Chapter 227 Unprecedented profits

“This is where the boss is really awesome. You forgot, Murong’s family! Although the domestic Murong family’s foundation was destroyed, but before the outbreak, it did not know how many dead men were trained. Those dead men went undercover in major companies. God knows how much confidential information got away.

And how much technology has Murong’s family searched through chips and other things over the years?

These leaked technologies are probably the masterpieces of the Murong family’s remnants!”

“The damn Murong family should be banished from the Nine Clan, it’s too Damn it!”

“But I can connect Murong’s situation with today’s stock market. No, the boss is really too f*ck stable. It is impossible for normal people to think of this. It really deserves the boss to make money.”

“So, in the future, the boss will trade in stocks, and you will be honest with you. What are you talking about?

“Four Four Three” “The index has gone up!”

“It’s really up, do you want to repeat yesterday’s story again? The same infinite pile as last time?”

“Not so, last time we were 10 million 10 million, this time the boss directly smashed in 500 billion, is it not an order of magnitude at all.”

“It feels like it shouldn’t increase much, and the boss’s 500 billion is very particular.

“How to say?”

“You think that after the technical information is exposed, normally speaking, our electronics industry will definitely be greatly impacted, but until now, it has not fallen. Why do you feel?”

“The market index?”

“Yes, the market index, the stock market is driving the market, or the market is warned, if the stock market has fallen sharply, then the market index will definitely fall sharply.

And where the boss’s 500 billion is determined, the big capital on the opposite side is directly taken by the general. Hit our stocks, the market index fell, and we made money!

Without hitting our stocks, the market will not move, but it is absolutely impossible to rise by much.

If I were the opponent of the boss, I would be disgusted directly.

“Haha, just now they guessed they were still laughing at the boss for not having the guts, now they know the brilliance!”

“Great, watching the boss stocks is really like playing chess. And the boss can really see through the next few steps, how does this let the opponent play?”

“There is another point that is the most critical. It is a stock market crash. The overall situation of all stocks is falling. The only variable is the current electronics industry. They want to control the market and they can only make a fuss in this regard.

But the same sentence, one goes and the other, they can do their utmost to increase their share price, but in contrast, our stock has no reason not to fall.

Otherwise, how can they take advantage of it, and why should their stocks rise?

Moreover, there is no real technological innovation, but there are more insignificant technologies that already exist. How significant is it?,

“This is the real fatal blow! The opponent has no chance to resist, and a hand of spring has turned into winter.”

“No, the other party actually has another choice, which is to give up the struggle in the stock market and make money with the boss!”

“Huh? There is still this kind of operation?”

“Heh, what is capital? That is the complete pursuit of interests. Before they confronted the boss, but wanted to profit from it. Now, the situation of winning stably is hit by the boss, and it must be money.

Even if there are those big capitals who really want to kill the boss, most people still want money!”

As the barrage deepens the analysis.

The stock market finally moved.

The bad news is that Xia Guo’s electronic stocks finally couldn’t resist and began to fall after the other side helped maintain the stock price for half an hour.

What’s even more exaggerated is that after a period of adjustment, they have reacted.

Before the decline, they directly shorted these stocks and bought them all.

“This is, giving up resistance?”

“It’s more than just giving up. They are preparing to join us in the same boat and start rolling in.”

“Haha, good job, make money together with the money! Everyone worked hard together to completely collapse the U.S. stock market.”

“Look, boss is on!”

With the cries of surprise from everyone.

Ye Tian’s lingering paw, at the same time that he saw that the other party started to buy and fall, he began to buy the market index.

Fourteen hundred billion, fall!

“Crazy crazy, this time is the real big deal, too f*ck is amazing, 190 billion smashed, equivalent to a small country’s annual GDP.

“This is the real war, a war in the stock market!

“No, this is not war, this is plunder, the plunder of the whole people!”

“Damn, the opposing party really switched their guns, so many buying and selling? This transaction volume, is it terrifying!”

“There is no way, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the general trend, they used to calculate us, the stock price and the market index were too high, now there is no way to step down, do not change the gun, I am afraid that they will lose money… 0 and even if not. In hostile relations, they will not give up the opportunity to make money when they encounter such a situation that can be seen by discerning people.

“It’s starting! Fall, let Laozi fall to death!”




With the addition of Opposite Capital, the audience in the live broadcast room no longer has any worries.

Everyone screamed frantically with their mobile phones or computers in their arms.

Accompanied by everyone’s yelling.

There is no room for resistance in the US stock market.

100 points.

200 points.

300 points.

400 points.

500 points.

In less than half an hour, the 500-point index fell.

Directly make everyone like a madman, and his voice is almost dumb.

Then, at the moment when the index reached 500 points.

Ye Tian chose to close the position.

This time, no one said what was wrong.

Because you have earned enough, you really have earned too much.

For the broader market index, 200 points means a 1.9 times increase, and it is now 500 points.

Directly turned two and a half times.

What is this concept?

One thousand nine hundred and ninety billion has now become sixty-five hundred billion.

Half an hour.

Millions of spectators made forty-seventy-five billion yuan by shouting.

No, to be precise, the principal before coming was only 140 million.

The real profit is fifty-two hundred and thirty billion.

It’s almost turned four times!

There has always been a saying in the world that one hundred percent profit is enough for people to give up any chain of legal constraints and take risks.

And four hundred percent profit.

It’s hard to imagine.

But under Ye Tian’s operation, it was so easy to reach.

Moreover, this figure is definitely an unprecedented miracle in financial history.

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