Chapter 277 Continue to harvest

“A total of 11.5 trillion rotten pear stocks were bought, and now they have fallen 50%, which means that they have earned 5.525 trillion yuan! This is just a wave of rotten pears. We have already made money on rotten pears before. That’s 1.7 trillion yuan, which adds up to more than 700 million yuan.

In addition, Youwei has now risen by 60%, and other electronic stocks have more than doubled at least. ”

“The most important thing is that now is just about to end today. According to the market conditions, in the future, we can continue to make money.”

“It feels like I can retire early.

“It’s so cool, this is called making a fortune, and it’s much more reliable than buying lottery tickets.”

“Don’t compare it with the lottery. Now what number of people, 15 million people, collectively get rich, this is a real miracle. An unprecedented miracle “four or seventy zero” that will never be repeated in the future.

“Brother, happy is happy. Don’t say it is absolutely good. I agree with it like never before, but there will be no one after this. That’s not necessarily.”

“Huh? Why is it not necessarily? Rotten Pear is definitely a behemoth in the United States. Can you find more powerful ones to make money?”

“Isn’t it more awesome, but there are a few more than him, isn’t that money?”

“Uh, what you said was to let the boss directly crash the U.S. stock market.”

“In the peaceful era, let’s not say it so ugly, just want to make some money, if the opposite has this kind of opportunity, it is estimated that we will not let us go, why not take the first step. Moreover, they have already provoke us.”

“Aroused us? What do you mean?”

“I just saw that the skeleton announced that it would prohibit our electronic products from using their search engine, and Yamaxun also announced that it would not provide business with our Xia Guo electronic products.

You said, what do they want to do? This is to completely cut off our foreign market, you also know, what thousand degrees, what Liu Sanling, are more used in our country, in foreign countries, e-commerce and search In the engine field, these two companies are the real hegemons. Without these services, who would dare to buy our mobile phones outside?

I bought it, and there is no corresponding service. Isn’t that the same as not buying it?”

“Damn, so excessive, where is the news?”

“I saw it when I logged into the Internet. It was just released. The United States has completely lifted the table this time. Seeing that rotten pears are not good, it will cut off our back from other aspects. It is too shameless.”

“Uh, I have seen it too. Sure enough, a bitch is a bitch. It’s too shameless and completely unruly.”

“Heh, how can there be any way, they have indeed been ahead of us in these areas for too long. Moreover, this kind of thing, strictly speaking, is much more difficult to deal with than rotten pears.”

As an entity, Lanli’s only advantage is the mobile phone, but these two companies, their source of strength, are deeply rooted users. It is impossible for us to withdraw from a new product like Lanli, and we can hit each other by lowering the price.

It feels like you are now uninstalling other things for WeChat. Even if the new communication software is better than the previous one, but it is almost impossible to quickly occupy the market. How many years will it take. ”

“Uh, isn’t it difficult to do this time? I have also stocked 100 mobile phones, how can I play this time?”

“I also have fifty, is this in the water?”

“I just got into the pit when I was happy, but I was mistaken by cleverness.”

“Hey, we are too naive and completely underestimated the shamelessness of the other side.

“What should I do now? Just look at it like this?”

With the emergence of a message.

The live broadcast room was in panic.

Situ Xue, who was silently watching the screen, also frowned.Find out the news that the fans just said.

After watching for a while, he turned around and came to Ye Tian’s side.

“Boss, look at the news.”

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at the screen.

Then his eyes were slightly cold.

The other side is really jumping the wall in a hurry now.

Originally, I said that after this wave of work, I would stop working temporarily. It seems that I can’t look back on this road.

After a moment of silence, Ye Tian returned to calm.

“Tell everyone, it’s okay. Since the other party thinks that the money given in this wave is too little, then we will continue to make a sigh, but before that, we still harvest the things in front of us. Can’t stretch the front too long now…0”

“Huh? Boss, do you have a way to deal with this situation?”

Situ Xue said in surprise.

“It should be said that this situation has long been expected. From the beginning, they came for these things. I smashed the pears. In fact, it was also for these things to pave the way.”

“Damn, what the boss said is not true, is it just for now?

“How far do I have to think about it?”

“Don’t say it, think about it, it’s really horrible.”


“We make money because of what?”

“Because of what? Watch the live broadcast, right?”

“I mean, how did the boss conflict with the people from the Quantum Fund in the first place.”

“Um, it seems to be because of the domestic stock market crash in Xia Guo, or it is because the other party wants to buy the International Light of the Snow Goddess.”

“Also, I remember that the boss and the people from Quantum Fund were all beating Penguin and Daddy Ali at the time.”

The barrage was talking.

Many people with brighter minds have already begun to connect in their minds.

“Let me analyze, the business types of Penguin and Alibaba are actually similar to Bone and Yamaxun. But at present, our Xiaguo two companies are still in the 1.9 stage of growth, but what cannot be ignored is that we Because of the population problem, it is a huge market, so according to the ambition of the opposite, it is absolutely impossible to let Penguin and Ali.

Baba gets bigger.

As a result, the Quantum Fund took the lead and triggered our domestic stock market crash. The goal is to start with the financial market first and crack down on these two companies.

Who knows, when they met the boss and disrupted the situation, they directly pulled the battlefield back to them, and directly pulled out the rotten pears they were preparing to harvest before they came out and cried in advance.

And the root of all this is because the boss, the 5g technology of International Light, has to stifle the danger in the cradle, who knows, the boss, the dark horse, is a bit too shiny, and directly confused them. Forced. ”

The 278th our opinion is, tie your boy home

“Really, after listening to your analysis, I suddenly felt a sense of realization. It turns out that the other party had planned for a long time, so I met the boss, the dark horse, and it hurt.

“So, regardless of whether we beat them or not, they have already started to kill. Should we make this wave of money?”

“It’s not that we should earn, but we must earn it. If we can’t earn it, the consequences will be serious. I have to say that while the opposite is shameless, it is also cunning enough. If it doesn’t work, we will start playing yin.”

“Yes, they did this, we want to take the opportunity to swallow the desire of the world market, I’m afraid it will have to be postponed again.

“Then there is no way to accumulate users, it is really not a matter of overnight, and it is difficult to break through and change a person’s deep-rooted habit!”

“But didn’t the boss say that there is a way? It’s just to clean up one by one.

“Although the boss said so, no matter what angle I think about it, it is a little unlikely to be able to clean up directly at 20.”

“This is not something we should worry about. Before the rotten pears and promising competition, we can’t think of any way, the boss has not been settled, and, strictly speaking, the boss should be the blow to these two companies. It takes longer to prepare than rotten pears, maybe there is a big trick.

“I hope so.”

Everyone in the live broadcast room sorted out the current situation after a few analysts’ remarks.

But for the next situation, it is obviously a bit ambitious.

I have to say that participating in financial analysis can greatly promote one’s understanding of facts.

Nowadays, most people’s thinking no longer simply stays at the level of making money and not making money.

Instead, I learned to think.

This is more important than everyone making money.

The closing time will come soon.

Hang up the live broadcast.

Ye Tian received a call immediately.

“Little boss, how are things going? When can you get the things you promised me?”

On the other side of the phone, Yi Lao had lost a lot of energy compared to the previous few days.

No way, he had become a habit if he didn’t want to stay up late with such a master as Ye Tian.

“Big brother, it’s rare, you didn’t scold me today.”

“Do I dare to scold you? You were still working overtime in the factory in the middle of the night.

“Hey, just know it.”

Ye Tian and Yi Lao are now thoroughly familiar with each other, and they speak more unscrupulously than before.

In this regard, Yi Lao has nothing to do. Who can make people a dog?

“Less poor, report on the progress.

“The super assembly line assembled this afternoon can basically produce any required parts as long as the materials are sufficient.”

“Any required parts? What are the cutting-edge foreign technologies?

“Well, but some of them are more complicated. Even if we work overtime, it will take some time.”

“How long will it take? The current form is not optimistic!”

Old Yi frowned. Worried.

“It’s like a day or so!”

Ye Tian thought for a while and replied.

Old Yi’s eyes widened, and then he relaxed again: “You stinky boy, don’t brag about me again.”

Ye Tian’s eyes were stunned: “Big brother, you are a wrongdoer, when did I bluff with you, why use another word.”

In a word, I sprayed the tone of Yi Lao’s words and thought about it carefully. From the realization that now, although Ye Tian’s movements are amazing, he really hasn’t blown the cowhide.

Because the cowhide he blew has been realized. It’s just that those things are too outrageous, so in my own consciousness I will realize that Erha in front of me is bragging all day long.

With a smile, Old Yi quickly changed the subject.

“You mean the lithography machine will be ready by this time tomorrow?”

“If I don’t sleep, it’s almost the same.”

“You kid, if you have something to say, what do you want me to do?”

A person of the level of Yi Lao has a basic ability to observe words and colors, and when he hears Ye Tian’s words, he knows that he has something to say again.

“Big guys are big guys, always so empathetic.

Ye Tian slapped it with a flattery, and smiled.

“Okay, let’s talk about it, about your 500 billion yuan? I can tell you that a few of us have discussed it after we got the news today. And let people do a risk assessment. You have to dare to go. The risk factor is sss level.”

“Is it so high?”

Ye Tian blinked his eyes and said.

“What do you mean, a world-class company, a market that determines an economic crisis, people wanting to dominate the world’s dream, it is all destroyed by your kid, and now you are still standing on other people’s turf, drinking blood and eating meat, if I were them , Will definitely kill you at all costs.”

“Isn’t there a big boss you guys cover?”

“We are covered, but only at home. If we go outside, even if we are, we absolutely dare not say that we can protect you.

“Oh, boss, you know I can’t see the money. If I put 500 billion and don’t take it, then it’s not me. You should always buy some dry goods. Others don’t need you to worry about. I dare to agree to go. There is my way. retreat.”

“I repeat, all of us have the same opinion, you don’t go. And the advice from Lao Niu is that you should tie your kid at home, and you are not allowed to go anywhere.

Also, I said that your kid has this time, stay at home and build some lithography machines to invent something, isn’t it fragrant? It’s only 500 billion. How difficult is it for you? Isn’t it just a matter of moving your fingers?”

“The big man, it is feasible to send me 500 billion flowers?”

“The beauty of thinking, I can’t make it? And, five hundred billion, you think it is five thousand?”

“Didn’t you just say that 500 billion is a matter of moving your fingers?”

“Okay, you kid don’t sloppy with me, what on earth do you think?”

“I just want to see where the other party’s bottom line is and what methods can I have. Instead of being harassed by them endlessly in the future, I might as well make them desperate all at once. At least, I won’t want to assassinate all day long. There is an old saying that if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves.

“Oh, your tone is really big enough, do you know what other methods are? It will make people afraid, I am afraid that the person who is really afraid of it will be you!”

“So, didn’t I ask you in advance? Under the rule I set, what conspiracy might the other party resort to?”

“I can only say that your kid is too naive. When you go outside, people still need to make conspiracies and tricks, so they fight you upright, and you won’t necessarily win.”.

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