My doppelganger drama

Chapter 221 The Clown under Pressure

The three people immediately used their strength to knock down the snakes climbing up around them.

The powerful force cuts off these small snakes, which are not thick.

Then Xiao Lin took the lead and rushed towards the snake-haired girl.


Halfway through the rush, his body froze and was unable to move. The girl and her snake hair stared at the three people in front of him, making them unable to move at all.

At the same time, his body felt an unbearable burning pain, as if his whole body had been thrown into strong acid and decomposed.

The monster's body suddenly exploded, its form changed, and it broke free as if shedding its skin, and rushed towards the snake-haired girl at a very fast speed.

But the girl just swung her scepter and collided with the opponent's attack.

After the collision, the girl was fine, but the opponent kept retreating.

What a strength!

The body of the body-modified person was completely covered in metallic color, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a robot. In this state, he also broke free from the restraints, and released a large number of beams of light from his body to cover the girl.

A big snake suddenly jumped out of the ground in front of the girl. Its strong scales shielded the girl from all attacks. Then it shook its head and breathed mist-like breath at the three of them.

Although it is mist, it seems to bring a very powerful impact.

The three of them flew out directly, leaving obvious traces on the lawn.

Just when the girl was about to continue, a person appeared in front of the three of them instantly.

Miss, please be patient. It was the captain of Team Five, wearing loose white clothes, who said to the snake-haired girl.

and who are you?

I'm their... you can understand me as the boss.

Then take care of your subordinates.

Because we really spent a lot of effort looking for you, and we didn't have much time, we were forced to make this decision. We hope you will be accommodating. We are eager to cooperate with you.

Although they used the same rhetoric, the captain's attitude was obviously much better than Mr. Lin's.

There's nothing to say. My answer is the same as before. The snake-haired girl obviously had no patience.

Just when she was about to continue doing something, the girl suddenly became a little sluggish and her breathing was heavy and labored.

The captain of Team E frowned slightly and didn't speak at this time, seeming to be considering something.

Suddenly, a harsh and unpleasant noise echoed in the playground, and the world in front of everyone's eyes became blurry and sank toward darkness.

Everyone froze, sweat dripping from their backs.

The snake-haired girl was not in a good condition, so she immediately fell to the ground, relying on the staff to support herself from falling.

The captain of Team E turned around with difficulty and looked at the source of the abnormality with wide eyes.

A dark figure wearing a black suit stood behind Xiao Lin, with one hand already reaching into Xiao Lin's back.

Without any warning, when something strange happened, it was already standing there and completed the move.

Xiao Lin was also shocked, his pupils were dilated, he wanted to turn his head but couldn't move.

And soon, a large number of memories flooded into his mind.

These are his past.

He was originally a prosperous white-collar worker with a promising future. But after traveling to this world, this island city, everything seemed to fall into an abyss.

He was looked down upon by others, ridiculed by others, and lived under a small shabby house with those mixed people.

He kept working hard, hoping to win a future for himself.

He couldn't accept that his supposedly beautiful life had eluded him after just one sleep.

He couldn't bear to be part of the crowd.

Go up, keep going up, can’t stop...

Why can't...there is no has to go up!

A purple-black substance enveloped Xiao Lin's body.

The captain finally saw his trembling eyes, and then the last light was blocked.

The clown mask on Mr. Lin's face was fixed, and the black substance turned into a shabby suit with many tears. He really looked like a down-and-out clown.

It's you! The snake-haired girl opened her eyes wide and stared angrily at the figure in the suit.

The other party didn't say anything. After turning a person into a living stress monster, he disappeared like a cloud of mist.


The clown kept chanting in his mouth.

The next moment, it surged towards his captain.

A breeze rose directly from his captain's hand to block the punch from the clown monster.

Lin Youzhi! Wake up! the captain shouted sternly.

Rise! Rise! Rise! But the clown showed a sad smile, and the original martial arts energy appeared in his body!

Even if he becomes a stress monster, he can still use his original power.


The captain raised his hand to catch the opponent's punch again, and took half a step back.

What followed was a continuous onslaught of clown monsters.

The other two players also rushed in at this time to try to stop this teammate who had turned into a pressure monster.

It's just that the other party is like a crazy beast, and the three of them can't do anything together. Although they can block the attack, it can't be done for a while.

The snake-haired girl looked at this scene, her body still a little weak, but suddenly a large amount of black water poured out around her, revealing Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu inside.

Both of them are already transformed.

Sister Dai! Zhou Lulu shouted.

The snake-haired girl looked at the two, her eyes a little clearer: You...are finally here.

Well, so what's going on? Chen Yi'ai narrowed his eyes as he looked at the three heroes fighting the clown on the playground.

The snake-haired girl seemed to want to explain, but in the end she shook her head: I don't know. Strange people stir up trouble, and then one of them is turned into a stress monster. He is dependent...

Forget it, after all, they are all enemies, right? Chen Yiai said after hearing this.

Yeah. The snake-haired girl nodded.

Then I'll get on, Lulu, take the senior sister to a safe place first. Chen Yi'ai said as he turned on the chainsaw.

oh oh!

Zhou Lulu and the snake-haired girl seemed to have no objections to Chen Yi'ai's arrangement.

The black water took the snake-haired girl and disappeared into the ground again, while Chen Yiai walked towards the center of the battlefield carrying a chainsaw.


The Gothic Chainsaw Woman cut into the battlefield with the sound of chainsaws. Except for the captain, the other clowns and the other two team members did not realize what happened at all.

The next moment the sound of a chainsaw rang in his ears, the severe pain of being brutally torn apart spread throughout his body.

The captain used his hands to resist the cutting with some kind of force, but was horrified to find that the part of the force used to resist was completely shattered and could not be recycled!

Who is this new magical girl?

But there is no doubt that Chen Yiai changed the situation instantly as soon as he participated in the melee.

The two team members were instantly injured and lost their ability to fight.

The clown was wailing on the ground.

The captain watched this scene warily.

Chen Yiai glanced at the captain in white, turned around and pointed the chainsaw at the clown monster first.

As soon as the clown got up, the chainsaw hit its shoulder.

Black substance and blood continued to sputter along with the rotation of the chainsaw.

Her chain seems to never get stuck and stops, crushing and cutting everything it strikes with a cruel gesture!

The clown howled.

The black substance on his body disintegrated somewhat, revealing the human skin underneath.

Chen Yiai's eyes widened slightly and he moved the chainsaw away.

When the pressure on the clown monster was relieved, he immediately struck back. He suddenly raised his knee and pressed it against the girl's abdomen to knock her away. Then he threw out several black spheres, triggering a violent explosion that swept all around.

Uh... rising... can't stop... can't...

The clown monster gasped, and the black substance enveloped that part of human skin again.

The captain of Team E looked at this scene with cold eyes. The airflow around him suddenly deflected a lot. He put his palms into a posture and then struck out with one palm.


The air emits a series of explosions, directly covering the clown monster.

A deep hole appeared in the grass on the playground.

The clown's body was badly damaged.


The sound of the chainsaw rang out in the smoke, and the scattered grass roots and soil were washed away. The chainsaw directly cut off the clown monster's head, and blood flowed from the wound that was mauled by the chainsaw.

Chen Yiai stepped on the clown's body and turned to look at the white-clothed captain.

The captain in white looked at Chen Yi'ai with an ugly expression: Maybe he can still be saved.

I won't ask you who you are. I've been meeting strange people lately. I'm just asking you, do you know about stress monsters? Chen Yi'ai said in a casual tone.

The captain in white didn't speak.

Dependent stress monsters are indeed rare, but they are not unheard of. I have killed many of them, and to put it bluntly, this kind of monster is hopeless.

Chen Yiai said in an unfamiliar tone, The whole person has become the core of the pressure monster. Even if the core is kept and the outside substances are removed, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and it will turn back into a pressure monster at any time.

He is my team member! I have my own way of dealing with it!

I don't understand your relationship. Don't talk about superiors and subordinates. Even if you are the same, I don't bother to care. But he has become a stress monster. That is my scope of work.

The captain in white wanted to say something else, but Chen Yiai interrupted him and said, Besides, you attacked my friends, so I plan to cut you into pieces.

The captain in white looked solemn when he heard this: Aren't you magical girls?

Magical girl is just a title. Those who are magical girls are ours. Chen Yi'ai's eyes were a little confused.

The captain in white was watched and felt a hint of terror.

There is an illusion that I will be swallowed by the chaos at any time.

How is it possible? Although the opponent is very strong, it is not invincible to the captain in white.

Yes, uncle, I suggest you not to act rashly. At this time, Zhou Lulu's soft voice also sounded behind him.

The tentacles on the sleeves and the bottom of the skirt are no longer covered, but instead stretch out with fangs and claws, and they also have fangs and sharp teeth, and the bloody mouth keeps biting.

One-on-one, there's a chance.

Two against one...withdraw!

The captain in white quickly made a judgment and said to the team members on the ground: You can leave.

There's no point in staying when you're hurt like this. This boundary is very wrong!

The weirdo player nodded, crawled to another unconscious teammate, crushed the escape bead, and the two disappeared on the spot.

After the white-clothed captain finished his instructions, he directly moved his body skills and left the place in a few flashes.

Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu stood there, showing no intention of chasing after them.

Except for pressure monsters, what kind of monsters are these things? They have been popping up one after another recently. Chen Yiai said unhappily, stroking his dark red hair.

Well, maybe Teacher Wan knows?

Yes, you can ask him.

The commotion is really big this time. It's been a long time since the commotion was so intense. Papa and Xiaoduo are busy. Zhou Lulu said, looking at the messy playground.

Whatever, let's go see senior sister first. She's not in good health to begin with. Let her rest more but she always likes to go out in person, ugh.

Wan Yi left another photo of the dilapidated and empty playground: I originally thought it was a simple matter like the three clowns being rejected or beaten up after a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect that something unexpected happened midway.

Who is that figure in a suit and top hat?

Even the pressure from outsiders can be easily mobilized and turned into a stress monster.

Is he really a cadre character on the pressure monster side?

Chen Yi'ai's strength seems to be much stronger than what she usually shows, but if you think about it carefully, she just often gets beaten without taking precautions, but nothing really happens every time she gets beaten. The chainsaw is currently I have never encountered anything that cannot be cut. I am afraid there is some mechanism behind this.

It is normal for the three magical girls who belong to the same school to know each other, but it is obvious that the snake-haired girl's physical condition is not very good.

For Wan Yi, the biggest gain from watching the melon-eating this time was that he witnessed the birth of the pressure monster with his own eyes.

Next, let's delve into it a little bit. Wan Yi turned around and pinched the clown's nose that was still on his nose, making a sharp and funny sound.

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