My doppelganger drama

Chapter 220 Negotiations break down

Time moved forward a few days.

Among all the identities related to Fusheng University, Wan Yi's identity as a teacher is undoubtedly the most convenient.

Therefore, in the past few days, some actions of other team members inevitably went through Wan Yi's side.

Either let Wan Yi help for convenience, or ask Wan Yi for information from time to time.

Obviously, some players who are not very patient can't wait.

During this period of time, they still couldn't get any news about the pressure monster and the magical girl.

Although in Wan Yi's eyes, they have worked very hard.

In just a few days, a lot of confirmed information about pressure monsters appeared in the group.

But without exception, these traces were easily erased in the end. As soon as they turned around, they forgot what they had seen.

In the eyes of other team members, it can be said that except for Wan Yi and Hyundai Brother, they have achieved nothing these days.

Although the residence time mentioned in the boundary line is unlimited, the residence time of the boundary line and the assimilation time are two different things.

Especially in this unfamiliar high-depth boundary, they don't know when they will start assimilating outsiders. I am afraid that one day I will forget myself without realizing it.

Time seems to be plenty, but in fact there are hidden traps.

It was the afternoon of the day.

Wan Yi walked with a few people in the school and said with great pains: Recently, because I always lead people around the school, I was warned by the school. If you still need my identity, it's better not to bother too much. .”

It's just an identity. It's just to save trouble. If you really don't want it, it's not impossible. A person following behind said.

He is a member of Team E. Wan Yi didn't remember his name and didn't bother to search through his memory. He only remembered that his surname was Lin, so let's call him Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin is one of the refugees brought by Team Five to be tested. On paper, he is also the strongest among the three teams of refugees.

The survival records of four qualitative changes and multiple high-depth boundary explorations are highly valued.

Although he was just a refugee under test, looking at it now, he seemed to have gained the attention of others in the team. At least the two elites of Team E who followed him had no reaction to his behavior.

That's not okay. I still attach great importance to setting boundaries. Wan Yi said.

Speaking of which, did you really see the pressure monster and the magical girl? Xiao Lin heard this and asked Wan Yi directly without further entanglement on this topic.

Wan Yidao: Didn't I explain it in detail?

But it's just a text description, and there are no real photos or other evidence to support it for you.

Brother Xiandai also wrote a report, didn't he? Wan Yi said.

You are all refugees from Team C who are being tested. Don't blame me for speaking harshly. After several days in a row, we have gained nothing, but you say you have, but you are limited to written reports. This is really unconvincing. Xiao Lin He raised his head and said.

That's right.

I originally thought that Wan Yi might defend himself, but in the end, he responded casually and seemed too lazy to argue with him.

The three members of Team E felt like they were punched in the cotton.

Wan Yi asked: What are you doing in school?

Since there are magical girls in this school, we plan to use a more radical method to lure them out. Xiaolin said.

The stimulation method? Is it the stimulation method I want? Wan Yi raised his eyebrows.

How do they know what Wan Yi is thinking.

If you make a big fuss, if they are heroes of justice, they will come out. Another team member explained.

But maybe you might be hostile to a magical girl. First impression is very important. Wan Yi said with a smile.

This is personal experience.

The hero is easy to date, but being too rough is not conducive to subsequent interactions.

No need, we have many ways to get each other to cooperate, whether it is friendly or a little violent, it depends on the other party's attitude. Xiao Lin said nonchalantly.

Wan Yi nodded.

This Mr. Lin is obviously a traditional boundary explorer.

And it's not just him, I'm afraid this is probably the style of Team E. They are used to finding the target and swiping efficiently.

Fang Donghao's policy was not very satisfactory to them.

A few days ago, they were able to keep their peace, but these days may not be pleasant for them.

Haha, this is the ugly state of the game plot completely skipping party.

Have you discussed this with Fang Donghao and your captain? Wan Yi asked.

It has been agreed that the three of us will carry the last escape beads in our team and escape immediately if we encounter any danger beyond our expectations.

That's it. Wan Yi nodded, then took something out of his bag, Since you want to get ready, bring these things with you. It's best to change your clothes too.

Seeing what Wan Yi took out, the three of them suddenly said unhappily: What do you mean?

What Wan Yi took out were three funny clown masks.

Hide your face. I brought you here. I will be implicated after the trouble. Let's just cover your face and pretend to be a terrorist. Wan Yi shook his mask and said.

No! Xiao Lin refused without thinking.

Do you want to wear a mask or don't want to be a clown?

All of them!

That won't work. Wan Yida said, If you don't cover your face, then I will ask the security to arrest you now. I will not take the risk for your actions.

The three of them looked at each other, looked at the clown mask, and frowned: Are there any others?

Just these three. Of course I can also give you some time to solve it yourself, such as getting some black stockings or something.

In the end, the three of them compromised.

He just wore a mask to cover his face. He was already preparing to cause trouble, so why should he care about this?

Does any of you need a cute clown nose? Wan Yi took out another cute little red ball, pinched it and made a funny sharp sound, It can also make a sound.

don't want!

On the school playground, three people wearing clown masks stood there.

They hadn't started to take action yet, but the looks from the surrounding students made them feel like they were doing something.

It was easy to hear the chatter and laughter about the three clowns.

After the three of them looked at each other, they didn't hesitate again.

Xiao Lin took the lead, the violent energy in his hand condensed, and he punched the ground hard with his fist.


The plastic track exploded, sending particles, grass clippings and dust flying.

At this moment, the joy on the faces of those who were having fun quickly turned into horror.

The other person raised his hand, and the skin on that arm faded away, revealing a metallic color. A beam of light was emitted from the palm of his hand and stood on the flagpole next to the playground.

The flagpole broke and collapsed, hitting the ground, further exacerbating the chaos.

Wan Yi stood in the distance and took a few photos with his camera: If it has nothing to do with the pressure monster, it can't be repaired. Now Chen Yiai and Xiaoduo are very busy.

Just as he was talking, Fang Donghao called.

Hey, Wan Yi, the three members of Team E have already started, right?

Hmm, it's already started. Do you need me to do anything?

No need, it's too risky to do this kind of thing at the high-depth boundary, but this is an internal decision of Team E, and the consequences will be borne by themselves, so we can't say anything. Please pay attention to your safety. Fang Donghao said.

Captain, are you already here? Wan Yi heard something and asked bluntly.

Haha, smart. Although this kind of action is irrational, it is indeed possible to get effective clues. I have already arrived, and the other two teams are probably waiting somewhere.

Good guy, the calculations of each team are really loud.

However, originally the cooperation between the teams was to help each other out, but now it can only be said that it is put to good use.

After hanging up the contact, Wan Yi looked towards the playground.

At this time, all the other strangers on the playground had fled, leaving only three clowns.

Kobayashi seems to follow a very traditional martial arts route, while one of his teammates has a mechanical transformation of his body, and the other cannot be seen, but his whole person has changed and turned into a weird monster.

It fits the style of what they are doing.

The school security guards had arrived at the edge of the playground. Wan Yi saw Brother Modern from a distance and was cooperating with others to block off the playground.

Just when Wan Yi was thinking about which magical girl would appear first.


The screams of snakes suddenly passed by, and a large number of colorful snakes suddenly appeared on the grass in the playground.

The snakes gathered together and then turned into humanoid silhouettes. Finally, the snake-haired girl that Modern Brother met that night appeared.

Stress monster? Human? The snake-haired girl looked at the three people in front of her and made a confused voice.

So magical girls are real. Xiao Lin said looking at the magical girl in front of him.

But this style of painting is probably weirder than mine. The team member who turned into a weirdo complained.

That's what high-depth boundaries look like.

After a few people discussed it, Xiao Lin, who appeared to be the most normal one, stepped forward and said to the snake-haired girl: Hello, magical girl, we have been looking for you, but we have no clues, so we can only choose this last resort.

Are you kidding me? the snake-haired girl frowned, come to see us in such a threatening way?

If we really want to hurt someone, believe us, with the speed you are coming, I'm afraid there will be more than ten corpses left here by then. Xiao Lin said indifferently.

The snake-haired girl clenched her scepter: By not apologizing, you are even emphasizing that you can go further? No matter what you have come to us for, do you really think this is an attitude of negotiating terms?

Please don't mess around, we can have a good conversation. The weirdo said.

The snake-haired girl's eyes turned cold.

All three of them immediately sensed a dangerous aura: Child, our suggestion is that you calm down. If a large-scale war breaks out here, I'm afraid you won't want to see what happens next.

But the snake-haired girl obviously didn't intend to say anything more, and waved the scepter in her hand.

The hanging ornaments made a crisp sound.

The surrounding vegetation seemed to come alive in an instant, turning into swimming snakes and biting at the three of them.

Wan Yi looked at this scene, smiled, pinched the clown's nose in his hand and put it on his nose, and said angrily: So, the experience of the predecessors can still be used as a reference, right?

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