My doppelganger drama

Chapter 283 Small Goal: Let God grab the church for rent

Picture and text woke up in reality. At first, the feeling of drunkenness in the dream still lingered, but as she woke up, the influence of the dream faded away, and she quickly recovered.

However, he still broke out in a cold sweat, and the feeling of his body being ripped apart and shattered by a powerful force was still vivid in his mind.

After a long pause, she put on the mask at hand to cover her beautiful face and left the room where she had slept for a long time.

Hey? Miss, you finally woke up. I heard that you had a lot of fun at the carnival. King Wuyi passed by at the right time and said hello.

Brother Wu Yi...Long time no see. Tu Wenwen weakly greeted him.

Why are you still brother? Call me king...forget it, maybe I'm not worthy yet. Why are you finally willing to wake up?

Killed by that damn bartender in the script world. Tu Wenwen said coldly.

Yes, it was after she said goodbye to the bartender and entered the new world of scripts.

I didn't have time to see clearly what the script was, but I could vaguely see that it was an abandoned teaching building, and thought it was the unfolding of a horror movie.

The aftermath proved to be truly terrifying.

The bartender walked out and turned into a braised egg, a weirdo with a dark body, a round head, tangled muscles, and mouths all over his body.

This weirdo has no distinction between front and rear, and can flip his body at any time to perform various weird and anti-human actions.

Then, Tu Wenwen was chased by this monster in the abandoned teaching building for a long time.

After the wine was almost frightened and she woke up, she chose to fight back to meet the enemy.

This decision was so wonderful. I really wanted to give myself a slap in the face at that time. I seriously doubted that I had not sobered up from the wine.

Tu Wenwen prepared to counterattack, Tu Wenwen drew his sword and rushed forward. Tu Wenwen's attack was very brave.

The pictures and text are collapsed.

After being talked about by those mouths, the whole person was staggering around, and then his limbs were broken bit by bit, bones were broken, and then his head was kicked open.

This is definitely the worst death that Tu Wenwen has ever had in a carnival.

The bartender was definitely upset because she drank too much and wanted revenge!

Hahahaha! King Wuyi laughed unabashedly and wickedly.

After it finished laughing, it added: This will happen. Maybe you will meet me wandering in during your next performance.

Then it would be better for me to apologize first? Tu Wenwen gave in decisively.

After the two of them finished speaking, they prepared to return to the surface together.

Wenwen keenly discovered that the original simple environment around her seemed to have been renovated during her sleep. Many places were no longer simple rock walls, but had been modified into smoother walkways.

So she directly raised her question.

Well, actually, there was an earthquake on this main island before.

Earthquake? Tu Wenwen actually showed a puzzled expression.

Do you have any questions about this word? King Wu Yi said unexpectedly.

Uh... does it mean the ground is shaking? Tu Wenwen thought for a moment and asked tentatively.

King Wuyi nodded and discussed it with the others in his mind.

Normally, Sky Island will not experience earthquakes.

It's strange that there are geological activities when things are like this.

Maybe, after all, we all know that we all have clones!

I haven't heard this sentence for a long time.

After chatting with others as usual, King Wuyi replied: Just understand it this way. It's not very important knowledge anyway.

What caused it? After hearing King Wu Yi's words, Tu Wenwen realized that maybe the cause of the earthquake was not simple.

It must be a serious matter if it can shake the entire Sky Island.

Well, we don't know either. King Wu Yi spread his hands and said, A very powerful commander should have done this, but we were almost buried alive by the earthquake. It's really hard to say.

Tu Wenwen looked at Wu Yiwang suspiciously.

King Wuyi continued: Because the source of this unprecedented earthquake was right under Fuso City, Fuso City also suffered a huge blow. Fortunately, the earthquake lasted only a short time, otherwise the city would probably have disappeared. ”

It's so scary. Tu Wenwen didn't understand natural disasters like earthquakes, but at least he knew how big Fuso City was.

If the surface and underground are counted together, 014 Sky Island is incomparable, at least in terms of space.

Such a city could be almost destroyed by an earthquake that lasted not long. She was in awe after learning this.

The houses have all collapsed, and the church above us was already in danger, but now it has completely collapsed, so we thought we would take this opportunity to renovate it, and now it is almost done.

With that said, King Wu Yi came to an upward staircase with pictures and texts.

Originally, the church only used an old ladder that looked like it could break at any time to go underground, but now even the stairs have been built.

The two of them returned to the surface and saw a brand new and glorious cathedral.

Wenwen had seen various churches in some boundary time and space, but the one in front of her was obviously the best one she had seen so far.

The splendid decorations and stained glass with religious overtones, combined with the sunlight shining through, make the pictures and texts feel a solemn atmosphere, and the original casual attitude can't help but be suppressed.

He's very handsome!

Then the atmosphere was broken by Wu Yiwang's opening.

I was almost confused by the pictures and text, but I still said: Although handsome is a weird word, it is indeed a very powerful building. Your engineers can always refresh my understanding.

When she was on the lower island before, the troupe's construction ability shocked her.

However, due to the limited space at that time, she only saw the troupe’s ability to pursue practical aspects.

And from this church, she felt a kind of attainment in humanities and art.

It is hard to imagine that this magnificent and solemn church was created by a group of lunatics.

If this place is renovated like this...will any gods be enshrined here? Tu Wenwen asked.

When it comes to churches, religious overtones are indispensable, but here, there are no special signs or symbols in the pictures and texts.

Having said that, she has never seen any logo or symbol of the theater troupe. It seems that they do not need this to have extremely strong cohesion.

But this makes people feel confused about the purpose of the theater organization.

Well... King Wu Yi fumbled with the mask on his face with his thin hands and then tapped it lightly, I haven't decided yet. I plan to rent it out for now. Whoever gives me the money can use it. It's not impossible to share a room if you want.

You let God share the church?! the pictures and texts were sprayed.

Isn't it reasonable for everyone to get what they need? This church will be further improved in the future. We are aiming to compete with St. Peter's Basilica. Of course, the area of ​​​​the land nearby may not be enough. In short, there will always be a way. When the time comes for such a cool church, I believe that the God who knows the goods will definitely rush to rent it.”

There are so many flaws in Wu Yiwang's words that I am speechless in both pictures and texts.

After all, she didn't even know what kind of church St. Peter's Basilica was.

Anyway, everyone in the troupe seems to be full of confidence and enthusiasm for this matter.

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