Chapter 276 Unstoppable

The live broadcast room is very hot.

Above the Wall Street Financial Building.

Ubus was completely mad.

“Damn it, how could this happen, the latest technology we researched out, why can all the rubbish mobile phone brands on the other side have it!”

Soros sighed and shook his head.

“Everyone, see, have I been alarmist before? Just looking at the technology of the opposite lithography machine, you can know that things are definitely not that simple. Who else thinks that the 500 billion bait is too much?”

Everyone shook their heads pale.

Fortunately, Soros got the latest information from the opposite side first, so that people like himself can make arrangements as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they are the same as ordinary people and only get the news until now, there is almost no possibility of turning over.

And even so, something unexpected happened.

Xia Guo’s low-end mobile phone brands, one by one, although they only have one or two new technologies on their phones.

But put together, almost all the new technologies that Lianli is proud of have been divided up by them.

What is even more exaggerated is that the prices are so cheap one by one. Even if the rotten pears are at a loss, it is almost impossible to compete with the other side.

Think deeper.

Those small-brand mobile phones already have these technologies, what are the promising aspects, what is now showing, is the real strength?

The more I thought about it, the more shocked the faces of everyone.

“Take it, this time it must be taken, and at all costs, that Erha must be obtained.”

A person slapped on the table.

The others nodded.

Only the birds do not think, and some are still unable to get out of despair.

My own dignified world’s No. 1 mobile phone group, actually fell into such a desperate situation between the DPRK and the TA.

Even the table was lifted in order to report him, but it was still to no avail.

Seeing that the bird was not thinking of being decadent, Soros was silent for a moment, and still spoke.

“Mr. Bird, I want to start a little bit. After all, your family has a big business. We are not in desperation yet. Hold on and have a chance to stand up.”

“What’s the chance?”

“Mobile phones are temporarily unavailable. You can think of ways from other aspects. It is almost impossible for a new mobile phone to come back. You are the most miserable, but it is nothing more than that. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. You, simply drag them to the funeral, and then wait for Erha to get back on their feet.

“What’s the meaning?”

“It is to completely mix up the market. Our technical advantages have become disadvantages, and there is no value. The best way is to cut the mess with a sharp knife. Realize his maximum value.”

“Still don’t understand, can you make it clear?”

“Okay, then I will clarify that since the other party has mastered your mobile phone technology, you can directly put those technologies down for free, and let other mobile phone companies in the world compete with them. Otherwise, wait for Xia Guo. Take advantage of this opportunity to completely occupy all the markets. Even if you have the opportunity to stand up in the future, the difficulties you will face are all

It will be much bigger than expected.

“Release for free? How can this be!”

“Why not? Isn’t the current situation very clear? Your technology will not produce any benefits or benefits for you. Instead, Xia Guo quickly occupied the market with the technology you split up.

Even if I don’t do physical business, I know that once customers use a product too much, they will develop a habit. Especially for big brands, after using them, only one will be recognized.

Conversely, if there are many brands on the market, but none of them stand out in terms of cost-effectiveness and quality, users will not be so dependent. They can use everything and use what is cost-effective until they meet a brand that they are really satisfied with. .

So, do you understand?””

“What do you mean, I took this opportunity to order limited quantities for foreigners, and quickly used free technology to support many garbage brands in the market to fight against them? And we don’t need to sell anything except technology. Slow their expansion, disrupt the market, and let mobile phone brands flourish, and then come back strongly?”

“Yes, I’m not afraid of the number of enemies, I’m afraid that the enemies are too concentrated. If they are too concentrated, the combat power that can be exerted is absolutely far beyond your imagination.,

Niaobusi nodded, his face finally eased a lot.

In the past, free release of technology, this is something he never thought of.

But now, it seems that apart from this method, there is really no other possibility to come back.

…0 Seeking flowers…

“But once I do, the stock market”

“Do you think the stock market can still be saved?”

Soros sneered and looked at the big screen.

In the picture, Rotten Pear’s stock has long been unable to stop the downward trend.

Just in the time everyone was talking, it dropped by a full 30%.

For a giant who is one of the best in the world, this is the rhythm of a direct collapse.

With a black face, the bird does not hesitate anymore.

The people of the staff were quickly called. After a brief discussion, the senior management of Rotten Pear finally chose to break the boat.

However, this kind of thing is certainly impossible to be announced grandiosely.

Otherwise, the stock price may collapse instantly.

In the name of leaking secrets, Rotten Pear Company sent many people to contact other companies in the world, claiming that they felt that Rotten Pear was not working, so they wanted to sell the core information they had.


Sure enough, in the face of such a good thing, those small and medium-sized mobile phone companies that have had a serious sense of crisis due to the rise of Xia Guo’s mobile phone are all ecstatic to pay a lot of technical fees to buy secrets.

Of course, these things cannot be completely settled in a short while.

At the same time the rotten pear broke the jar.

The rotten pear stock can’t be suppressed again entering the plunge phase.

By the way, even other electronics industries in the United States have also entered the ranks of crazy decline.

This made the market that was already in the stock market crash even worse.

Of course, the worse is only for rice stocks.

Everyone in Ye Tian’s live broadcast room.

That’s happily.

After Ye Tian ended the call.

The cheers in the live broadcast room never stopped.

“It’s down ten percent.”

“It’s down 30%.”

“It’s down by 50%! My God, in one trading day, the market value of a ten trillion group enterprise has evaporated by half. That’s great!”

“This time I really turned over completely.

“Great gods, hurry up and calculate, how much can we earn in this wave!”

Seeing time is almost over.

Finally someone couldn’t help but ask.

“Let me see, we bought them together”

ps: Seeing the brothers here, can I have a few monthly tickets, I feel like everyone. NS.

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