My doppelganger drama

Chapter 286 Multiple Broken Pages

The attack of the Fallen Brotherhood seems to be just a test. Not many real masters are sent, at least they have not really seen the emergence of the third phase of the disaster.

In this case, Domgo had no doubt that Ricardo could defend this attack by himself.

After testing the strength of the Cang Worship Cult's protection of the Ether Forge, the Brotherhood retreated in time without fighting.

When Domgo returned to the group of Hundred Eyes Church, he saw Ricardo standing quietly with the head of the hook-clawed troublemaker who had attacked him earlier.

The other party's body was nearby, but it was also the only troublemaker left here. Most of the other troublemakers escaped unharmed.

Have you found any fun? Meta asked Dome who came back.

I found it, but I still didn't leave it behind. Brother Duomu replied.

That's a shame.

The two exchanged pleasantries and turned to look at Ricardo.

Ricardo threw the disastrous body into the furnace behind him and said, It's just a young man, keep moving forward.

Everyone tidied up and the procession quickly continued.

Brother Duomu's situation was conveyed to all Wanyi in detail.

Well done!

Nais, that's it! It's a pity that the last kick could have been harder.

Brother Duomu is awesome. When we discussed how to counter each other's abilities, it seemed like you were listening.

Brother Duomu replied calmly: It's just a matter of gaining some experience.

Wu Yiwang came out to speak! Didn't you show any sign of helping you take revenge?

Wuyiwang: ...

He himself didn't react at all, so why were there always some clones who reacted more than he, the client?

Thank you. But he still thanked him. After all, he suffered a small loss when he first met Jeffrey. Brother Duomu's help this time was really pleasing to the eye.

You're all helping yourself. Brother Duomu remained cold and cold.

They then began discussing the meaning behind the attack.

It's nonsense to avenge the same kind of people. They themselves kill people without mercy.

According to the information previously obtained from Jeffrey, they should want to recover such a large amount and high concentration of ether energy.

Indeed, but thinking about it on the other hand, why does the next thing the Baicang Sect needs to do requires so much etheric energy?

Brother Duomu, how long have you been hiding there? Come back quickly with some useful information!

Some clones just like to stand and talk like this without back pain.

Shut up and wait. So Duomu, who was familiar with Wanyi's internal ecology, would scold him back mercilessly.

Jeffrey seems to be arranging something for him soon? Brother Duomu said instead, I'll see if I can ask him anything else when I meet him in my dream next time. I'll probably be here soon.

Yes, yes, it seems that the main body is going to arrange for Jeffrey to go to the sea monster boundary zone.

Oh, that's interesting. Brother Duomu said.

It is obviously planned to conduct a carnival dream possession test in the abyss boundary zone.

At present, in low-depth boundaries and even high-depth boundaries, there is no serious problem after testing. However, the situation in the abyss boundary zone is complicated, and certain attention should still be paid.

So just send Jeffrey there.

Anyway, Mr. Liang Rendao, the technical director, personally guaranteed: I won't die.

Of course, it's up to Wan Yi to do whatever he wants.

It is a pity that for this kind of dream possession, because the souls of Wanyi's clones are seriously homogenized, the test results are not good. Otherwise, it would save some manpower to directly test the clones.

People in the carnival are all fresh leeks.

The transport convoy encountered no further problems and transported the Ether Forge to the target new base.

This new stronghold was originally opened by the Witch Sect. Because of its good geography and environment, it was selected by the members for emergency expansion and use in the current complex situation.

The interior space is vast, and scattered believers are active here. Various denominations have built simple prayer places here to meet the daily spiritual needs of the believers.

Brother Duomu walked around and scanned the area and said, There are not many people there. Where are the other groups besides us?

Meta scratched his head and looked at the others, seemingly unaware of the situation.

Ricardo spoke in a muffled voice: The others will go to other strongholds in the Sinking Sky Island Group to get several other key items. Once these key items are gathered here, our mission will be over.

It was rather vague and didn't reveal much, but at least it let everyone know what the focus of the next action would be.

Just as he was talking, a team came back.

Brother Duomu looked around and saw that it was the white-robed brigade of the Emerald Church.

Those 'righteous monks', I feel so coquettish after seeing them several times. They really don't care how conspicuous their clothes are outside. Meta whispered in Domugo's ear.

I think our clothes are quite cool, and they are no less conspicuous. Brother Duomu said, tugging at the loose robe on his body.

Although it has a black background, the dense eye patterns on it are unforgettable for others to see.

If the Emerald Sect is high-profile, then the Hundred Eyes Sect is a bit of ultra-modern performance art.

So fast? It was expected. Ricardo looked at them, not very surprised, but still praised them.

Brother Duomu was just casually looking at it, but when he saw the white paper sandwiched in an emerald slip in the hand of one of the white-robed uncles, he was shocked.

However, because he was with Ricardo, he did not show any abnormality on the outside. He had a deeper understanding of Ricardo's observation ability in the past few days.

What is that thing they are holding? But it is better to ask a little bit, maybe there will be clues?

At Brother Duomu's signal, others also saw the jade tablet held by the Emerald Sect team.

Some people didn't know, but others seemed to recognize it and showed astonished expressions.

Some people, after being stunned, quickly turned into enlightenment, as if they understood something.

No wonder it's so mysterious, it's the 'disaster fragment'. One of them was Meta, he introduced to Brother Dom.


Brother Duomu showed a natural expression of doubt at the right time, even though he had just discovered that the thing looked very familiar.

If there is anything in this world that can be considered a real treasure, the 'Disaster Broken Page' is undoubtedly one of them. It is said that the original Book of Disaster is a divine object that can determine the direction of the world. It is rumored to be very ancient. A perfect prop pieced together from the history of a broken world. Meta told what he knew.

Is it a perfect prop? Brother Duomu emphasized in his heart.

If it is a perfect piece of props, it must mean that someone has put it together.

Putting together a magical artifact that can determine the direction of the world, what exactly it does, and who is the person who put it together? These thoughts are what Wan Yi is more curious about.

Are the key items that Lord Ricardo mentioned are all disaster pages?

Yes. Ricardo responded simply.

It’s not just one page!

Back then, the 014 sky island was just one, which caused the Bai Cang Sect and Gui Yi to fight fiercely, and even involved an abyss boundary belt.

If it weren't for Wan Yi, a great good man who can't bear to see the suffering in the world, even if 014 Kongdao could survive this hurdle, the losses would have increased by an unknown amount.

But now, there is more than one page of Sinking Sky Island Group!

However, judging from this situation, it seems that the disaster fragments of the sinking sky island group have long been mastered by the Worshiping Cang Sect. What they are going to do now has been planned for a long time, and this trip is just to retrieve it.

Brother Duomu thought of the disaster fragment that was still used as a bookmark in the theater troupe.

Wan Yi hasn't forgotten that this thing scolded him for no reason.

What is registered is a disaster, and Wan Yi suddenly completes the registration when he encounters it.

Isn't this just scolding Wan Yi?

Wan Yi will not admit it!

But it is certain that this thing has a big secret.

I have to find a way to add some bookmarks.

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