My doppelganger drama

Chapter 222 Restless

Just when Wan Yi was still thinking about how long it would take the elves to deal with the big commotion this time.

Because there was nothing to do after class this morning, Wan Yi's mind suddenly went blank as he was about to leave school.

Then the memories came back.

It's really fast. The elf has more power than I imagined. Wan Yi patted his head and said.

Not only was the memory deleted from his mind, many of its contents were naturally filled in.

Originally, he was still thinking that if it had nothing to do with the pressure monster, such a big incident would probably be difficult to handle easily.

But after seeing the filled-in memory, he knew that he was worrying too much.

The original three clowns with unknown origins and special powers were blurred into three armed terrorist attackers. The subsequent story about the clown stress monster was completely ignored.

The matter of the captain of Team E was also directly hidden.

The mess on the playground was not cleaned much, obviously to fit the description of this memory.

I don’t know if I should say that the elves are really smart, or if I should say that they are reasonably lazy.

But this follow-up treatment is obviously good.

As long as the stress monster and the magical girl can be concealed, and there are no casualties in this incident, it is indeed not a very serious situation for the elves.

With this in mind, Wan Yi came outside the school and turned around to find Fang Donghao and three people standing there.

Fang Donghao waved to Wan Yi, and Wan Yi went over and asked, Captain, why are you here?

Yes, in the memory of deletion and reorganization, the original plan to use three clowns to try fishing naturally disappeared out of thin air, and Wan Yi didn't know that after deleting the factors of magical girls and pressure monsters, those three people were... How did you get arranged to leave the show?

Fang Donghao said seriously: It was my negligence. In the next period of time, if people in other teams want to ask you for anything, please don't agree.

Why did those three people suddenly go crazy? Wan Yi asked after hearing this.

I don't know. Chen Sixue replied.

Uh. Wan Yi didn't know what to say.

I just discussed with Team E. They said that the three of them spontaneously chose to explore the road without proper coordination, which increased the risk for the gangsters. Fang Donghao said.

Wan Yi raised his shoulders and said, That's okay. If Team E plans to pay compensation, just tell them what they mean.

Hearing that Wan Yi didn't care about being implicated, Fang Donghao and the other three couldn't help laughing, and then said: If you can't support it, tell us at any time and just use the beads you carry with you to escape.

Wan Yi nodded in agreement, and then asked in turn:

Captain, what's going on over there?

It's more distressing now that there is no situation. Fang Donghao shook his head with a wry smile.

The reservation time agreed before was to stay for a month at most. Wan Yi said.

Yes, so there is no need to be too nervous. If nothing happens in the end, then just relax and treat it like a vacation. There is no need to force the high-depth boundary. Chen Sixue said with a smile.

Shangguan He Qin nodded in agreement.

After saying that, the three people left.

Wan Yi went against them.

Fusheng University was attacked by three terrorists. According to the scene, the terrorists used lethal thermal weapons. The last three terrorists escaped without a trace. The students responded promptly and there were no casualties. The police are following up the investigation …”

The latest news was being broadcast on the TV in the room.

The boy was a little bored watching this scene and wanted to change the channel to watch something more interesting.

Feng Xinyuan looked at this scene, his pupils dilated slightly, and handed him the remote control in his hand: Watch your favorite program by yourself.

Okay! The boy happily took the remote control and changed the channel.

Feng Xinyuan turned around and returned to the room.

Angie. She called softly.

The little angel came out immediately: Xinyuan, what's going on?

What's the situation at the university? You should still be in contact with the elf over there, Feng Xinyuan said.

The little angel nodded quickly and said, Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to ask me, Xinyuan!

It showed a cute smile, but quickly put it away and made a serious look: There are three terrorists wearing clown masks over there. They have special powers that are different from pressure monsters and magical girls. They say they want to find magic. Girls cooperate.”

Feng Xinyuan was startled: Same as the strange person last time.

Yes, Xinyuan, you were right to reject him last time! Little Angel Anji agreed.


Although the magical girls over there may be a little weird, they still have good intentions, so naturally they didn't agree. And the three clown terrorists were even more outrageous than the ones who came to us last time, and they couldn't reach an agreement. Just do it directly.”

Are the three children okay? Feng Xinyuan asked.

Except for Dai Qian's health, the other two are fine. And then! The following content is the most important!

Feng Xinyuan is waiting for the next step.

The 'hole' has appeared. The little angel looked serious.

Feng Xinyuan's body suddenly tensed up, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became colder, and her eyes were full of hatred: It appeared!?

Yes, it turned one of those clown terrorists into a dependent stress monster in front of the magical girl over there, and then disappeared.

Feng Xinyuan frowned, slowly sat on the bed, and fell into endless thoughts.

Xinyuan? After waiting for a while, the little angel called out tentatively.

Feng Xinyuan said: 'Hollow's actions are irregular, just like a natural phenomenon, but most of the time they will choose the eyes and ears of others. It is not normal for them to appear above board.

Ah, um, yes. The little angel responded after being stunned for a moment.

Feng Xinyuan raised his hand and gently touched his smooth chin: Do those people have some quality that attracts hollows?

Little angel Anji was a little worried and said: Xinyuan, are you still looking for a hole?

Feng Xinyuan was stunned.

Ayi is still growing vigorously. He only has you as his mother now! the little angel said.

Feng Xinyuan was silent for a while, then slowly closed his eyes: Let me think about it myself.

The little angel said no more, flapped his wings and disappeared.

Feng Xinyuan sat quietly, his hands already tightly clenching the quilt.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Feng Xinyuan took Ayi to school.

Still riding a small white battery car.

After sending her child to school and saying goodbye, she saw the scarred man whom she had met once before she even started. He was looking at the school's nameplate with a smile on his face.

Feng Xinyuan's eyes instantly turned cold.

When you want to kill someone, it's important to control your eyes and mind, otherwise it's easy to scare someone away. The scarred man turned around and said.

Feng Xinyuan did not answer, but said: What else are you doing here?

If you give up after one failure, you won't be able to succeed. The scarred man stood casually and loosely.

Feng Xinyuan glanced at the school and could vaguely see A Yi's back.

Don't worry, I'm not so shameless as threatening others with children. That's something only a very low-level villain can do. Brother Modern said with a smile.

Humph. Feng Xinyuan was noncommittal and just snorted coldly.

It seems that it won't work the second time. It's okay. Liu Bei paid three visits to the thatched cottage. I'm still very patient for the time being. Brother Modern said, waving his hand and turning around to leave.

Wait a minute. Feng Xinyuan shouted.

Brother Xiandai turned around and just looked at her without saying anything.

Feng Xinyuan took a few deep breaths and then said, Let's talk a little bit.

Brother Modern smiled and lowered his head, then turned back to Feng Xinyuan: Have you had breakfast?


I haven't eaten yet. Let's find a breakfast shop to chat slowly.

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