Chapter 278 See tricks

“So awesome? Big boss, you don’t know how good I am!”

Ye Tian was not convinced.

Yi Lao’s eyes turned white when he was angry, and he stared at Ye Tian with hatred for nothing.

“Okay, then I will let you know what strength is. You can receive these documents yourself.”

With that said, Yi Lao passed through a few pieces of data. After Ye Tian accepted it, he directly sent it to the main control computer in front of him and opened it.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge phantom that appears to be in the sea.

“The Ss-1 nuclear submarine is the latest secret war weapon on the opposite side. Even we, we only know this name. We have observed it once from a distance. There is no data at all on other things like voiceprints.

In other words, if you go to a competition, if the opponent uses this nuclear submarine to approach the competition venue, it cannot be detected with our detection satellites.

If there is no detection, there is no way to say that the other party violated the rules, you know?”

As Ye Tian watched the pictures, Mr. Yi explained.

Ye Tian nodded, but his expression did not change.

“Why, judging from your boy’s appearance, you don’t seem to think this is such a big deal?”

Ye Tian sneered.

“Boss, you should thank them for this method, so that we can improve our strength.”

“What’s the meaning?

Old Yi asked puzzled.

“Strictly speaking, the nuclear submarine is the same as the previous drones, that is, it is just a larger toy. Who told you that you must have a voiceprint to find a nuclear submarine?”

Old Yi is already bright.

“Do you have a way to detect the submarine through the water several hundred meters deep?”

“It’s not difficult, I promised you that kind of monitoring radar, upgrade the technology and make it bigger, it should be able to handle it.”

“It’s true or not, it’s not difficult for everything in your mouth.”

“If you want to know the truth or not, I have a super assembly line in front of me. Just do one. Give me half an hour.”

Ye Tian smashed his mouth and put his claws on the console.

Mind, but it has already entered the system mall.

What I have to do now is my main willingness to ask Yi Lao for help.

First determine what the opponent has that you don’t know, and then solve it before the game, to ensure that there is nothing wrong.

Anyway, Canine Coins and Real Coins are not the same thing, and it will not affect real funds if used.

Soon, Ye Tian screened out relevant technologies in the mall.

Then buy them one by one.

I have to say that with the title of the king of mechanical information in hand, many of the technologies to be used at this moment are already available, and only need to be supplemented.

So it only cost less than 10 billion.

Ye Tian has already learned the required science and technology, and even if he is interested, it is not difficult to even learn nuclear submarine manufacturing, but the technology purchase price of war weapons in the mall is many times higher than the general technology price. Buy now , Obviously wasting money.

Using the technology in his mind, Ye Tian began to input the required materials and drawing data on the main control computer.

And specifically to the technical workers to talk about the distribution of these materials.

After more than twenty minutes, the various parts needed by Ye Tian have come out of the assembly line.

Then several workers were called to help with the installation.

A few minutes later, a high-tech hexagonal radar appeared in front of the video, which was dazzling many times than the previous small radar in both appearance and style.

“It’s this thing,||?”

Elder Yi looked at the brand new radar that Ye Tian presented to him in surprise. With just one glance, he was a little more affirmed by Ye Tian’s words.

Because Ye Tian got this thing under the super assembly line.

Regardless of the actual effect, the complexity of visual inspection is enough to shock.

It looks like a hexagonal cylinder.

But after Ye Tian pressed a switch.

The tightly-fitted cylinder is just like Transformers, with its surface split and patterns extending outward.

Then from the height of fifty, spread to a few meters high, and automatically merge and arrange.

In the end, something like a satellite receiver is formed at the top.

And below, is a screen and console.

“My God, this is what you produced in half an hour?”

Seeing the radar deformed successfully, the workers next to them opened their eyes.

And Yi Lao couldn’t stop exclaiming.

“How big is it, let this thing pull the wind.”

Ye Tian smiled.

His face was also full of pride.

After integrating the science and technology of machinery, the products that Ye Tian currently recognizes in his heart have definitely surpassed the people of this era by several levels.

So with the super assembly line in hand, he can show off his skills as he wants.

As a result, Dai Xiaomeng and Situ Xue, who were not interested in machinery, both posted their eyes brightly at the moment, looking at something like Transformers in front of them, and couldn’t help but feel it.

Old Yi nodded in admiration: “, you kid, it’s getting more and more incomprehensible. Let me give you some more time, I really don’t know what else you can come up with, but it’s getting deeper. What about the determination to tie you at home and not let you run around?”

Ye Tian’s smile stagnated: “Big brother, don’t be unreasonable, otherwise, there will be problems with my radar.”

This time it was the big guy’s turn to smile, “You kid, you’re a master who can’t suffer. Okay, what’s the use of your stuff, let’s talk about it.”

“That is to amplify the previous radar function to a point, and the receiving and monitoring range is wider. After it is fully deployed, it can detect various signals within 50 kilometers in diameter. As long as the opponent’s nuclear submarine is moving, it will definitely not escape his detection. Because the way it transmits the return signal is a brand-new waveband detection method. I will tell you the specific principle.

You don’t understand, just take it and test it to see the effect.

(Is Zhao Hao) “You guy, can’t you speak nicely? I don’t know what’s wrong, am I proud?”

Elder Yi was also turned off by an angry laugh.

No matter how much Ye Tian drank, he let Hu Jun simply learn how to operate, and then took him to the nearest ocean fleet experiment.

“Okay, the problem you worried about is solved. What else can you do, go ahead!”

Ye Tian didn’t waste time, and continued to grow old to Yi.

“The following thing, we have started various surveillance and detection decades ago, but the other party hid it deeply, judging from the news we know.

This is a kind of biochemical technology, how far it has been, because this technology is absolutely banned globally, we don’t know, the video in front of you was taken ten years ago.

With the video playing on the computer, Yi Lao’s explanation sounded again.

Ps: Brothers, do you have a monthly pass, please support. .

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