipers of Baicang have been killed by unknown people one after another.

Baicang didn't immediately grasp the information about the perpetrator, but his stealthy and capable style didn't look like something done by a gangster.

There is speculation that the mysterious fallen brotherhood is responsible, but it is not possible to confirm in detail for the time being.

At this time, somewhere underground in Fuso City, Duomu Ge was transporting a very conspicuous large machine with the team of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

It was the ether furnace that was rescued from the collapsed stronghold of the Witch Sect.

This thing is said to be a key prop for Baicang's operation, so it cannot be missed.

Although Brother Duomu still doesn’t know exactly what Baicang is going to do until now.

In addition to the Hundred Eyes Sect, there are also people from some other sects. The size of this transportation team is not small enough to see the sects taking it seriously.

However, this machine is too big. Even if the believers have tried their best to use various concealment methods, they are still somewhat powerless. In the end, they can only choose hidden and remote roads as much as possible, and at the same time pray to their respective gods to protect their whereabouts from being discovered by the enemy.

The rugged paths formed after the earthquake provided some convenience for their movements, but also made their journey unsmooth.

At this time, Domgo could vaguely hear complaints from some of the surrounding believers.

I'm so tired. I just want a warm bed to lie down and have a good sleep. After the resurrection armor was broken, I don't feel safe here at all. I didn't expect to continue to act. Next to him, Meta said. He yawned, as if he hadn't slept well.

You can discuss this with Lord Ricardo. Brother Duomu replied casually.

You really don't understand the charm. Wouldn't it be better to complain to me?

“Spreading negativity together will only make it worse.”

The switch between your serious and non-serious states is really refreshing to me. Looking at the indifferent and serious face of Brother Domu, Meta couldn't help complaining.

It’s hard to imagine that they were the same people who went to the underground bar in Fuso City to drink and chat, and even commented on the quality of the bar dancers together.

The team had just walked for a while when Ricardo, who was supposed to be elusive at the edge of the team, suddenly appeared in front of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

The calm face remained unchanged, but the sense of oppression increased with the change in momentum.

What's wrong, boss? Brother Duomu asked directly.

The others in Baimujiao glanced at Brother Duomu, and were somewhat used to his offensive name and his attitude of not being afraid of death.

Ricardo opened his mouth and said in a heavy tone: There is an enemy attack, be on alert.

The next moment, the team was under martial law.

There is no doubt because he is Ricardo of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

In terms of seeing ability, probably no one here can match him.

Sure enough, shortly after he finished speaking and everyone was under martial law, several different strange attacks suddenly appeared around them, attacking from all directions.

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